17 research outputs found


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    We report progress on the design of the Next Linear Collider (NLC) Damping Rings complexes. The purpose of the damping rings is to provide low emittance electron and positron bunch trains to the NLC linacs, at a rate of 120 Hz. As an option to operate at the higher rate of 180 Hz, two 1.98 GeV main damping rings per beam are proposed, and one positron pre-damping ring. The main damping rings store up to 0.8 amp in 3 trains of 190 bunches each and have normalized extracted beam emittances γεx = 3 mm-mrad and γεy = 0.02 mm-mrad. The optical designs, based on a theoretical minimum emittance lattice (TME), are described, with an analysis of dynamic aperture and non-linear effects. Key subsystems and components are described, including the wiggler, the vacuum systems and photon stop design, and the higherorder-mode damped RF cavities. Impedance and instabilities are discussed.

    Design of End Magnetic Structures for the Advanced Light Source Wigglers

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    INTRODUCTION Previous ALS undulators [1] incorporated rotatable permanent magnet tuning elements to adjust the integral of the B y fields produced by the end magnetic structures. These correctors were adjusted and locked in a fixed setting. Gap dependency of integral B y for these devices is compensated for by external corrector magnets. The current ALS wigglers [2] have been designed with electromagnetic end coils which can be dynamically tuned to compensate for gap dependency of integral B y. The configuration of the end structure is shown in cross section in Figure 1. The poles, labeled 0, 1, 2, etc. are vanadium permendur and are powered by Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets which can be seen between the poles. The corrector coil can be seen around pole 1. Trim magnets [3] are located between poles 0 and 1. These are used to correct variation in field integrals as a function of the transverse coordinate x. The truncation field distribution of the ends is a function of the scalar p

    Wigglers at the Advanced Light Source

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    Two 3.4 m long wigglers are being designed and constructed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's (LBL) Advanced Light Source (ALS). A 19 period planar wiggler with 16.0 cm period length is designed to provide photons up to 12.4 keV for protein crystallography. This device features a hybrid permanent magnet structure with tapered poles and designed to achieve 2.0 T at a 1.4 cm magnetic gap. An elliptical wiggler is being designed to provide circularly polarized photons in the energy range of 50 eV to 10 keV for magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. This device features vertical and horizontal magnetic structures of 14 and 14 1 /2 periods respectively of 20 cm period length. The vertical magnetic structure is a 2.0 T hybrid permanent magnet configuration. The horizontal structure is an iron core electromagnetic design, shifted longitudinally 1 /4 period with respect to the vertical magnetic structure. A maximum horizontal peak field of 0.1 T at an oscillating frequency up to 1 Hz wi..