26 research outputs found

    Systematic analysis of expression signatures of neuronal subpopulations in the VTA

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    Gene expression profiling across various brain areas at the single-cell resolution enables the identification of molecular markers of neuronal subpopulations and comprehensive characterization of their functional roles. Despite the scientific importance and experimental versatility, systematic methods to analyze such data have not been established yet. To this end, we developed a statistical approach based on in situ hybridization data in the Allen Brain Atlas and thereby identified specific genes for each type of neuron in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). This approach also allowed us to demarcate subregions within the VTA comprising specific neuronal subpopulations. We further identified WW domain-containing oxidoreductase as a molecular marker of a population of VTA neurons that co-express tyrosine hydroxylase and vesicular glutamate transporter 2, and confirmed their region-specific distribution by immunohistochemistry. The results demonstrate the utility of our analytical approach for uncovering expression signatures representing specific cell types and neuronal subpopulations enriched in a given brain area.This work was supported by the grants from National Research Foundations of Korean Ministry of Science and ICT (2018M3C7A1024152, 2018R1A3B1052079, 2019M3A9B6066967, and 2019R1A6A1A10073437) and the Institute for Basic Science (IBS-R013-A1)


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    From a relational perspective, this study suggests new types of knowledge transfer based on the tenure difference between a knowledge source and a recipient, and explores different motivational mechanism for each type of knowledge transfer. This approach is different from previous ones treating a tenure difference as a cognitive difference that prohibits knowledge transfer. The research model based on the theory of planned behavior was verified using structural equation modeling. The results show that self-efficacy is the strongest antecedent of downward knowledge transfer. On the other hand, in upward knowledge transfer, subjective norm is the most influential. Lastly, in lateral knowledge transfer, expected reciprocity shows a significant effect, but in the negative direction. These results validate the usefulness of the relational approach in understanding the motivational mechanisms of knowledge transfer

    Polymeric Gene Carriers

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    Directing the Distribution of Potassium Cations in Zeolite-LTL through Crown Ether Addition

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    We discover that the crystal morphology of zeolite-LTL could be modified by crown ether (21-crown-7, CE), where CE decreases the aspect ratio of zeolite-LTL while increasing the nucleation of domains on the (0001) face and hindering their growth along the <i>c</i>-axes. Moreover, the study using scanning electron microscopy supports that the ratio between the rates for generation of cancrinite columns and bridging cancrinite columns on the {101̅0} face remains constant among the LTL frameworks with different amounts of CE molecules. In addition, X-ray diffraction analysis shows that potassium cations redistribute into pore cavities (<i>t-lil</i>) from cancrinite cages (<i>t-can</i>) and <i>t-ste</i> cages by the strong interactions between potassium and CE as the amount of CE molecules is increased. Additionally, Monte Carlo simulations clarify that stabilization of the <i>t-lil</i> cage via the redistribution of potassium cations at high CE concentration is attributed to the dominant effect in the crystal morphology changes observed. To understand the catalytic and adsorption properties of zeolites, it is important to investigate their structure/property relationships. Especially, studying the morphology of an anisotropic zeolite crystals has been of great interest because of the strong influence on controlling its properties. Thus, morphological control of the material with a particular crystallographic direction is highly desirable to obtain maximum properties for applications

    Dexamethasone-conjugated low molecular weight polyethylenimine as a nucleus-targeting lipopolymer gene carrier

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    Dexamethasone, a glucocorticoid steroid, can dilate the nuclear pore complexes and translocate into the nucleus when it is bound to its glucocorticoid receptor, suggesting that the transport of DNA into the nucleus may be facilitated by the reagent. In this research, dexamethasone was conjugated to low molecular weight polyethylenimine (2 kDa) for efficient translocation of the polymer/DNA complex into the nucleus. Polyethylenimine (PEI)-dexamethasone (PEI-Dexa) was synthesized by one-step reaction using the Traut's reagent. In gel retardation assay, the PEI-Dexa/DNA complex was completely retarded at or above 0.3/1 weight ratio (polymer/DNA). The average size distributions and zeta-potential values of the complexes were measured at various weight ratios. In vitro transfection assay showed that the PEI-Dexa/DNA complex had higher gene delivery efficiency compared to PEI 2kDa/DNA complex. The localization of PEI-Dexa/plasmid DNA complexes in the nucleus was confirmed by using total internal reflection fluorescence and Nomarski differential interference contrast microscope as well as confocal microscope. Therefore, with efficient nuclear translocation and low cytotoxicity, PEI-Dexa may be useful for nonviral gene therapy

    Intranasal Delivery of Anti-Apoptotic siRNA Complexed with Fas-Signaling Blocking Peptides Attenuates Cellular Apoptosis in Brain Ischemia

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    Ischemic stroke-induced neuronal cell death leads to the permanent impairment of brain function. The Fas-mediating extrinsic apoptosis pathway and the cytochrome c-mediating intrinsic apoptosis pathway are two major molecular mechanisms contributing to neuronal injury in ischemic stroke. In this study, we employed a Fas-blocking peptide (FBP) coupled with a positively charged nona-arginine peptide (9R) to form a complex with negatively charged siRNA targeting Bax (FBP9R/siBax). This complex is specifically designed to deliver siRNA to Fas-expressing ischemic brain cells. This complex enables the targeted inhibition of Fas-mediating extrinsic apoptosis pathways and cytochrome c-mediating intrinsic apoptosis pathways. Specifically, the FBP targets the Fas/Fas ligand signaling, while siBax targets Bax involved in mitochondria disruption in the intrinsic pathway. The FBP9R carrier system enables the delivery of functional siRNA to hypoxic cells expressing the Fas receptor on their surface—a finding validated through qPCR and confocal microscopy analyses. Through intranasal (IN) administration of FBP9R/siCy5 to middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) ischemic rat models, brain imaging revealed the complex specifically localized to the Fas-expressing infarcted region but did not localize in the non-infarcted region of the brain. A single IN administration of FBP9R/siBax demonstrated a significant reduction in neuronal cell death by effectively inhibiting Fas signaling and preventing the release of cytochrome c. The targeted delivery of FBP9R/siBax represents a promising alternative strategy for the treatment of brain ischemia