11 research outputs found


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    Cilj je ovog izlaganja da se i ovom prilikom istakne posebna važnost meteoroloških planinskih stanica a naročito sinoptičkih stanica ove vrste i da se sinoptičari potstaknu da u dnevnoj praksi maksimalno koriste njihove podatka kao dopunu mreže radiosondažnih obaveštenja o stanju nižih vazdušnih slojeva. Ovdje se daju samo informacije o pojavi anticiklonske subsidencije na dan 24. i 25.X 1953. god. koja se formirala iznad jugoistočne Evrope, a koja je utvrđena pomoću visinskih i prizemnih sinoptičkih karata kao i aeroloških diagrama i podataka meteoroloških planinskih stanica

    O računskim nivoima vode za zaštitu od poplava na Dunavu kod Novog Sada

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    Protection of the city of Novi Sad from floods relies mainly on levees along the banks of the Danube River. These levees were reconstructed after a great flood in 1965, when they were designed to protect the city from a 100-year flood level. This design flood level was the result of frequency analysis of annual maximum water stages for a 21-year long record (1947-1967). Such a choice of the observed record for frequency analysis resulted in levee heights that secured additional protection of Novi Sad from floods in last 40 years. Any other choice of record length and period would have resulted in lower design levels and poorer protection from floods. The paper discusses the effects of the choice of the subrecord on design flood level by investigating results of flood frequency analysis for different periods of observed water stages of the Danube at Novi Sad. The results show that the level of flood protection of the city of Novi Sad is now lower then designed 40 years ago.Zaštita Novog Sada od velikih voda oslanja se najvećim delom na nasipe duž obala Dunava koji su rekonstruisani posle velike poplave iz 1965. godine, kada su dimenzionisani na 100-godišnju veliku vodu. Merodavni nivo vode za dimenzionisanje nasipa određen je tada na osnovu statističke analize niza od 21 maksimalnog godišnjeg vodostaja (1947-1967). Vreme je pokazalo da je taj niz dao merodavni vodostaj s kojim je Novi Sad imao dodatnu zaštitu od velikih voda tokom poslednjih 40 godina. Svaki drugačiji izbor niza za statističku analizu imao bi za rezultat niži merodavni vodostaj i niže kote nasipa. U radu se razmatra uticaj izbora niza maksimalnih godišnjih vodostaja na rezultate statističke analize i na vrednosti merodavnih vodostaja na Dunavu kod Novog Sada. Rezultati pokazuju da je stepen zaštite Novog Sada od plavljenja ispod projektovanog

    Монитор медијског плурализма у дигиталној ери. примена монитора медијског плурализма у Европској Унији, Албанији, Црној Гори, Републици Северној Македонији, Србији и Турској у 2022. Години. Извештај о земљи : Србија

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    This report presents the results of the implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor for the year 2022 (MPM2023) in Serbia. The MPM is a holistic tool geared at assessing the risks to media pluralism in EU member states and selected candidate countries (32 European countries in total, including Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey). The MPM takes into account legal, political and economic variables that are relevant to analysing the levels of plurality of media systems in a democratic society. The Media Pluralism Monitor has been implemented, on a regular basis, by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, since 2013/2014.Овај извештај представља резултате имплементације Монитора медијског плурализма за 2022. годину (МПМ2023) у Србији. МПМ је холистички алат усмерен на процену ризика за медијски плурализам у државама чланицама ЕУ и одабраним земљама кандидатима (укупно 32 европске земље, укључујући Албанију, Црну Гору, Републику Северну Македонију, Србију и Турску). МПМ узима у обзир правне, политичке и економске варијабле које су релевантне за анализу нивоа плуралитета медијских система у демократском друштву. Монитор медијског плурализма редовно спроводи Центар за медијски плурализам и слободу медија, од 2013/2014.The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom is co-financed by the European Unio

    А practical method for strut-and-tie modelling of the bridge pile cap

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    Pile cap is a typical example of a discontinuity region, where the classical beam theory does not apply. Therefore, strut-and-tie (STM) model is considered appropriate for the analysis of pile caps. Although, the strut-and-tie method is a powerful tool, one of its shortcomings is the need for guidelines for the standardized models. Otherwise, it is left to the designer to come up subjectively with the STM model, which is a sensitive task. In literature, usually simple loading (axial compression or compression with bending only in one direction) on a four-pile cap is discussed. In practice, for real bridge structure, usual loading is alternate biaxial bending, along with compression, on much larger number of piles, making the typical four-pile caps models useless. A practical methodology for creating pile cap model with large number of piles and with complex loading is presented step-by-step. It is further illustrated for the cases with six piles and eight piles from the actual bridge structures, where the method was applied in practice

    O računskim nivoima vode za zaštitu od poplava na Dunavu kod Novog Sada

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    Protection of the city of Novi Sad from floods relies mainly on levees along the banks of the Danube River. These levees were reconstructed after a great flood in 1965, when they were designed to protect the city from a 100-year flood level. This design flood level was the result of frequency analysis of annual maximum water stages for a 21-year long record (1947-1967). Such a choice of the observed record for frequency analysis resulted in levee heights that secured additional protection of Novi Sad from floods in last 40 years. Any other choice of record length and period would have resulted in lower design levels and poorer protection from floods. The paper discusses the effects of the choice of the subrecord on design flood level by investigating results of flood frequency analysis for different periods of observed water stages of the Danube at Novi Sad. The results show that the level of flood protection of the city of Novi Sad is now lower then designed 40 years ago.Zaštita Novog Sada od velikih voda oslanja se najvećim delom na nasipe duž obala Dunava koji su rekonstruisani posle velike poplave iz 1965. godine, kada su dimenzionisani na 100-godišnju veliku vodu. Merodavni nivo vode za dimenzionisanje nasipa određen je tada na osnovu statističke analize niza od 21 maksimalnog godišnjeg vodostaja (1947-1967). Vreme je pokazalo da je taj niz dao merodavni vodostaj s kojim je Novi Sad imao dodatnu zaštitu od velikih voda tokom poslednjih 40 godina. Svaki drugačiji izbor niza za statističku analizu imao bi za rezultat niži merodavni vodostaj i niže kote nasipa. U radu se razmatra uticaj izbora niza maksimalnih godišnjih vodostaja na rezultate statističke analize i na vrednosti merodavnih vodostaja na Dunavu kod Novog Sada. Rezultati pokazuju da je stepen zaštite Novog Sada od plavljenja ispod projektovanog

    Pomological properties of introduced raspberry cultivars grown in West Serbia

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    West Serbia is renowned for excellent conditions for raspberry production, with high quality fruit and yield. 'Willamette' is the most widely planted cultivar in commercial raspberry production in Serbia (about 95%). Beside 'Willamette', 'Gradina' (selected in Research Institute lt lt Serbia >>, Fruit growing and viticulture center, Cacak) was studied. Investigations included eight introduced floricane raspberry cultivars: Elida, Lucana (Resa), Marla, Meeker, Glen Ample, Niniane (Rubaca), Tulameen and Wei-Rula. Fruit weight showed large differences between cultivars, ranging from 3.55 g ('Niniane') to 7.32 g ('Glen Ample'). 'Tulameen' had the highest fruit soluble solids content (11.1%) and 'Elida' had the lowest (6.0%)


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    West Serbia is renowned for excellent conditions for raspberry production, with high quality fruit and yield. 'Willamette' is the most widely planted cultivar in commercial raspberry production in Serbia (about 95%). Beside 'Willamette', 'Gradina' (selected in Research Institute lt lt Serbia >>, Fruit growing and viticulture center, Cacak) was studied. Investigations included eight introduced floricane raspberry cultivars: Elida, Lucana (Resa), Marla, Meeker, Glen Ample, Niniane (Rubaca), Tulameen and Wei-Rula. Fruit weight showed large differences between cultivars, ranging from 3.55 g ('Niniane') to 7.32 g ('Glen Ample'). 'Tulameen' had the highest fruit soluble solids content (11.1%) and 'Elida' had the lowest (6.0%)

    Optimisation of underground mine decline development system using genetic algorithm

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    When deposit is composed of few ore bodies it is necessary to interconnect them into one integrated system. Suppose the deposit characteristics indicate that decline development system is preferred one. In such environment we treat development of an underground mine as access infrastructure composed of different decline sections. Access infrastructure designing can be treated as spanning the spatial network which will connect all main terminals (points). In our model we defined spatial network by adequate nonlinear constrained objective function representing the cost of mine development and ore haulage. To find the minimum value of the objective function we use Genetic algorithm

    Gate Road Support Deformation Forecasting Based on Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis and Fuzzy Time Series

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    Underground mining engineers and planners in our country are faced with extremely difficult working conditions and a continuous shortage of money. Production disruptions are frequent and can sometimes last more than a week. During this time, gate road support is additionally exposed to rock stress and the result is its progressive deformation and the loss of functionality of gate roads. In such an environment, it is necessary to develop a low-cost methodology to maintain a gate road support system. For this purpose, we have developed a model consisting of two main phases. The first phase is related to support deformation monitoring, while the second phase is related to data analysis. To record support deformations over a defined time horizon we use laser scanning technology together with multivariate singular spectrum analysis to conduct data processing and forecasting. Fuzzy time series is applied to classify the intensity of displacements into several independent groups (clusters)