23 research outputs found

    Summary of significant findings in studies.

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    <p>Italicized studies indicate those conducted in refugee and IDP camps.</p><p>CAPS: Clinical-Administered PTSD Scale; CBT: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; CCPT: Child-Centered Play Therapy; IPT: Interpersonal therapy; KIDNET: Narrative Exposure Therapy adapted for children; NET: Narrative Exposure Therapy; PSSA: Psychosocial Structured Activities program; PTSD-RI: PTSD Reaction Index; RCMAS: Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale; SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; TF-CBT: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; TGIC: Trauma Grief Inventory for Recovery; TSCC: Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children; TST: Trauma Systems Therapy.</p

    Diagram to show the range of mental health interventions included in the selected studies.

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    <p>Diagram to show the range of mental health interventions included in the selected studies.</p

    Flow Diagram to show the process of Study Selection.

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    <p>Flow Diagram to show the process of Study Selection.</p

    Summary of included studies.

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    <p>*Sample size calculated excluding non-active controls; brackets indicate final number used in evaluation, if reported.</p><p>APAI: Acholi Psychosocial Assessment Instrument; BASC: Behaviour Assessment System for Children; BEI: Brief Ethnographic Interviewing; BHS: Beck Hopelessness Scale; CAFAS: Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale; CAPS: Clinical-Administered PTSD Scale; CATS: Cultural Adjustment and Trauma Services; CBT: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; CCPT: Child-Centered Play Therapy; CCT: Controlled Clinical Trial; CDI: Children's Depression Inventory; CEW: Creative Expression Workshops; CGAS: Child Global Assessment Scale; CIDI: Composite International Diagnostic Interview; CISM: Critical Incident Stress Management; CP: Creative Play as developed by War Child Holland; CPTSD-RI: Child Post Traumatic Stress Reaction Index; CSCS: Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale; DSRS: Depression Self-Rating Scale; DYSIPS: Diagnostic Symptom for Psychological Disorders; ESL: English as a Second Language; FACES: Family, Adult and Child Enhancement Services; HSCL: Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25;HTQ: Harvard Trauma Questionnaire; IDP: Internally displaced person; IES: Impact of Events Scale; IPT: Interpersonal therapy; KHS: Kazdin Hopelessness Scale; KIDNET: Narrative Exposure Therapy adapted for children; K-SADS: Kids Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; MINI: Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; NET: Narrative Exposure Therapy; PDS: Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale; PRPS: Parent Report of Posttraumatic Symptoms; PSSA: Psychosocial Structured Activities Program; PTSD-RI: PTSD Reaction Index; PWA: Adolescent Post-War Adversities Scale-Somali Version; RCMAS: Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale; RCT: Randomised Clinical Trial; R-IES: Revised Impact of Events Scale; RSET: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale; SEI: Self-Esteem Inventory; SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; TF-CBT: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; TGIC: Trauma Grief Inventory for Children; TRF: Achenbach's Teacher's Report Form; TSCC: Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children; TSCL: Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children; TST: Trauma Systems Therapy; UPID: UCLA PTSD Index for DSM-IV;WTQ: VWAES: Violence, War and Abduction Exposure Scale; War Trauma Questionnaire; WTSS: War Trauma Screening Scale.</p

    Relationship between negative cognitive style and the risk of a person with RAP developing depression/ anxiety.

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    <p>Relationship between negative cognitive style and the risk of a person with RAP developing depression/ anxiety.</p

    The cognitive style groups (high versus low) and the <i>relative risk</i> of depression/ anxiety in those with RAP.

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    <p>The cognitive style groups (high versus low) and the <i>relative risk</i> of depression/ anxiety in those with RAP.</p

    Odds ratios for recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) at 3, 4, 7 & 9 years as a predictor of depression &/ anxiety at 18.

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    <p>Odds ratios for recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) at 3, 4, 7 & 9 years as a predictor of depression &/ anxiety at 18.</p

    Graph depicting that a negative cognitive style amplifies the potential for emotional distress disorders in early adulthood after childhood RAP.

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    <p>Graph depicting that a negative cognitive style amplifies the potential for emotional distress disorders in early adulthood after childhood RAP.</p

    The percentage (and odds ratios) of participants who go on to become clinically depressed/ anxious with each increased time point of RAP.

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    <p>The percentage (and odds ratios) of participants who go on to become clinically depressed/ anxious with each increased time point of RAP.</p