2,403 research outputs found

    Reconsideration of the QCD corrections to the ηc\eta_c decays into light hadrons using the principle of maximum conformality

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    In the paper, we analyze the ηc\eta_c decays into light hadrons at the next-to-leading order QCD corrections by applying the principle of maximum conformality (PMC). The relativistic correction at the O(αsv2){\cal{O}}(\alpha_s v^2)-order level has been included in the discussion, which gives about 10%10\% contribution to the ratio RR. The PMC, which satisfies the renormalization group invariance, is designed to obtain a scale-fixed and scheme-independent prediction at any fixed order. To avoid the confusion of treating nfn_f-terms, we transform the usual MS‾\overline{\rm MS} pQCD series into the one under the minimal momentum space subtraction scheme. To compare with the prediction under conventional scale setting, RConv,mMOM−r=(4.12−0.28+0.30)×103R_{\rm{Conv,mMOM}-r}= \left(4.12^{+0.30}_{-0.28}\right)\times10^3, after applying the PMC, we obtain RPMC,mMOM−r=(6.09−0.55+0.62)×103R_{\rm PMC,mMOM-r}=\left(6.09^{+0.62}_{-0.55}\right) \times10^3, where the errors are squared averages of the ones caused by mcm_c and ΛmMOM\Lambda_{\rm mMOM}. The PMC prediction agrees with the recent PDG value within errors, i.e. Rexp=(6.3±0.5)×103R^{\rm exp}=\left(6.3\pm0.5\right)\times10^3. Thus we think the mismatching of the prediction under conventional scale-setting with the data is due to improper choice of scale, which however can be solved by using the PMC.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Entropic uncertainty relations for Markovian and non-Markovian processes under a structured bosonic reservoir

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    The uncertainty relation is a fundamental limit in quantum mechanics and is of great importance to quantum information processing as it relates to quantum precision measurement. Due to interactions with the surrounding environment, a quantum system will unavoidably suffer from decoherence. Here, we investigate the dynamic behaviors of the entropic uncertainty relation of an atom-cavity interacting system under a bosonic reservoir during the crossover between Markovian and non-Markovian regimes. Specifically, we explore the dynamic behavior of the entropic uncertainty relation for a pair of incompatible observables under the reservoir-induced atomic decay effect both with and without quantum memory. We find that the uncertainty dramatically depends on both the atom-cavity and the cavity-reservoir interactions, as well as the correlation time, Ï„\tau, of the structured reservoir. Furthermore, we verify that the uncertainty is anti-correlated with the purity of the state of the observed qubit-system. We also propose a remarkably simple and efficient way to reduce the uncertainty by utilizing quantum weak measurement reversal. Therefore our work offers a new insight into the uncertainty dynamics for multi-component measurements within an open system, and is thus important for quantum precision measurements.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Scientific Report

    Loss of soil carbon and nitrogen indicates climate change-induced alterations in a temperate forest ecosystem

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    Climate warming is expected to influence terrestrial biogeochemical cycles by modifying the quality and quantity of plant litter input to soils. Although a growing number of studies recognize the importance of plant litter input in influencing the loss of soil organic matter (SOM) through a phenomenon called the priming effect (PE), the exact mechanisms behind PE are not well known. Importantly, most PE research is based on short term pot experiments in which fresh organic matter (FOM) input is represented by a single addition of compounds of unnaturally simple chemical composition. Furthermore, only a few studies exist in which the PE was explored in terms of organic C (SOC) and total N content in the soil. Here, we report results of a 3-year long litter manip-ulation study conducted under natural conditions in a broadleaved Korean pine forest in N-E China. We show that the extra supply (twice the normal input) of aboveground tree litter composing of conifer needles, leaves and small twigs was associated not only with slightly decreased SOC (by 5%) but especially that of soil total N (STN) (by 15%) content in the top soil (0-5 cm depth). In contrast, removal of litter resulted in an increased (ca. 15%) amount of both SOC and STN during the study when compared to control soils receiving natural litter input. Despite the enhanced leaf litter decomposition rate in the treatment receiving extra litter, the changes in SOC and STN were related neither to soil microbial biomass nor to community composition. The amount of N lost (40.0 g m- 2) in the soil due to litter addition was ca. three times the amount of N added (12.3 g m- 2) via the litter, while the amount of C lost (238 g m- 2) was about one third of that added (940 g m- 2), suggesting that soil N in our research site is more prone to the PE than soil C. As we did not manipulate belowground FOM input, our results suggest that input of aboveground litter rather than that by roots explained the PE in our study. Results of our long-term study conducted under natural conditions in undisturbed forest soils highlight the large potential of recalcitrant, aboveground litter to affect the PE, which should not go unnoticed when predicting the role of forest soils under conditions (such as climate warming) when these soils act as C sinks.Peer reviewe
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