78 research outputs found

    Scaling solutions from interacting fluids

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    We examine the dynamical implications of an interaction between some of the fluid components of the universe. We consider the combination of three matter components, one of which is a perfect fluid and the other two are interacting. The interaction term generalizes the cases found in scalar field cosmologies with an exponential potential. We find that attracting scaling solutions are obtained in several regions of parameter space, that oscillating behaviour is possible, and that new curvature scaling solutions exist. We also discuss the inflationary behaviour of the solutions and present some of the constraints on the strength of the coupling, namely those arising from nucleosynthesis.Comment: RevTeX, 21 pages, 8 figure

    Inhomogeneous cosmologies, the Copernican principle and the cosmic microwave background: More on the EGS theorem

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    We discuss inhomogeneous cosmological models which satisfy the Copernican principle. We construct some inhomogeneous cosmological models starting from the ansatz that the all the observers in the models view an isotropic cosmic microwave background. We discuss multi-fluid models, and illustrate how more general inhomogeneous models may be derived, both in General Relativity and in scalar-tensor theories of gravity. Thus we illustrate that the cosmological principle, the assumption that the Universe we live in is spatially homogeneous, does not necessarily follow from the Copernican principle and the high isotropy of the cosmic microwave background.Comment: 17 pages; to appear in GR

    Dust-filled axially symmetric universes with a cosmological constant

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    Following the recent recognition of a positive value for the vacuum energy density and the realization that a simple Kantowski-Sachs model might fit the classical tests of cosmology, we study the qualitative behavior of three anisotropic and homogeneous models: Kantowski-Sachs, Bianchi type-I and Bianchi type-III universes, with dust and a cosmological constant, in order to find out which are physically permitted. We find that these models undergo isotropization up to the point that the observations will not be able to distinguish between them and the standard model, except for the Kantowski-Sachs model (Ωk00)(\Omega_{k_{0}}0) with ΩΛ0\Omega_{\Lambda_{0}} smaller than some critical value ΩΛM\Omega_{\Lambda_{M}}. Even if one imposes that the Universe should be nearly isotropic since the last scattering epoch (z1000z\approx 1000), meaning that the Universe should have approximately the same Hubble parameter in all directions (considering the COBE 4-Year data), there is still a large range for the matter density parameter compatible with Kantowsky-Sachs and Bianchi type-III if Ω0+ΩΛ01δ|\Omega_0+\Omega_{\Lambda_0}-1|\leq \delta, for a very small δ\delta . The Bianchi type-I model becomes exactly isotropic owing to our restrictions and we have Ω0+ΩΛ0=1\Omega_0+\Omega_{\Lambda_0}=1 in this case. Of course, all these models approach locally an exponential expanding state provided the cosmological constant ΩΛ>ΩΛM\Omega_\Lambda>\Omega_{\Lambda_{M}}.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Published in Physical Review D 1

    Generating G2G_2--cosmologies with perfect fluid in dilaton gravity

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    We present a method for generating exact diagonal G2G_2-cosmological solutions in dilaton gravity coupled to a radiation perfect fluid and with a cosmological potential of a special type. The method is based on the symmetry group of the system of G2G_2-field equations. Several new classes of explicit exact inhomogeneous perfect fluid scalar-tensor cosmologies are presented.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Reabilitação Cardíaca Após Síndrome Coronária Aguda. Deveremos Continuar a Reabilitar os Doentes de Baixo Risco? Experiência de um Centro

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    Introdução: A Reabilitação cardíaca (Rc) é um elemento fundamental na prevenção secundária após síndrome coronária aguda (ScA). A American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AAcPR)definiu critérios de estratificação de risco para os doentes elegíveis para programas de Rc. Contudo, tem sido questionada a integração de doentes de baixo risco em programas estruturados de treino de exercício. Objectivo: comparar o impacto da Rc nos doentes de baixo risco cardiovascular versus risco moderado/alto, segundo os critérios a AAcPR, de forma a avaliar o real benefício da Rc na capacidade de exercício nos doentes de baixo risco, quantificada por prova de esforço cardiorrespiratória (PecR). Métodos: Análise retrospetiva dos doentes submetidos a Rc após ScA e submetidos a PecR antes e após a integração num programa de treino de exercício supervisionado constituído por 36 sessões. Foram incluídos doentes desde janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2013, num centro Hospitalar Terciário. Os doentes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo de risco cardiovascular baixo (GRB) e grupo de doentes com risco moderado a alto (GRMA) de acordo com os critérios da AAcPR. Os parâmetros avaliados na PecR foram: pico de consumo de oxigénio (pVO2), pVO2 em relação ao valor previsto para idade e género (%pVO2), declive da rampa do equivalente ventilatório de dióxido de carbono (Ve/VcO2slope), (Ve/VcO2slope)/pVO2 e potência circulatória de pico (PcP). Resultados: Foram incluídos em programa de Rc, pós ScA, 129 doentes, 86,0% do género masculino, com idade média de 56,3±9,8 anos. Setenta e nove doentes (61,3%) foram incluídos no grupo de baixo risco e 50 doentes (38,7%) no grupo de risco moderado a alto.Comparando os resultados da PecR basal verifica-se uma melhor capacidade funcional nos indivíduos de baixo risco (pVO2 26,7±7,0 versus 23,9±5,7 ml/kg/min; p=0,019). Esta diferença significativa desapareceu após a conclusão do programa de Rc, apresentando o GRB pVO2 final de 28,5±7,3ml/kg/min e o GRMA 27,0±7,0ml/kg/min (p=0,232). Ao confrontar os parâmetros da prova de esforço cardiorrespiratória prévios e após reabilitação cardíaca, verifica-se, em ambos os grupos, um aumento significativo da capacidade funcional expresso pelo aumento do pVO2, (Ve/VcO2slope)/pVO2, PcP e duração da prova. No entanto, apenas no grupo de baixo risco se evidencia uma diminuição signi-ficativa do Ve/VcO2 slope (26,7±6,2 versus 25,7±5,3; p=0,029). A amplitude da melhoria de pVO2 foi menos marcada no GRB (1,8±6,5 ml/kg/min versus 3,1±5,0 ml/kg/min; p=0.133). Um incremento no pVO2 superior a 10% em relação ao valor inicial foi atingido em 41,8% dos doentes no GRB e 58,0% dos doentes no GRMA (p=0,072). Conclusão: independentemente do grau de risco cardiovascular inicial, existe benefício na capacidade funcional de exercício após programa de Rc com 36 sessões de treino de exercício, objetivamente quantificado pelos parâmetros da PecR. No entanto, esta melhoria é mais acentuada nos indivíduos de risco moderado a alto comparativamente aos indivíduos de baixo risco. Atendendo à limitação de recursos, deverá ser privilegiada a inclusão de indivíduos de moderado e alto risco, não subvalorizando, no entanto, o benefício também alcançado pelos indivíduos de baixo risco cardiovascular

    Solution generating in scalar-tensor theories with a massless scalar field and stiff perfect fluid as a source

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    We present a method for generating solutions in some scalar-tensor theories with a minimally coupled massless scalar field or irrotational stiff perfect fluid as a source. The method is based on the group of symmetries of the dilaton-matter sector in the Einstein frame. In the case of Barker's theory the dilaton-matter sector possesses SU(2) group of symmetries. In the case of Brans-Dicke and the theory with "conformal coupling", the dilaton- matter sector has SL(2,R)SL(2,R) as a group of symmetries. We describe an explicit algorithm for generating exact scalar-tensor solutions from solutions of Einstein-minimally-coupled-scalar-field equations by employing the nonlinear action of the symmetry group of the dilaton-matter sector. In the general case, when the Einstein frame dilaton-matter sector may not possess nontrivial symmetries we also present a solution generating technique which allows us to construct exact scalar-tensor solutions starting with the solutions of Einstein-minimally-coupled-scalar-field equations. As an illustration of the general techniques, examples of explicit exact solutions are constructed. In particular, we construct inhomogeneous cosmological scalar-tensor solutions whose curvature invariants are everywhere regular in space-time. A generalization of the method for scalar-tensor-Maxwell gravity is outlined.Comment: 10 pages,Revtex; v2 extended version, new parts added and some parts rewritten, results presented more concisely, some simple examples of homogeneous solutions replaced with new regular inhomogeneous solutions, typos corrected, references and acknowledgements added, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Qualitative properties of scalar-tensor theories of Gravity

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    The qualitative properties of spatially homogeneous stiff perfect fluid and minimally coupled massless scalar field models within general relativity are discussed. Consequently, by exploiting the formal equivalence under conformal transformations and field redefinitions of certain classes of theories of gravity, the asymptotic properties of spatially homogeneous models in a class of scalar-tensor theories of gravity that includes the Brans-Dicke theory can be determined. For example, exact solutions are presented, which are analogues of the general relativistic Jacobs stiff perfect fluid solutions and vacuum plane wave solutions, which act as past and future attractors in the class of spatially homogeneous models in Brans-Dicke theory.Comment: 19 page

    Scalar fields in an anisotropic closed universe

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    We study in this article a class of homogeneous, but anisotropic cosmological models in which shear viscosity is included. Within the matter content we consider a component (the quintessence component) determined by the barotropic equations of state, p=αρp=\alpha \rho, with α<0\alpha < 0. We establish conditions under which a closed axisymmetrical cosmological model may look flat al low redshift.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 2 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Illusions of general relativity in Brans-Dicke gravity

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    Contrary to common belief, the standard tenet of Brans-Dicke theory reducing to general relativity when omega tends to infinity is false if the trace of the matter energy-momentum tensor vanishes. The issue is clarified in a new approach using conformal transformations. The otherwise unaccountable limiting behavior of Brans-Dicke gravity is easily understood in terms of the conformal invariance of the theory when the sources of gravity have radiation-like properties. The rigorous computation of the asymptotic behavior of the Brans-Dicke scalar field is straightforward in this new approach.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Physical Review