12 research outputs found

    Benchmarking Dynamic Balancing Controllers for Humanoid Robots

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    This paper presents a comparison study of three control design approaches for humanoid balancing based on the Center of Mass (CoM) stabilization and body posture adjustment. The comparison was carried out under controlled circumstances allowing other researchers to replicate and compare our results with their own. The feedback control from state space design is based on simple models and provides sufficient robustness to control complex and high Degrees of Freedom (DoFs) systems, such as humanoids. The implemented strategies allow compliant behavior of the robot in reaction to impulsive or periodical disturbances, resulting in a smooth and human-like response while considering constraints. In this respect, we implemented two balancing strategies to compensate for the CoM deviation. The first one uses the robot’s capture point as a stability principle and the second one uses the Force/Torque sensors at the ankles to define a CoM reference that stabilizes the robot. In addition, was implemented a third strategy based on upper body orientation to absorb external disturbances and counterbalance them. Even though the balancing strategies are implemented independently, they can be merged to further increase balancing performance. The proposed strategies were previously applied on different humanoid bipedal platforms, however, their performance could not be properly benchmarked before. With this concern, this paper focuses on benchmarking in controlled scenarios to help the community in comparing different balance techniques. The key performance indicators (KPIs) used in our comparison are the CoM deviation, the settling time, the maximum measured orientation, passive gait measure, measured ankles torques, and reconstructed Center of Pressure (CoP). The benchmarking experiments were carried out in simulations and using the facility at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia on the REEM-C humanoid robot provided by PAL robotics inside the EU H2020 project EUROBENCH framework

    Optimization-Based Quadrupedal Hybrid Wheeled-Legged Locomotion

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    This paper presents a trajectory optimization approach to the motion generation problem of hybrid locomotion strategies for a wheeled-legged quadrupedal robot with steerable wheels. To this end, traditional Single Rigid Body Dynamics has been employed and extended by adding a unicycle model for each leg, conveniently incorporating the nonholonomic rolling constraints. The proposed approach can generate hybrid locomotion strategies as well as pure driving and legged locomotion with minimum effort for the user. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been experimentally validated on the humanoid quadruped CENTAURO, employing a hierarchical inverse kinematics engine to track the planned motions

    Robust Real-Time Whole-Body Motion Retargeting from Human to Humanoid

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    Transferring the motion from a human operator to a humanoid robot is a crucial step to enable robots to learn from and replicate human movements. The ability to retarget in realtime whole-body motions that are challenging for the humanoid balance is critical to enable human to humanoid teleoperation. In this work, we design a retargeting framework that allows the robot to replicate the motion of the human operator, acquired by a wearable motion capture suit, while maintaining the whole-body balance. We introduce some dynamic filter in the retargeting to forbid dangerous motions that can make the robot fall. We validate our approach through several experiments on the iCub robot, which has a significantly different body structure and size from the one of the human operator

    Robust Real-Time Whole-Body Motion Retargeting from Human to Humanoid

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    Transferring the motion from a human operator to a humanoid robot is a crucial step to enable robots to learn from and replicate human movements. The ability to retarget in realtime whole-body motions that are challenging for the humanoid balance is critical to enable human to humanoid teleoperation. In this work, we design a retargeting framework that allows the robot to replicate the motion of the human operator, acquired by a wearable motion capture suit, while maintaining the whole-body balance. We introduce some dynamic filter in the retargeting to forbid dangerous motions that can make the robot fall. We validate our approach through several experiments on the iCub robot, which has a significantly different body structure and size from the one of the human operator

    WALK-MAN Humanoid Platform

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    In this chapter we present WALK-MAN, a humanoid platform that has been developed to operate in realistic unstructured environments and demonstrate new skills including powerful manipulation, robust balanced locomotion, high strength capabilities and physical sturdiness. To enable these capabilities, WALK-MAN design and actuation are based on the most recent advancements of Series Elastic Actuation (SEA) drives with unique performance features that differentiate the robot from previous state-of-the-art compliant actuated robots. Physical interaction performance benefits from both active and passive adaptation thanks to WALK-MAN actuation, which combines customized high performance modules with tuned torque/velocity curves and transmission elasticity for high speed adaptation response and motion reactions to disturbances. The WALK-MAN design also includes innovative design optimization features that consider the selection of kinematic structure and the placement of the actuators with respect to the body structure to maximize the robot performance. Physical robustness is ensured with the integration of elastic transmission, proprioceptive sensing and control. WALK-MAN hardware was designed and built in 11 months, and the prototype of the robot was ready 4 months before the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Finals. The motion generation of WALK-MAN is based on the unified motion generation framework of whole-body locomotion and manipulation (termed loco-manipulation). WALK-MAN is able to execute simple loco-manipulation behaviours synthesized by combining different primitives defining the behaviour of the center of gravity, of the hands, legs and head, the body attitude and posture, and the constrained body parts such as joint limits and contacts. The motion generation framework including the specific motion modules and software architecture are discussed in detail. A rich perception system allows the robot to perceive and generate 3D representations of the environment as well as detect contacts and sense physical interaction force and moments. The operator station that pilots use to control the robot provides a rich pilot interface with different control modes and a number of tele-operated or semi-autonomous command features. The capability of the robot and the performance of the individual motion control and perception modules were validated during the DARPA Robotics Challenge in which the robot was able to demonstrate exceptional physical resilience and execute some of the tasks during the competition

    WALK-MAN: A High-Performance Humanoid Platform for Realistic Environments

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    In this work, we present WALK-MAN, a humanoid platform that has been developed to operate in realistic unstructured environment, and demonstrate new skills including powerful manipulation, robust balanced locomotion, high-strength capabilities, and physical sturdiness. To enable these capabilities, WALK-MAN design and actuation are based on the most recent advancements of series elastic actuator drives with unique performance features that differentiate the robot from previous state-of-the-art compliant actuated robots. Physical interaction performance is benefited by both active and passive adaptation, thanks to WALK-MAN actuation that combines customized high-performance modules with tuned torque/velocity curves and transmission elasticity for high-speed adaptation response and motion reactions to disturbances. WALK-MAN design also includes innovative design optimization features that consider the selection of kinematic structure and the placement of the actuators with the body structure to maximize the robot performance. Physical robustness is ensured with the integration of elastic transmission, proprioceptive sensing, and control. The WALK-MAN hardware was designed and built in 11 months, and the prototype of the robot was ready four months before DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Finals. The motion generation of WALK-MAN is based on the unified motion-generation framework of whole-body locomotion and manipulation (termed loco-manipulation). WALK-MAN is able to execute simple loco-manipulation behaviors synthesized by combining different primitives defining the behavior of the center of gravity, the motion of the hands, legs, and head, the body attitude and posture, and the constrained body parts such as joint limits and contacts. The motion-generation framework including the specific motion modules and software architecture is discussed in detail. A rich perception system allows the robot to perceive and generate 3D representations of the environment as well as detect contacts and sense physical interaction force and moments. The operator station that pilots use to control the robot provides a rich pilot interface with different control modes and a number of teleoperated or semiautonomous command features. The capability of the robot and the performance of the individual motion control and perception modules were validated during the DRC in which the robot was able to demonstrate exceptional physical resilience and execute some of the tasks during the competition

    Poster session 2: Thursday 4 December 2014, 08:30-12:30Location: Poster area.

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