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    Deconfined Quantum Critical Point on the Triangular Lattice

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    We first propose a topological term that captures the "intertwinement" between the standard "3Γ—3\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}" antiferromagnetic order (or the so-called 120∘^\circ state) and the "12Γ—12\sqrt{12}\times \sqrt{12}" valence solid bond (VBS) order for spin-1/2 systems on a triangular lattice. Then using a controlled renormalization group calculation, we demonstrate that there exists an unfine-tuned direct continuous deconfined quantum critical point (dQCP) between the two ordered phases mentioned above. This dQCP is described by the Nf=4N_f = 4 quantum electrodynamics (QED) with an emergent PSU(4)=SU(4)/Z4Z_4 symmetry only at the critical point. The topological term aforementioned is also naturally derived from the Nf=4N_f = 4 QED. We also point out that physics around this dQCP is analogous to the boundary of a 3d3d bosonic symmetry protected topological state with on-site symmetries only
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