613 research outputs found

    Embedded minimal surfaces

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    The study of embedded minimal surfaces in \RR^3 is a classical problem, dating to the mid 1700's, and many people have made key contributions. We will survey a few recent advances, focusing on joint work with Tobias H. Colding of MIT and Courant, and taking the opportunity to focus on results that have not been highlighted elsewhere.Comment: To appear in proceedings of Madrid ICM200

    Differentiability of the arrival time

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    For a monotonically advancing front, the arrival time is the time when the front reaches a given point. We show that it is twice differentiable everywhere with uniformly bounded second derivative. It is smooth away from the critical points where the equation is degenerate. We also show that the critical set has finite codimensional two Hausdorff measure. For a monotonically advancing front, the arrival time is equivalent to the level set method; a priori not even differentiable but only satisfies the equation in the viscosity sense. Using that it is twice differentiable and that we can identify the Hessian at critical points, we show that it satisfies the equation in the classical sense. The arrival time has a game theoretic interpretation. For the linear heat equation, there is a game theoretic interpretation that relates to Black-Scholes option pricing. From variations of the Sard and Lojasiewicz theorems, we relate differentiability to whether or not singularities all occur at only finitely many times for flows