7 research outputs found

    Application of isocapnic hyperpnea in the treatment of vertebral column paramorphisms: Clinical case reports

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    The aim of the study is to frame the use of Isocapnic Hyperpnea in the treatment of different spine paramorphisms through the use of SpiroTiger©. Several studies in recent years are increasingly looking for the current correlations between the respiratory musculature and the Fine Postural System. Based on this consideration, we decided to use respiratory exercise to induce a considerable modification of postural alignment. To provide meaningful data, we associated an objective baseline assessment with an objective assessment using spinometry. Four subjects are identified, undergoing an initial objective assessment of posture and spinometry (Spinal mouse M360©) who, after having carried out Respiratory Training with SpiroTiger© and postural gymnastics, were followed-up between the 5th and 8th sessions. The first two cases had postural alterations (lumbar hyperlordosis and dorsal cyphosis) while the assessment of the other subjects showed no postural deficits in the upright station. However, during anterior bending and/or the extension of the trunk in maximum inhalation, there were joint limitations that reduced the Range of Motion (ROM). Although the subjects examined had different Paramorphisms, the final assessment shows in all cases an increase in the ROM of the spine (bending=6-12°/extension=2°), better postural alignment resulting in a reduction in algies

    Application of T-Thesys Therapy in post-operative recovery in knee-surgical interventions: A case study

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    T-Thesys therapy is an innovative treatment that can be used even in the presence of recent injuries. For this reason, we studied the T-Thesys use in the post-operative phase of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction of the knee. For our study, we selected 51 patients for ACL surgery, and we divided participants in two groups: the Experimental Group (EG) and the Control Group (CG). The EG consisted of 34 patients (age: 26.9 ± 7.65 years) who underwent T-Thesys therapy after surgery, while the CG included 17 patients (age: 26.7 ± 6.8 years) who was not subjected to T-Thesys therapy after surgery. T-Thesys therapy was performed on a daily basis and participants' parameters were monitored throughout the treatment. For the EG, we did not find any significant differences, however, subjective disorders seemed to disappear, almost entirely, at the seventh application. The CG showed no significant differences, even in the subjective disorders investigated. Therefore, the therapeutic treatment associated with T-Thesys therapy seems to not show any efficacy compared to the surgical treatment alone. However, from our findings emerged differences which tend to highlight a better clinical response, a faster recovery time, an improvement on the quality of life in patients, and, moreover, a better use of the National Health System resources

    Use of nutritional supplement to improve performance in professional soccer players: A case report

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the intake percentage and the satisfaction level of some nutritional supplements used by professional soccer players. Twenty-nine professional soccer players (age: 24.6 ± 5.2 years, body weight: 79.2 ± 4.9 kg, body height: 1.83 ± 0.05 m) belonging to a team of Serie A were interviewed on: frequency of use, tolerability, and acceptance of the supplements (creatine, β-alanine, whey protein, nitrates, vitamin D3, caffeine) proposed by the nutritionist team. This survey revealed a great inter-individual variability on the intake of the proposed supplements. All respondents (n = 29) said they take cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), 17 out of 29 creatine, 14 out of 29 whey protein, and 10 out of 29 dietary nitrates. No participants declared to assume β-alanine or caffeine anhydrous. Cholecalciferol resulted the most accepted supplement, followed by creatine and whey protein. Study participants prefer to take dietary nitrates through the consumption of vegetable juices, primarily from fennel and celery juice, and only two out of twenty-nine regularly taking concentrated beet juice. Since none of the twenty-nine participants interviewed uses β-alanine and caffeine in anhydrous form, the daily contribution of caffeine is mainly guaranteed by the consumption of coffee

    The Ks Brief Stimulator® role in postural alterations treatment: Clinical case reports

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the modulations of the postural tonic system, observing the variations of plantar support. We worked on the restoration of the diaphragm function through respiratory gymnastics strategy that provides for the use of the KS Brief Stimulator® tool. For the study, 5 subjects between the ages of 10 and 27, male and female, were recruited, all with different postural alterations. The subjects underwent a preliminary baropodometric evaluation and then treated, on a monthly basis for a total of 5 months, with the KS brief Stimulator® technology and re-evaluated at the end of each treatment. Twice a week everyone carried out adapted physical activity protocols. At the end of each treatment the results of the baropodometric tests reported changes in terms of improvement of the pressure centre, showing a more congruous value than the concept of the centre of gravity and changes in the distribution of loads in both feet, in all subjects. Concluding, we could deduce the fundamental role of the diaphragm muscle in the global postural rebalancing and affirm that the application of the Ks brief Stimulator® technology, alongside the kinesiological work, represents the keystone for the restoration of the diaphragmatic function

    Global postural evaluation and motor treatment in the subject with Down Syndrome: Clinical case reports

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate postural tonic changes and the motor difficulties of the subjects examined were taken into account. For the study, 10 subjects with Down syndrome between the ages of 17 and 38, 7 male and 3 females, were recruited, for a period of 10 month, all with different postural alterations and pathologies. Everyone three times a week performed adapted physical activity protocols; these have been customized and adapted to each individual case, taking into account not only the problems related to the syndrome, but also the emotional sphere of each of them and motor skills. The subjects were subjected a preliminary (T0) static and dynamic baropodometric tests and video-analysis and then repeated every three months (T1, T2). It’s results total and partial improvements in 85% of cases. For each subject, an individual motor treatment program has been drawn up. We can conclude in saying that motor treatment is an important method of treating paramorphisms of the lower limb even in the case of subjects with Down Syndrome that translates into prevention and mitigation of the pathologies from which they suffer, improving daily life, autonomy and quality of life

    Functional evaluation of the diabetic athlete: Role of the sports doctor

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    Obesity is a multifactorial disease and the most primary risk of this is the development of type 2 diabetes. Numerous studies show that the effects of obesity on glucose metabolism result in the deterioration of glucose tolerance, the development of insulin resistance and the consequent damage of the secretory function of beta-cells. The type 2 diabetes is a worldwide health problem associated with obesity and sedentary lifestyle. As reported the American Diabetes Association, the physical activity is fundamental for type 2 diabetes patients, reducing blood pressure, cardiovascular events, and improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. In the light of these evidences, the aim of this study is to analyse the effects of healthy lifestyle, characterized by a correct diet and by adequate physical activity program in type 2 diabetes patients. We analysed 25 sedentary type 2 diabetes patients subjected to a correct diet and therapeutic treatment and 20 active type 2 diabetes patients subjected to a correct nutrition and a program of physical activity. We found an amelioration in biochemical and anthropometric parameters such as blood pressure, glycemia, glycated haemoglobin, body mass index (BMI). Given these results we can conclude that the physical activity has always been considered one of the cornerstones of type 2 diabetes therapy together with diet and pharmacotherapy. However, the results obtained show that physical activity deserves the same level of consideration as diet and insulin therapy even in the subject with type 2 diabetes

    Immune system and physical activity

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    Regular physical activity and sport are able to modify the diffused neuro-immuno-endocrine-endothelial system. This emerges from careful scientific research that finds deep interconnections between the psyche, the nervous system, endocrine organs and the immune response. There is an interconnection between the psychoendocrine-immunological system and respiratory infections in athletes. The appearance of leucocytosis during intense physical activity can explain to us how strenuous exercise is responsible for a temporary depression of the immune system; indeed, the physical activity reduces the proliferative activity and function of T-lymphocytes and Natural Killer cells. This is associated with the influence of multiple factors such as age and gender. The respiratory mechanics during strenuous physical activity favours the dehydration of the mucous membranes, the modification of the mucociliary clearance and therefore the predisposition to infections, until the appearance of more complicated diseases such as neoplasms, as reported by data literature. In conclusion, regular and moderate exercise improves the immune system, reduces environmental and psychological stress, decreases the demand and administration of chemotherapy and immunosuppressants