6 research outputs found

    Teleneurology based management of infantile spasms during COVID-19 pandemic: A consensus report by the south Asia allied west syndrome research group

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    With telehealth services rescuing patients with chronic neurological disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a need for simplified teleneurology protocols for neurological disorders in children. Infantile spasms is an epileptic encephalopathy where treatment lag is a significant predictor of outcome. It is one such condition where telemedicine can make a remarkable difference when in-person consultations are delayed or are not possible. However, the adverse effect profile of the first-line therapeutic options, the need for frequent follow-up, underdeveloped telemedicine services, lack of a rational protocol, poor awareness about infantile spasms, a lesser level of parental understanding, and scarcity of pediatric neurologists are the major hurdles in developing countries. This paper provides a teleneurology based approach for the management of infantile spasms in developing countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. The cornerstones of this approach include the fundamental principles of management of infantile spasms, decentralization of patient care to local health providers, efforts for improving sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis, early initiation of first-line therapeutic options, and constant motivation of parents and local health providers to be vigilant for therapeutic response, adverse effects of therapy, and infections

    Thiamine deficiency disorders: a clinical perspective

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    Thiamine is an essential water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in energy metabolism. Thiamine deficiency presents many challenges to clinicians, in part due to the broad clinical spectrum, referred to as thiamine deficiency disorders (TDDs), affecting the metabolic, neurologic, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal systems. Concurrent illnesses and overlapping signs and symptoms with other disorders can further complicate this. As such, TDDs are frequently misdiagnosed and treatment opportunities missed, with fatal consequences or permanent neurologic sequelae. In the absence of specific diagnostic tests, a low threshold of clinical suspicion and early therapeutic thiamine is currently the best approach. Even in severe cases, rapid clinical improvement can occur within hours or days, with neurological involvement possibly requiring higher doses and a longer recovery time. Active research aims to help better identify patients with thiamine-responsive disorders and future research is needed to determine effective dosing regimens for the various clinical presentations of TDDs. Understanding the clinical diagnosis and global burden of thiamine deficiency will help to implement national surveillance and population-level prevention programs, with education to sensitize clinicians to TDDs. With concerted effort, the morbidity and mortality related to thiamine deficiency can be reduced

    Management practices for west syndrome in south Asia: A survey study and meta-analysis

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    Objectives: Considering the dearth of literature on West syndrome (WS) from South Asian countries, this study aimed to evaluate the management practices in South Asia by an online survey and meta-analysis.Methods: An online questionnaire was sent to 223 pediatric neurologists/pediatricians in India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Their responses were evaluated and supplemented by a meta-analysis.Results: Of 125 responses received (response rate: 56%), around 60% of responders observed male preponderance and an approximate lead-time-to-treatment (LTTT) of 4-12 weeks. The commonest etiology observed was a static structural insult (88.6% of responders). Most commonly used first-line drug (country-wise) was as follows: India-adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH, 50%); Pakistan-oral steroids (45.5%); Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Nepal-oral steroids (94.4%); Bangladesh-ACTH (2/2); Bhutan-vigabatrin (3/5). ACTH and vigabatrin are not available in Myanmar and Nepal. The most commonly used regime for ACTH was maximal-dose-at-initiation-regime in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh and gradually escalating-regime in Pakistan. Maximum dose of prednisolone was variable-most common response from India: 3-4 mg/kg/d; Pakistan, Bhutan, and Bangladesh: 2 mg/kg/d; Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar: 5-8 mg/kg/d or 60 mg/d. The total duration of hormonal therapy (including tapering) ranged from 4 to 12 weeks (67/91). Most responders considered cessation of spasms for four weeks as complete response (54/111) and advised electroencephalography (EEG; 104/123) to check for hypsarrhythmia resolution. Difficult access to pediatric EEG in Bhutan and Nepal is concerning. More than 95% of responders felt a need for more awareness. The meta-analysis supported the preponderance of male gender (68%; confidence interval [CI]: 64%-73%), structural etiology(80%; CI 73%-86%), longer LTTT (2.4 months; CI 2.1-2.6 months), and low response rate to hormonal therapy(18% and 28% for ACTH and oral steroids respectively) in WS in South Asia.Significance: This study highlights the practices and challenges in the management of WS in South Asia. These include a preponderance of male gender and structural etiology, a longer LTTT, difficult access to pediatric EEG, nonavailability of ACTH and vigabatrin in some countries, and low effectiveness of hormonal therapy in this region

    Human rabies encephalomyelitis in the background of rabies outbreak in animals in Gelephu, Bhutan, 2023: a case report

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    Abstract Background Rabies continues to pose significant public health challenges in many developing countries including Bhutan. A probable case of rabies was admitted to our hospital and its reporting led to the uncovering of an outbreak in domestic and wild animals. We discuss the challenges in the diagnosis and management of rabies in a resource-limited setting. Case presentation A 35-year-old male presented with intermittent fever, bilateral lower limb weakness that was rapidly progressive, urinary incontinence with episodes of palpitations and sweating. He had sustained a Category III bite on the right lower thigh with four bite marks, inflicted by a stray dog. He had received post-exposure prophylaxis with intra-dermal anti-rabies vaccine. On initial examination, the patient was in distress but cooperative for the interview. He had pulse rate ranging from 60 to 100/min with episodes of diaphoresis and palpitations, but with normal capillary blood glucose. In the lower limb, the muscle power was zero with absent tendon reflexes in the lower limb and impaired abdominal reflex below T10 level. He had hyperaesthesia below T8, hydrophobia, aerophobia and photophobia. He had multiple spontaneous fasciculations in both the thighs and right deltoid and these later involved the intercostal muscles, neck and face muscles. He had altered sensorium and desaturation for which he required mechanical ventilation. Polymerase chain reaction for rabies virus was negative in cerebrospinal fluid and saliva. Rabies virus neutralizing antibody was negative in cerebrospinal fluid but had high titres in the serum. He received Human Rabies Immunoglobulin after admission. He was managed in the intensive care unit and died 23 days later. After this case was notified, a rapid response team was deployed in the field, and uncovered rabies outbreak in animals in the locality. Conclusions This case called for a serious evaluation of the country’s efforts in achieving zero rabies deaths by 2030. The management of this case identified several critical areas of context-specific interventions in Bhutan. There is also an urgent need to improve diagnostic capabilities at the national reference laboratory and enhance the technical competencies of healthcare workers in the management of dog bite cases. Graphical Abstrac

    Management of west syndrome during COVID-19 pandemic: A viewpoint from south Asian west syndrome research group

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    In the wake of the pandemic COVID-19 and nationwide lockdowns gripping many countries globally, the national healthcare systems are either overwhelmed or preparing to combat this pandemic. Despite all the containment measures in place, experts opine that this novel coronavirus is here to stay as a pandemic or an endemic. Hence, it is apt to be prepared for the confrontation and its aftermath. From protecting the vulnerable individuals to providing quality care for all health conditions and maintaining essential drug supplies, it is going to be a grueling voyage. Preparedness to sustain optimal care for each health condition is a must. With a higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease in infants, need of high-dose hormonal therapy with a concern of consequent severe disease, presence of comorbidities, and a need for frequent investigations and follow-up; children with West syndrome constitute a distinctive group with special concerns. In this viewpoint, we discuss the important issues and concerns related to the management of West syndrome during COVID-19 pandemic in the South Asian context and provide potential solutions to these concerns based on the current evidence, adeptness, and consensus. Some plausible solutions include the continuation of containment and mitigation measures for COVID-19, therapeutic decision- making for West syndrome based on risk stratification, and tele-epileptology