188 research outputs found

    Adaptive fault-tolerant routing in hypercube multicomputers

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    A connected hypercube with faulty links and/or nodes is called an injured hypercube. To enable any non-faulty node to communicate with any other non-faulty node in an injured hypercube, the information on component failures has to be made available to non-faulty nodes so as to route messages around the faulty components. A distributed adaptive fault tolerant routing scheme is proposed for an injured hypercube in which each node is required to know only the condition of its own links. Despite its simplicity, this scheme is shown to be capable of routing messages successfully in an injured hypercube as long as the number of faulty components is less than n. Moreover, it is proved that this scheme routes messages via shortest paths with a rather high probabiltiy and the expected length of a resulting path is very close to that of a shortest path. Since the assumption that the number of faulty components is less than n in an n-dimensional hypercube might limit the usefulness of the above scheme, a routing scheme is introduced based on depth-first search which works in the presence of an arbitrary number of faulty components. Due to the insufficient information on faulty components, the paths chosen by the above scheme may not always be the shortest. To guarantee that all messages be routed via shortest paths, it is proposed that every mode be equipped with more information than that on its own links. The effects of this additional information on routing efficiency are analyzed, and the additional information to be kept at each node for the shortest path routing is determined. Several examples and remarks are also given to illustrate the results

    Scale-Adaptive Group Optimization for Social Activity Planning

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    Studies have shown that each person is more inclined to enjoy a group activity when 1) she is interested in the activity, and 2) many friends with the same interest join it as well. Nevertheless, even with the interest and social tightness information available in online social networks, nowadays many social group activities still need to be coordinated manually. In this paper, therefore, we first formulate a new problem, named Participant Selection for Group Activity (PSGA), to decide the group size and select proper participants so that the sum of personal interests and social tightness of the participants in the group is maximized, while the activity cost is also carefully examined. To solve the problem, we design a new randomized algorithm, named Budget-Aware Randomized Group Selection (BARGS), to optimally allocate the computation budgets for effective selection of the group size and participants, and we prove that BARGS can acquire the solution with a guaranteed performance bound. The proposed algorithm was implemented in Facebook, and experimental results demonstrate that social groups generated by the proposed algorithm significantly outperform the baseline solutions.Comment: 20 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.150

    Maximizing Friend-Making Likelihood for Social Activity Organization

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    The social presence theory in social psychology suggests that computer-mediated online interactions are inferior to face-to-face, in-person interactions. In this paper, we consider the scenarios of organizing in person friend-making social activities via online social networks (OSNs) and formulate a new research problem, namely, Hop-bounded Maximum Group Friending (HMGF), by modeling both existing friendships and the likelihood of new friend making. To find a set of attendees for socialization activities, HMGF is unique and challenging due to the interplay of the group size, the constraint on existing friendships and the objective function on the likelihood of friend making. We prove that HMGF is NP-Hard, and no approximation algorithm exists unless P = NP. We then propose an error-bounded approximation algorithm to efficiently obtain the solutions very close to the optimal solutions. We conduct a user study to validate our problem formulation and per- form extensive experiments on real datasets to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed algorithm

    Dual Adversarial Alignment for Realistic Support-Query Shift Few-shot Learning

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    Support-query shift few-shot learning aims to classify unseen examples (query set) to labeled data (support set) based on the learned embedding in a low-dimensional space under a distribution shift between the support set and the query set. However, in real-world scenarios the shifts are usually unknown and varied, making it difficult to estimate in advance. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel but more difficult challenge, RSQS, focusing on Realistic Support-Query Shift few-shot learning. The key feature of RSQS is that the individual samples in a meta-task are subjected to multiple distribution shifts in each meta-task. In addition, we propose a unified adversarial feature alignment method called DUal adversarial ALignment framework (DuaL) to relieve RSQS from two aspects, i.e., inter-domain bias and intra-domain variance. On the one hand, for the inter-domain bias, we corrupt the original data in advance and use the synthesized perturbed inputs to train the repairer network by minimizing distance in the feature level. On the other hand, for intra-domain variance, we proposed a generator network to synthesize hard, i.e., less similar, examples from the support set in a self-supervised manner and introduce regularized optimal transportation to derive a smooth optimal transportation plan. Lastly, a benchmark of RSQS is built with several state-of-the-art baselines among three datasets (CIFAR100, mini-ImageNet, and Tiered-Imagenet). Experiment results show that DuaL significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in our benchmark.Comment: Best student paper in PAKDD 202

    Progressive content-based retrieval of image and video with adaptive and iterative refinement

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    A method and apparatus for minimizing the time required to obtain results for a content based query in a data base. More specifically, with this invention, the data base is partitioned into a plurality of groups. Then, a schedule or sequence of groups is assigned to each of the operations of the query, where the schedule represents the order in which an operation of the query will be applied to the groups in the schedule. Each schedule is arranged so that each application of the operation operates on the group which will yield intermediate results that are closest to final results

    When Social Influence Meets Item Inference

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    Research issues and data mining techniques for product recommendation and viral marketing have been widely studied. Existing works on seed selection in social networks do not take into account the effect of product recommendations in e-commerce stores. In this paper, we investigate the seed selection problem for viral marketing that considers both effects of social influence and item inference (for product recommendation). We develop a new model, Social Item Graph (SIG), that captures both effects in form of hyperedges. Accordingly, we formulate a seed selection problem, called Social Item Maximization Problem (SIMP), and prove the hardness of SIMP. We design an efficient algorithm with performance guarantee, called Hyperedge-Aware Greedy (HAG), for SIMP and develop a new index structure, called SIG-index, to accelerate the computation of diffusion process in HAG. Moreover, to construct realistic SIG models for SIMP, we develop a statistical inference based framework to learn the weights of hyperedges from data. Finally, we perform a comprehensive evaluation on our proposals with various baselines. Experimental result validates our ideas and demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model and algorithms over baselines.Comment: 12 page