14 research outputs found

    Pratiques culturales adaptĂ©es pour rĂ©ussir l’implantation des cultures intermĂ©diaires

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    Ce numĂ©ro est constituĂ© d’articles issus du colloque CIMS : Des Cultures IntermĂ©diaires Multi-Services pour une production agroĂ©cologique performante, organisĂ© le 4 octobre 2017 Ă  Auzeville.Succeeding in cover crop establishment means usually an early drilling, in order to face difficultconditions in summertime (soil moisture, straw in the seedbed
). An early establishment after theharvest or even during this operation can be an example. The cover crops are sometimes sown, earlierin the preceding crop with several objectives: help the crop development with companion crops,anticipate the cover crop establishment with perennial species in less dry conditions than insummertime. Manufacturers selling drills, stubble cultivators or mechanical weeding machines purposedifferent solutions to establish cover crops. The best equipment is not present in most of farms becausefarm equipment is chosen for crop establishment and not for cover crop establishment, for economicalreason. The intercropping period is managed in order to find a compromise between different objectives.An early drilling of cover crops has to face different agronomical issues, more or less importantdepending on the fields: lack of water in the soil, excessive temperature, weeds or slugs management,following crop seedbed creation

    Pratiques culturales adaptĂ©es pour rĂ©ussir l’implantation des cultures intermĂ©diaires

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    La rĂ©ussite des cultures intermĂ©diaires passe souvent par un semis prĂ©coce, de maniĂšre Ă  pouvoir compenser les alĂ©as inhĂ©rents Ă  leur implantation en Ă©tĂ© en conditions parfois sĂšches et dans un lit de semences pailleux. Un semis rapide aprĂšs la moisson ou mĂȘme sous mulch pendant la moisson rĂ©pond Ă  cet objectif. On voit mĂȘme apparaĂźtre des pratiques innovantes oĂč des couverts vĂ©gĂ©taux sont implantĂ©s encore plus prĂ©cocement, dans la culture prĂ©cĂ©dente, avec plusieurs objectifs (apporter des services Ă  la culture avec des plantes compagnes, anticiper l’implantation du couvert en conditions moins sĂšches avec des espĂšces Ă  cycle plus long). Au niveau des Ă©quipements, les constructeurs de matĂ©riels de semis, dĂ©chaumage ou dĂ©sherbage mĂ©canique offrent maintenant de nombreuses solutions pour l’implantation de cultures intermĂ©diaires. Les Ă©quipements les plus performants ne sont cependant pas prĂ©sents dans la plupart des exploitations car les investissements restent avant tout conditionnĂ©s par leur usage pour implanter des cultures de vente et non des cultures intermĂ©diaires. La gestion de la pĂ©riode de l’interculture est toujours une question de compromis entre des objectifs diffĂ©rents. L’implantation prĂ©coce des couverts se heurte ainsi Ă  diverses contraintes agronomiques, plus ou moins fortes selon les parcelles (stress hydrique et thermique estival, gestion des adventices, ravageurs et limaces, prĂ©paration de l’implantation de la culture suivante
).Succeeding in cover crop establishment means usually an early drilling, in order to face difficult conditions in summertime (soil moisture, straw in the seedbed
). An early establishment after the harvest or even during this operation can be an example. The cover crops are sometimes sown, earlier in the preceding crop with several objectives: help the crop development with companion crops, anticipate the cover crop establishment with perennial species in less dry conditions than in summertime. Manufacturers selling drills, stubble cultivators or mechanical weeding machines purpose different solutions to establish cover crops. The best equipment is not present in most of farms because farm equipment is chosen for crop establishment and not for cover crop establishment, for economical reason. The intercropping period is managed in order to find a compromise between different objectives. An early drilling of cover crops has to face different agronomical issues, more or less important depending on the fields: lack of water in the soil, excessive temperature, weeds or slugs management, following crop seedbed creation

    MERCI: a simple method and decision-support tool to estimate availability of nitrogen from a wide range of cover crops to the next cash crop

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    International audienceBackground and aims Cover crops can efficiently increase nitrogen (N) recycling in agroecosystems. By providing a green-manure effect for the next crop, they allow reduced mineral fertilisation. We developed a decision-support tool, called MERCI, to predict N available from cover crop residues over time, from a single measurement of fresh shoot biomass.Methods We coupled a large experimental database from France with a simulation experiment using the soil-crop model STICS. More than 25 000 measurements of 74 species of cover crops as a sole crop or bispecific mixtures were collected. Linear regression models, at the species, family or entire-database level depending on the data available, were built to predict dry biomass, N amount and C:N ratio. Dynamics of N mineralized and leaching from cover crop residues were predicted at 24 contrasting sites as a function of the biomass, carbon (C):N ratio and termination date. Results Correlations between fresh biomass, dry biomass and N amounts in experimental data were strong (r = 0.80-0.96), and predicted N amounts in fresh shoot biomass were relatively accurate. Percentages of N mineralized and leached simulated bySTICS were explained mainly by the C:N ratio, site and number of months after termination, but to different degrees.Conclusion MERCI is an easy and robust decision support tool for predicting N release in the field, and could thus be adopted by advisors and farmers to improve management of nutrient recycling in temperate arable cropping systems

    SystÚmes de culture innovants : une nouvelle génération de réseau expérimental et de réseau de compétences

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    Face aux Ă©volutions de l’agriculture, aux enjeux complexes et incertains, la conception innovante (Meynard, 2006) doit favoriser le dĂ©veloppement d’une capacitĂ© d’anticipation et d’exploration. Pour y contribuer dans le domaine des systĂšmes de culture en grandes cultures et polyculture-Ă©levage, le programme CASDAR 7103 SystĂšmes de culture innovants s’est concrĂ©tisĂ© par : − un rĂ©seau expĂ©rimental de 27 systĂšmes de culture innovants testĂ©s au champ dans 17 dispositifs, des ressources pour l’expĂ©rimentation avec des guides, des cadres d’analyses, des outils de caractĂ©risation et d’évaluation. Aujourd’hui, il a Ă©tĂ© Ă©largi Ă  70 systĂšmes de culture innovants dans le cadre du RMT SdCi ; − un rĂ©seau de compĂ©tences en conception – Ă©valuation, avec quatre ateliers de conception qui ont produit 45 systĂšmes de culture Ă©conomes en phytosanitaires, efficients en Ă©nergie et gaz Ă  effet de serre ou favorisant la biodiversitĂ©. Son dĂ©ploiement a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de formations d’agents de dĂ©veloppement et d’agriculteurs (STEPHY, Certiphyto, DephyĂ©cophyto, 
), en Ă©largissant Ă  d’autres filiĂšres (viticulture, lĂ©gumes, horticulture, arboriculture) et a pu dĂ©boucher sur des expĂ©rimentations ; − le dĂ©veloppement d’un rĂ©seau de conseillers en accompagnement des agriculteurs dans la transition vers le dĂ©veloppement durable, avec une dĂ©marche d’analyse rĂ©flexive en groupe des situations de conseil, et plus largement ensuite avec la production et l’édition du vademecum « Agroseil » (Cerf et al., 2012), de mĂȘme que la formation « Conseiller demain » du GIS Relance agronomique. Le dĂ©veloppement de tels rĂ©seaux de compĂ©tences dĂ©pendra aussi de la capacitĂ© Ă  renouveler les dispositifs de recherche – dĂ©veloppement – formation 
 pour une agriculture innovante et plus durable.To face evolutions of agriculture, complex and uncertain stakes, innovative conception (Meynard, 2006) must favor development of an anticipated and exploratory abilities. To contribute to this in arable and mixed cropping systems, the CASDAR 7103 program was materialized by: − an experimental network of 27 cropping systems tested in field in 17 plans, with experimental resources such as guides, analysis frames and tools of characterization and evaluation. It widened today to 70 innovative cropping systems in the “innovative cropping systems” Joint Network of Technology (JNT); − a conception and evaluation competence network, with four conception workshops which produce 45 cropping systems low in pesticides, efficient in energy and greenhouse gas emission or in favor of biodiversity. Its deployment wad realized thanks to formations of development employees and farmers (STEPHY, Certiphyto, DephyĂ©cophyto, 
) in expanding to others fields (vineyard, legumes, horticulture, arboriculture) and in new experimentations; − the development of an advisor network going with farmers in transition to sustainable development, with an approach of reflexive analysis of the advise situations in groups, and then by extension with the production and edition of the vademecum « Agroseil » (Cerf et al., 2012), as well as the formation « Advise tomorrow » of the GIS Relance agronomique. The development of such competence networks will depend also on the abilities to renew the research – development – formation plan 
 in order to reach an innovative and sustainable agriculture