4 research outputs found

    Work ability evaluation in neurosarcoidosis: A case report

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    Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic granulomatous disease of unknown etiology which affects most frequently the hilar lymph nodes and lungs. Symptomatic involvement of the central nervous system may develop in patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis or it may be the initial manifestation of the disease. This is a case report of 48-year old female patient admitted to our clinic for evaluation of working ability. The patient had a total of 24 years of service and occupational exposure and she has been employed as supplies procurement officer. On admission, she complained of the following discomforts: eye-lid pain, intellectual fatigue, psychic uneasiness, forgetfulness, dyspnea and productive cough. Neurological findings indicated the presence of the right eye ophthalmoplegia, psychoorganic syndrome and neurosarcoidosis. Ophthalmological examination evidenced bilateral ptosis and presence of anisocoria. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed discrete focal lesions of the pons (paracentral left) and parietal corona radiata of the left hemisphere. Based on performed examinations and diagnostics procedures, final evaluation of patient’s working ability concluded that the patient was not capable of psychic strains and jobs associated with material accountability

    Screening commercial drivers for obstructive sleep apnea: Validation of STOP-Bang questionnaire

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    Objectives: The main aim has been to examine psychometric properties of STOP-Bang (snoring, tiredness, observed apnea, high blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), age, neck circumference, male gender) scoring model (Serbian translation), an obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) screening tool, in a sample of commercial drivers. Material and Methods: After formal translation, validation was performed on a sample of bus and truck drivers evaluating test-retest reliability, construct and criterion validity. Overnight polysomnography or cardiorespiratory polygraphy were used for OSA diagnosis purposes. Results: One hundred male participants, 24–62 years old, were included. STOP-Bang classified 69% as potential OSA patients. Polysomnography identified OSA in 57% of the sample. Test-retest reliability (Cohen’s κ = 0.89) was adequate. STOP-Bang score was significantly correlated to apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and OSA severity. Sensitivity was 100% for AHI ≥ 15, highest specificity was 53.5% (AHI ≥ 5). Conclusions: STOP-Bang showed good measurement properties, supporting its further use in OSA screening of commercial drivers. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;30(5):751–76

    Procjena grube i fine motoričke funkcije šake u asimptomatičnih osoba izloženih vibracijama koje se prenose preko ruke i šake

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    A frequently encountered exposure profile for hand-arm vibration in contemporary occupational setting comprises workers with a long history of intermittent exposure but without detectable signs of hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). Yet, most of the published studies deal with developed HAVS cases, rarely discussing the biological processes that may be involved in degradation of manual dexterity and grip strength when it can be most beneficial - during the asymptomatic stage. In the present paper, a group of 31 male asymptomatic vibration-exposed workers (according to the Stockholm Workshop Scale) were compared against 30 male controls. They were tested using dynamometry and dexterimetry (modelling coarse and fine manual performance respectively) and cold provocation was done to detect possible differences in manual performance drop on these tests. The results showed reduced manual dexterity but no significant degradation in hand grip strength in the exposed subjects. This suggests that intermittent exposure profile and small cumulative vibration dose could only lead to a measurable deficit in manual dexterity but not hand grip strength even at non-negligible A(8) levels and long term exposures.U suvremenim uvjetima profesionalne izloženosti vibracijama koje se prenose preko ruke i šake, često se mogu vidjeti radnici koji su, i pored dugotrajne povremene izloženosti, i dalje bez uočljivih simptoma vibracijske bolesti. U većini dosadašnjih istraživanja analizirani su ispitanici s razvijenom kliničkom slikom vibracijske bolesti, uz rijetka razmatranja bioloških procesa koji mogu biti uključeni u degradaciju ručne spretnosti i snage stiska šake, osobito u asimptomatskoj fazi, kada bi to bilo od najveće koristi. U ovom su istraživanju uspoređene dvije skupine ispitanika: izložena skupina – 31 radnik izložen lokalnim vibracijama koji prema Stockholmskoj klasifikaciji nema simptome vibracijske bolesti, i kontrolna skupina – 30 radnika koji nisu izloženi lokalnim vibracijama. Svaki je ispitanik bio podvrgnut dinamometrijskom i deksterimetrijskom testiranju (model za grubu i finu motoričku funkciju šake) te testu provokacije hladnoćom radi usporedbe pada motoričkih funkcija šake. U izloženoj skupini zabilježen je pad fine motoričke funkcije, ali ne i snage stiska šake. Rezultati upozoravaju na mjerljiv deficit grube ali ne i fine motoričke funkcije šake kod povremene izloženosti s malim kumulativnim dozama, čak i kada se radi o dugotrajnoj izloženosti nezanemarivim razinama A(8). Vibracijama inducirane lezije živčanih vlakana i/ili mehanoreceptora, koji osiguravaju senzornu povratnu vezu za signale pokreta – čime kontroliraju zadatke koji iziskuju precizno kretanje prstiju – mogle bi biti odgovorne za uočeno smanjenje ručne spretnosti. Taj mehanizam, međutim, nije potreban za kontrolu grube sile stiska