172 research outputs found

    Uticaj nitro-jedinjenja na reaktivnost izolovane abdominalne aorte govečeta u prisustvu Lipopolisaharida (LPS)

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    Nitric compounds, such as glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) and sodium azide, are well known vasodilators. Their vasodilative effect is accomplished via nitric oxide (NO), released during the biotransformation of these compounds in vascular smooth muscle and endothelium. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are endotoxins derived from gram-negative bacteria. In the vascular system, LPS cause severe functional disorders, inducing excessive synthesis and release of NO from the vascular endothelium and smooth muscles. The fact that the effect of both nitrovasodilatators and LPS on blood vessels is mediated by nitric oxide prompted us to study their possible synergistic vasodilative interaction, i.e. we wanted to investigate if there is a functional relationship between the activity of nitric compounds and LPS on the bovine abdominal aorta. The experiments were conducted on isolated bovine abdominal aorta, incubated for 4 hours in an organ bath with Tyrode solution. Glyceryl trinitrate and sodium azide bring about a dose-dependent relaxation of isolated bovine abdominal aorta previously contracted with noradrenaline. With an EC50 of 1.531 x 10-9M ± 0.13, glyceryl trinitrate is a more potent relaxant than sodium azide whose EC50 is 2.322 x 10-9M ±0.02. In the presence of LPS, the maximal relaxant effect of GTN was intensified in contrast to the control relaxant effect of GTN on isolated bovine abdominal aorta. The relaxant effect of sodium azide in the presence of LPS was significantly intensified in contrast to the control relaxant effect of this nitric compound. The applied lipopolysaccharide definitely induced the production of NO, which, together with NO derived from nitric compounds (glyceryl trinitrate and sodium azide), caused greater maximal relaxation of the isolated blood vessel, i.e. pretreatment with LPS enhances the biotransformation of both nitric compounds; to a higher degree of sodium azide.Nitro-jedinjenja, kao što su gliceril trinitrat (GTN) i natrijum azid su poznati vazodilatatori. Mehanizam njihovog vazodilatatornog delovanja odvija se preko azotnog oksida (NO), koji se oslobađa u toku biotransformacije ovih jedinjenja u glatkim mišićima i endotelu krvnih sudova. Lipopolisaharidi (LPS) su endotoksini poreklom iz gram-negativnih bakterija koji u vaskularnom sistemu, prouzrokuju teške funkcionalne poremećaje, tako što indukuju prekomernu sintezu i oslobađanje NO-a iz endotela i glatkih mišića krvnih sudova. Imajući u vidu da se delovanje nitrovazodilatatora, kao i LPS-a na krvne sudove, odigrava posredstvom azotnog oksida, želeli smo da ispitamo da li između njih postoji sinergističko vazodilatatorno dejstvo, odnosno da utvrdimo funkcionalnu povezanost u mehanizmu delovanja nitro-jedinjenja i LPS-a na abdominalnoj aorti govečeta. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na izolovanoj abdominalnoj aorti govečeta, koja je inkubirana 4 časa u vodenom kupatilu za izolovane organe sa Tyrode-ovim rastvorom. Gliceril trinitrat i natrijum azid prouzrokuju dozno-zavisnu relaksaciju prethodno noradrenalinom kontrahovane izolovane abdominalne aorte govečeta. Gliceril trinitrat je potentniji i prouzrokuje jače relaksantno delovanje jer mu je EC50=1-531 x 10-9M±0.13 u odnosu na natrijum azid, čija je EC50=2.322 x 10 M±0.02. U prisustvu LPS-a maksimalan relaksantni efekat GTN-a je potenciran u odnosu na kontrolni relaksantni efekat GTN-a, na izolovanoj abdominalnoj aorti govečeta. Relaksantni efekat natrijum azida u prisustvu LPS-a je izrazito potenciran, u odnosu na kontrolni relaksantni efekat ovog nitro-jedinjenja. Primenjeni lipopolisaharid je indukovao produkciju NO-a, koji zajedno sa NO-om poreklom iz nitro-jedinjenja (gliceril trinitrata i natrijum azida) prouzrokuje jaču maksimalnu relaksaciju izolovanog krvnog suda, odnosno pretretman sa LPS-om povećava biotransformaciju oba nitro-jedinjenja, ali vise natrijum azida

    Conservation and directed utilization of forest genetic resources

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    Forest genetic resources represent the genetic diversity contained in the thousands of species of forest trees on the earth. their conservation is a set of activities and strategies, which are performed in the aim of ensuring the continued existence, evolution and availability of these resources for the present and future generations. the aim of genetic resource management is the enhancement of conditions for the continual evolution of the species which is the defensive mechanism of the organisms in the struggle with environmental changes

    Antioxidant Effects of Glechoma hederacea as a Food Additive

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    The antioxidant properties of Glechoma hederacea L. (Lamiaceae), of Serbian origin, were studied in respect to its potential use in foodstuffs. Ethanol-water (8:2, v/v) and purified ethyl acetate extracts of the plant were found to possess significant antioxidant activity. Tests were performed on two different substrates, prime steam pork lard and active-carbon-treated edible sunflower oil, using Schaal oven test storage conditions at 60 degrees C. The ethanol-water and purified ethyl acetate extracts of G. hederacea showed strong concentration-dependent antioxidant activity. On the contrary, under the Rancimat method conditions at 120 degrees C, the ethanol-water extract showed significantly stronger antioxidant activity, in comparison with the other tested extracts. All activities were compared with commercial antioxidants, such as BHA and a tocopherol mixture, respectively. For the first time, the activity of the flavonol quercetagetin was determined

    A combining genetic learning algorithm and risk matrix model using in optimal production program

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    Jedan od veoma važnih ciljeva u svakom preduzeću je naći optimalno rešenje kod inverznih višekriterijumskih funkcija. Funkcija kojom se opisuju troškovi i funkcija kojom se opisuje profi t po jedinici proizvoda su dve inverzne funkcije sa mnogo konfliktnih informacija o proizvodnim parametrima. Pored toga, za donosioca odluke veoma važno je ukazati na rizik koje optimalno rešenje nosi sa sobom, Iz tog razloga u radu je razvijen model koji predstavlja kombinaciju primene genetskih algoritama (GA) i matrica rizika, radi poboljšanja kvaliteta odluke koja se bazira na kvantitativnim indikatorima, a ne samo na kvalitativnim. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da model integracije GA i RM ima veoma veliki značaj u olakšanju procesa odlučivanja o optimalnom proizvodnom programu uz istovremeno i povećanje kvaliteta donesenih odluka.One of the important issues for any enterprises is the compromise optimal solution between inverse of multi objective functions. The prediction of the production cost and/or profit per unit of a product and deal with two obverse functions at same time can be extremely difficult, especially if there is a lot of conflict information about production parameters. But the most important is how much risk of this compromise solution. For this reason, the research introduce and developed a strong and cabable model of genatic algorithim combining with risk management matrix to increase the quality of decisions as it is based on quantitive indicators, not on qualititive evaluation. Research results show that integration of genetic algorithm and risk management matrix model has strong significant in the decision making where it power and time to make the right decision and improve the quality of the decision making as well

    The B group vitamins and mineral elements in the selective removal of wheat kernel layers

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    The objective of this study was to investigate how selective removal of the surface layers of whole wheat grains by abrasive scouring affects the distribution of mineral elements (macronutrients, micronutrients and trace elements) and the B group vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin pyridoxine, pantothenic acid and niacin) in three soft winter wheat varieties (Partizanka, Novosadska rana and Lasta). Although representing technologically different quality classes of wheat, the varieties were not significantly different in the B group vitamin contents, except for pyridoxine. Whole grains of all varieties exhibited very similar scouring behavior in reduction of vitamins: the most intensive investigated regime only slightly, but not significantly reduced the concentration of the B group vitamins. The nutritive value of scoured wheat grains with regard to the B group vitamins was preserved. The investigated minerals were: Na, K, Ca, Mg, N4n, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Se, Pb and Cd. The concentrations of minerals in scoured wheat grains were significantly reduced, dropping on average to 65% of the initial values for macro and 55% for microelements. The change of concentrations with the duration of applied treatment followed different patterns for different elements. Furthermore, a different pattern of the change for the same element in different wheat varieties was noticed. This might be due either to different mechanical properties of bran and bran layer interfaces or genotypic variability in distribution of elements in wheat grain. Severe reduction in Pb concentrations was achieved leading to improvement of whole-wheat food safety

    Određivanje nutritivne vrednosti pšeničnog hleba sa dodatkom mešavine semena kvinoje, heljde i tikve

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    The purpose of this research was to blend quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) and pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seed kernels at 40% level with wheat flour and to examine the effect of this blend on nutritional and sensory quality and also energy values of the pan bread. Hydrothermal preparation of these supplements is included. Chemical composition of the investigated materials, wheat bread and supplemented bread, was determined using relevant AOAC methods. Chemical composition of supplemented bread with an increase in protein, oil and crude fiber was superior in comparison with control wheat bread. Sensory properties of supplemented bread such as specific volume, appearance, crust and crumb texture, aroma-odor and color were evaluated and found excellent.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita mogućnost proizvodnje pšeničnog hleba sa dodatkom semena kvinoje, heljde i tikve do nivoa od 40%. Kvinoja (Chenopodium quinoa Willd., familija Amaranthaceae) je pseudocerealija. U ovom radu je korišćena danska sorta KVL 37, gajena u okolini Beograda. Domaća komercijalna semena heljde (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) i tikve (Cucurbita pepo L.) su nabavljena u lokalnoj radnji zdrave hrane. U ovom radu su prikazani hemijski sastavi prečišćenog semena kvinoje, kao i semena heljde i tikve. Heljda i kvinoja su odabrane zbog toga što ne sadrže gluten, a imaju visok sadržaj kvalitetnih proteina. Očišćeno seme tikve (golica) je odabrano zbog toga što sadrži veliki procenat nutritivno i zdravstveno vrednog ulja i proteina. Analizirane su hemijske i tehnološke osobine mešavine ovih semena i pšeničnog brašna, kao i mogućnost njihove primene u proizvodnji hleba u kalupu. Određen je hemijski sastav i nutritivna energetska vrednost pšeničnog hleba pripremljenog sa dodatkom 15% semena kvinoje, 15% semena heljde i 10% golice. U odnosu na kontrolni pšenični hleb, obogaćeni hleb je sadržao 6% više proteina, 3,8% više ulja i oko 5% više sirovih vlakana. Sadržaj skroba u obogaćenom hlebu je bio niži za oko 8%. Energetska vrednost obogaćenog hleba je porasla za oko 150 kJ/100 g. Obogaćeni hleb je imao dobru specifičnu zapreminu i odlične senzorne osobine. Pokazano je da je ispitivana mešavina pšeničnog brašna i odabranih semena pogodna za proizvodnju hleba u kalupu, povećane nutritivne vrednosti

    Proteinski sastav tofua korigovanog kvaliteta

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    Soybeans are an inexpensive, high-quality protein source. Soybeans have long been a staple of the human diet in Asia, especially as tofu, which is prepared from soymilk. In this study, tofu was made using a new production method which includes hydrothermal cooking (HTC) and rennin-pepsin coagulant. The effects of the addition of gallic acid to the slurry during tofu processing were studied. Tofu was made from two soybean genotypes: Lana and Balkan. The observed genotypes are characterized by relatively high content of total proteins in flour, from 45.88% to 48.83%. The prepared tofu samples are characterized by extremely high content of total proteins (52.17% - Lana tofu and 56.08% - Balkan tofu). The presence of gallic acid significantly affects the solubility of tofu protein. The applied modifications of traditional procedure of tofu production significantly improved sensory properties of soybean protein products.Tofu je želirani proteinski proizvod, koji se dobija koagulacijom zagrejanog sojinog mleka. Potrošačima naše populacije ne odgovara aroma 'zelenog zrna', takozvani 'leguminozni miris i ukus', koji se oseća u proizvodima soje pripremljenim na tradicionalni način. Sa namerom poboljšanja arome dobijenih sireva, pripremljen je tofu primenom hidrotermičkog tretmana i enzima za koagulaciju mleka (himozin-pepsin) uz dodatak galne kiselina, koja je jak antiseptik i antioksidant. Zahvaljujući visokom sadržaju ukupnih proteina sojinog semena (45,88-48,83% u obezmašćenom brašnu) i pripremljeni tofu se karakteriše visokim sadržajem ukupnih proteina (52,17% s.m.- Lana tofu i 65,08 % s.m. - Balkan tofu). Postupak dodatka galne kiseline menja sadržaj rastvorljivih proteina (27,48% - Lana tofu i 41,55% - Balkan tofu) koji se značajno razlikuje u odnosu na uzorke bez nje (14,20% - Lana tofu i 28,88% - Balkan tofu). Poliakrilamidnom-gel elektroforezom ekstrakta tofua pripremljenog uz dodatak galne kiseline razdvojen je veći broj komponenata, koje se ne uočavaju na elektroforegramima tofua nemodifikovanog kvaliteta. Gasnohromatografskom analizom isparljivih komponenata tofua registrovan je uglavnom acetaldehid, tako da je postignut cilj ublažavanja legulinoznog mirisa. Poboljšanje senzornih karakteristika potvrđuju i povoljne senzorne ocene koje su dobili uzorci pripremljeni sa galnom kiselinom (3,65 - Lana tofu i 3,87 - Balkan tofu)

    Trametes suaveolens as ligninolytic enzyme producer

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    Species of the genus Trametes represent one of the most efficient lignin-degraders which can be attributed to a well developed ligninolytic enzyme system. Current trends are screening of ability of new species to produce these enzymes, as well as the optimization of conditions for their overproduction. Therefore, the aim of the study was to evaluate the potential of T. suaveolens to synthesize laccase and Mn-oxidizing peroxidases during fermentation of the selected plant raw materials. Level of enzyme activities was measured on 7, 10 and 14th day of submersion, as well as the solid-state fermentation of wheat straw and oak sawdust in the presence of NH4NO3 in previously determined optimal nitrogen concentration of 25 mM. The enzyme activity was determined spectrophotometrically using ABTS and phenol red as the substrates. The highest level of laccase activity (1087.1 U/L) was noted after 7 days of wheat straw solid-state fermentation, while during the submerged cultivation the production of the enzyme was not noted. Submerged cultivation in oak sawdust-enriched medium was the optimal for activity of Mn-dependent peroxidase (1767.7 U/L on day 14) and Mn-independent peroxidase (1113.7 U/L on day 7). Introduction of T. suaveolens to produce ligninolytic enzyme represented the base for further study, as well as the determination of relation between enzyme activity and rate of lignin degradation. It could lead to greater possibility of fungal species selection with high delignification capacity, which could take participation in sustainable production of food, feed, fibres, and energy, environmentally friendly pollution prevention, and bioremediation

    General procedures in diagnosis of malignant diseases in dogs and cats

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    Tumors occur in all domestic and wild animals. They are most often diagnosed in dogs and cats, and their numbers increase from year to year. In the recent years, cancer is believed to be the most frequent cause of pet deaths. A speedy and reliable diagnosis is of paramount importance because it enables the veterinarian to begin therapy and make a prognosis. The objective of an early diagnosis is to enable the detection of neoplastic diseases before the tumor spreads throughout the organism, consequently enabling the timely administration of therapy and providing greater chances for curing the animal. A tumor is diagnosed on the grounds of the anamnesis, clinical picture, and special diagnostic procedures. The most frequently applied diagnostic procedures are laboratory diagnostics, cytology, biopsy and pathohistology, imaging diagnostics (roentgenography and roentgenoscopy, ultrasound diagnostics, endoscopy, computer tomography, magnetic resonance, and scintigraphy) and molecular diagnostics. Each of these methods has its advantages and faults in connection with costs, availability, sensitivity, specificity and quality of anatomic vs functional pictures. Every one of these techniques has its own field of implementation and each one provides different and additional information in connection with the nature and position of the primary lesion and the presence of metastases

    Sastav i antioksidativna aktivnost Picris echoides

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    Some flavonoids with antioxidant properties from the aerial parts of the plant species Picris echoides (family Asteraceae) were identified. Upon chromatography, the ethyl acetate extract afforded flavonoids, such as flavone apigenin (1) and its glucoside, cosmosiin (2), as well as common plant constituents from this family, flavonol galetin (3 3,4’,5,6,7-pentahydroxyflavone) and 4,4’,6,7-tetrahydroxyaurone (4). The structure of the aurone 4 has not been described so far in the literature and presented a very rare type of aurone skeleton. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined by interpretation of their physical and spectral data. The antioxidant activities of different extracts from Picris echoides were measured by the Schaal oven test at 60 ºC and by the Rancimat method at 100 ºC.Water/ethanol extracts (2:8, v/v), in concentrations of 0.02 and 0.05 %, showed lower activity than commercial tocopherol (Tch). On the contrary, the purified ethyl acetate extracts showed a strong concentration-dependent antioxidant effect. The investigation demonstrated that galetin was the main flavonol from this origin. According to the results of the two methods, galetin (3) showed a two-fold better activity than didTch and a lower activity than did butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The aurone 4 exhibited significantly lower antioxidant activity than did galetin at the same concentration level. Thus, the plant species P. echoides is a new and favorable source of natural lipid antioxidants.Ispitan je hemijski sastav vodeno/etanolnog ekstrakta domaće biqke Picris echoides (familija Asteraceae). Izolovana su i identifikovana četiri flavonoida: apigenin (1), njegov 7-O-glukozid (2), galetin (3 3,4’,5,6,7-pentahidroksi-flavon) i 4,4’,6,7-tetrahidroksi-auron (4). Skelet tipa aurona 4 vrlo retko je prisutan u biqkama i njegova struktura do sada nije opisana u literaturi. Određena je antioksidativna aktivnost različitih ekstrakata biqke, kao i čistih flavonoidnih supstanci u uslovima Schaal oven testa na 60 ºC i Rancimat metoda na 100 ºC. Vodeno/etanolni ekstrakti (2:8) u koncentracijama 0,02 i 0,05 % pokazali su slabu aktivnost u pore- đenju sa tokoferolom, dok su etilacetatni ekstrakti, u istim koncentracijama delovali kao efikasni antioksidanti. Dokazano je da galetin (3) pokazuje duplo veću aktivnost od tokoferola