108 research outputs found

    Immersive Virtual Reality for the Management of Pain in Community-Dwelling Older Adults.

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    Immersive virtual reality (VR) can provide a high level of engagement and distraction analgesia to address pain. However, community-based applications of this technology for older adults have not been studied. The objective of this study was to examine the applicability and effectiveness of an immersive VR intervention for pain, depression, and quality of life (QOL) in older adults. This pretest–posttest, mixed-methods design included senior center members (n = 12) with pain that interfered with daily functioning. The outcomes included the Numeric Pain Rating Scale, Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS¼) depression scale, World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale Brief Version (WHO QOL-BREF), and open-ended questions. The VR intervention (15- to 45-min sessions, 12 sessions over 6 weeks) was well accepted with no dropouts. There was a significant decrease in pain (p =.002, d = −1.54) with no effect on depression and QOL. There were no adverse effects, and positive perceptions of VR were reported. The 6-week immersive VR intervention was applicable and effective in reducing pain intensity for community-dwelling older adults

    Increasing Student Engagement and Knowledge Retention in an Entry-LevelGeneral Nutrition Course with Technology and Innovative Use of a Graduate-Level Teaching Assistant

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    Higher student enrollment rates and evolving student expectations are current challenges for many universities. Today’s students expect teaching pedagogy that integrates technology and offers flexibility. Blended course designs provide both of these things because they include both face-to-face and online learning opportunities. Utilizing web-based learning platforms, now offered by many college textbook publishers, can also enhance a student’s online learning experience and performance. This research focuses on a blended-design general education nutrition course offered at Utah State University(USU). Prior to Fall 2015, “Mastering” (Pearson Publishing)was the web-based learning platform being used in this course. A separate study, completed in 2015, assessed the efficacy of Mastery over two consecutive semester periods and concluded that it was ineffective in increasing students’ final letter grade or improving knowledge retention. As a result, Mastering was replaced by anew web-based learning platform, called “Connect” (McGraw Hill Publishing). One of the purposes of this study was to evaluate Connect.Students who used Connect earned higher final grades and showed increased knowledge retention rates at the end of the semester compared to students who had used the old platform (Mastering). When below-average and above-average pre-test score groups were compared, there was no statistical difference between Mastering and Connect on students\u27 knowledge retention rates on a post-test administered 4 months after course completion. We also found that, like Mastering, the knowledge retention rate for students who used Connect increased the most among the students who scored the lowest on an initial assessment of nutrition-related knowledge. One complaint of blended courses that students often report is a feeling of disconnection or decreased engagement. A second part of this research measured self-reported rates of student satisfaction and engagement to determine the effect, if any, of additional technological tools (Google+, for example) and greater interaction and support from a graduate-level teaching assistant(TA). Compared to the class without the additional tools and TA support, final grade, course satisfaction level, and student attendance rate improved in the classes that did incorporate these things. A student engagement survey was given at the beginning and end of the semester to measure the change in the engagement level during the semester. Interestingly, freshman students earned higher final grades than upper classmen and student engagement rates decreased as the semester progressed. Overall, the Connect platform and the additional tools and TA support had desirable effects, including greater student-reported levels of course satisfaction and improved academic performance. Also, it appears that these additional components helped at-risk students the most–especially freshmen students and students who scored low on the pre-test that measured existing nutrition knowledge at the beginning of the course

    Concomitant enhancement of electron-phonon coupling and electron-electron interaction in graphene decorated with ytterbium

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    The interplay between electron-electron interaction and electron-phonon coupling has been one of the key issues in graphene as it can provide information on the origin of enhanced electron-phonon coupling in graphene by foreign atoms. In ytterbium-decorated graphene on SiC substrate, electron-phonon coupling exhibits strong enhancement compared to that of as-grown graphene. Based on angle-resolved photoemission study, the presence of ytterbium is also found to result in the decrease of Fermi velocity, revealing the enhancement of electron-electron interaction within the Fermi liquid theory. Our finding on the concomitant enhancement of electron-electron interaction and electron-phonon coupling suggests a possibility of the interplay between the two representative many-body interactions in graphene decorated with foreign atoms.Comment: 3 figure

    Gapped Nearly Free-Standing Graphene on an SiC(0001) Substrate Induced by Manganese Atoms

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    The electron band structure of manganese-adsorbed graphene on an SiC(0001) substrate has been studied using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Upon introducing manganese atoms, the conduction band of graphene completely disappears and the valence band maximum is observed at 0.4 eV below Fermi energy. At the same time, the slope of the valence band decreases, approaching the electron band structure calculated using the local density approximation method. While the former provides experimental evidence of the formation of nearly free-standing graphene on an SiC substrate, concomitant with a metal-to-insulator transition, the latter suggests that its electronic correlations can be modified by foreign atoms. These results pave the way for promising device applications using graphene that is semiconducting and charge neutral.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Exploring the comparative genome of rice pathogen Burkholderia plantarii: unveiling virulence, fitness traits, and a potential type III secretion system effector

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    This study presents a comprehensive genomic analysis of Burkholderia plantarii, a rice pathogen that causes blight and grain rot in seedlings. The entire genome of B. plantarii KACC 18964 was sequenced, followed by a comparative genomic analysis with other available genomes to gain insights into its virulence, fitness, and interactions with rice. Multiple secondary metabolite gene clusters were identified. Among these, 12 demonstrated varying similarity levels to known clusters linked to bioactive compounds, whereas eight exhibited no similarity, indicating B. plantarii as a source of potentially novel secondary metabolites. Notably, the genes responsible for tropolone and quorum sensing were conserved across the examined genomes. Additionally, B. plantarii was observed to possess three complete CRISPR systems and a range of secretion systems, exhibiting minor variations among the analyzed genomes. Genomic islands were analyzed across the four genomes, and a detailed study of the B. plantarii KACC 18964 genome revealed 59 unique islands. These islands were thoroughly investigated for their gene contents and potential roles in virulence. Particular attention has been devoted to the Type III secretion system (T3SS), a crucial virulence factor. An in silico analysis of potential T3SS effectors identified a conserved gene, aroA. Further mutational studies, in planta and in vitro analyses validated the association between aroA and virulence in rice. Overall, this study enriches our understanding of the genomic basis of B. plantarii pathogenicity and emphasizes the potential role of aroA in virulence. This understanding may guide the development of effective disease management strategies

    Detecting Bladder Biomarkers for Closed-Loop Neuromodulation: A Technological Review

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    Neuromodulation was introduced for patients with poor outcomes from the existing traditional treatment approaches. It is well-established as an alternative, novel treatment option for voiding dysfunction. The current system of neuromodulation uses an open-loop system that only delivers continuous stimulation without considering the patient’s state changes. Though the conventional open-loop system has shown positive clinical results, it can cause problems such as decreased efficacy over time due to neural habituation, higher risk of tissue damage, and lower battery life. Therefore, there is a need for a closed-loop system to overcome the disadvantages of existing systems. The closed-loop neuromodulation includes a system to monitor and stimulate micturition reflex pathways from the lower urinary tract, as well as the central nervous system. In this paper, we reviewed the current technological status to measure biomarker for closed-loop neuromodulation systems for voiding dysfunction

    A plausible method of preparing the ideal p-n junction interface of a thermoelectric material by surface doping

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    Recent advances in two-dimensional (2D) crystals make it possible to realize an ideal interface structure that is required for device applications. Specifically, a p-n junction made of 2D crystals is predicted to exhibit an atomically well-defined interface that will lead to high device performance. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, a simple surface treatment was shown to allow the possible formation of such an interface. Ta adsorption on the surface of a p-doped SnSe shifts the valence band maximum towards higher binding energy due to the charge transfer from Ta to SnSe that is highly localized at the surface due to the layered structure of SnSe. As a result, the charge carriers of the surface are changed from holes of its bulk characteristics to electrons, while the bulk remains as a p-type semiconductor. This observation suggests that the well-defined interface of a p-n junction with an atomically thin {\it n}-region is formed between Ta-adsorbed surface and bulk.Comment: 4 figure
