40 research outputs found

    Triangulacija grada Subotice

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    Triangulacija grada Subotice

    Problem omeđavanja

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    Problem omeđavanja


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    The paper presents a concise overview of the theoretical framework on which climate classifications are based. Beside short review of climate classifications, namely climatic regionalization for Serbia (or wider area including Serbia), main deficiency of these research was ascertained (which primarily relate to the period on the basis of which climate regionalization was carried out). The criteria of the Köppen climate classification are presented, on the basis of which the climate regionalization of Serbia has been carried out. The methodology of making maps of air temperatures and precipitation amounts has been described, on the basis of which a map of the climate regions of Serbia has been created. Spatial distribution of the types and subtypes of the climates in Serbia has been briefly described. It has been pointed to the constraints of the climate regionalization that arise from the theoretical bases of the climate classifications, but also from nature of the collected data and the applied methodology

    Servis period i antitela protiv spermatozoida kod veštački osemenjavanih krava

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    The aim of this study was to determine titers of antisperm antibodies (ASA) of Ig G and Ig A class in sera and cervical mucus of artificially inseminated Holstein cows in order to correlate these results with the duration of the open days period. Investigations were conducted on a total of 181 cows originating from three different dairy farms. Blood and cervical mucus samples for laboratory analyses were collected on the day of the last artificial insemination. Presence of ASA was determined by indirect immunofluorescence method (IIF) using bulls' sperm cells prepared for artificial insemination by suspending in TRIS - egg yolk or "Biociphos + " extenders prior to deep freezing. Our results strongly confirm the hypothesis that immune mechanisms may be involved in reproductive disturbances due to high levels of ASA of lg A class. In the sera and cervical mucus of cows, high levels of ASA were found in animals with longer open days period. In this study we were not able to demonstrate differences in ASA titers when sperm cells were suspended in different extenders and used for the IIF test.U ovom radu su izneti rezultati ispitivanja titra antitela Ig G i Ig A klase poreklom iz krvnog seruma i cervikalne sluzi veštački osemenjavanih holštajn krava protiv antigena spermatozoida bika. Ispitivanja su izvedena na ukupnom broju od 181 plotkinje sa tri regionalne farme muznih krava. Uzorci krvi i cervikalne sluzi su prikupljeni na dan poslednjeg veštačkog osemenjavanja. Titar antitela protiv antigena spermatozoida (ASA) je određivan metodom indirektne imunofluorescence a za izvođenje testa su korišćeni spermatozoidi suspendovani u TRIS žumanjčanom ili "Biociphos +" razređivaču. Naši rezultati potvrđuju hipotezu da su imunski mehanizmi uključeni u nastanak nekih reproduktivnih poremećaja jer su plotkinje sa visokim titrom ASA u serumu i cervikalnoj sluzi imala duži servis period. Osim toga, u ovim ispitivanjima nismo utvrdili postojanje razlika u titru ASA u zavisnosti od vrste korišćenog razređivača

    Analysis of factors influencing estrus cycle in dairy cows

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    The frequency of interestrus intervals between two inseminations during two annual period, from 1. 4. 2001 - 31. 3. 2003, on a farm with 500 Holstein-Frisian cows and milk production of 5500-6000 kg was analyzed. Periods of 1½ months of estrus cycles were presented by histograms for pregnant, nonpregnant and culled cows. Normal and multiple cycles indicate estrus detection errors, and were recorded in 26.70% / 22.73% and 33.25% / 33.77% cows, in the first and second analyzed periods, respectively. Short and prolonged estrus cycles were noted in 12.22% / 4.34%, and 10.07% / 7.36% cows, in the first and second analyzed periods respectively, and indicate nutritional disturbances and embryonal mortality. Disturbed estrus periods were found in 41.31% and 43.10% cows and heifers and were a consequence of other cumulate factors in herd sterility. Herd fertility improvement may be achieved with systematic work on prevention of ovarial dysfunction and proper records management

    Suitability of individual and bulk milk samples to investigate the humoral immune response to lumpy skin disease vaccination by ELISA

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    Background The detection of antibodies against capripoxvirus has become easier with a commercially available ELISA validated for serum and plasma. In order to explore its suitability for immunological investigations on alternative samples, this study targeted milk as sample matrix available through non-invasive sampling. Methods Samples for this study were collected from dairy cows vaccinated against LSD in an area without reported LSD virus circulation. Paired serum and milk (individual and bulk) samples were tested by ELISA without and with modifications of the sample incubation time for the milk samples. For the evaluation of the test specificity, 352 milk samples from a milk repository in Germany were used as negative control. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed for determination of the Youden index and determination of the most suitable cut-off value for maximum specificity. Results From 154 analyzed serum samples from Serbia, 75 were detected as positive in the ELISA. Sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA test for milk samples reached values of 88 to 91% using Youden criteria. A cut-off of 10 was determined aiming for maximum specificity. This cut-off value was used for further analysis. Using the protocol for serum, out of 154 milk samples, 38 were detected as positive, number of positive detected milk samples increase up to 48 with modified protocol. Milk samples from Germany reacted negative, except two samples that had borderline results using modified protocol. Significant statistical difference (p < 0.05) was observed between two incubation protocols. The detection of LSD-specific antibodies from bulk milk samples (pools of 2-10 individuals) came along with a reduced sensitivity over the sample of individual animals. Conclusions Results show that the detection of capripoxvirus specific antibodies in milk samples using the commercially available ELISA from IDvet is feasible and can represent a helpful tool for LSDV monitoring programs

    Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of B2L Gene of ORF Virus from Clinical Cases of Sheep in Serbia

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    Infection of sheep by the ORF virus (ORFV) is very common in Serbia. ORFV is an economically important viral disease, distributed worldwide. Phylogenetic analysis based on the B2L gene of Serbian ORFV strains from two outbreaks that occurred in Serbia in 2016 is presented in this paper. Crust formation around the lips, nostrils, and udder was noted in all animals from the first outbreak, whilst in the second outbreak, all animals showed swollen and cyanotic lips and muzzle, with no visible crusts. Virus isolation was conducted using Vero cells. Cytopathic effects were evident on the third passage. However, all examined samples were positive using PCR. Phylogenetic analysis of the partial gene sequences (terminal gene regions were not included) encoding B2L gene of Serbian ORFV isolates showed 97.33-100.00% nucleotide and 92.86-100.00% amino acid similarity between each other. However, the viruses were divided into two clusters within the previously recognized Group 2, together with viruses from Croatia, Greece, Finland, China, South Korea and North America. This study is the first report of phylogenetic analysis of ORFV from Serbia and contributes to the data available in the GenBank database. The results of our investigation showed genetic diversity between ORFV strains in Serbia

    Epizootiological service: One of the cornerstones of veterinary medicine

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    Факултет ветеринарске медицине представља један од факултета који пружају практична знања и вештине, а планови и програми појединих предмета дају солидну основу да по дипломирању лекар ветеринарске медицине зна да постави сумњу на неку заразну и паразитску болест, обави хируршку операцију, анализира резултате дијагностичких испитивања телесних флуида, уведе животињу у анестезију, обави телење, анализира резултате испитивања квалитета сточарских производа, апликује терапију у зависности од дијагнозе и потреба животиња, саветује сточара у вези технологије узгоја и биосиурносних мера итд. Кроз сваки од наведених (и ненаведених) послова, провлачи се један заједнички именитељ. Наиме, појединачни случајеви тј. пацијенти и најчешће позитиван исход третмана, не би значили пуно ако се не би анализовали са становишта правилности и учесталости појављивања болести и успеха спроведених мера. Као лекари ветеринарске медицине, често у помоћ позивамо статистичаре који нам са мање или више успеха, користећи статистичке методе, објасне како се појединачни случајеви болести уклапају у целу слику односа епизоотиолошких детерминанти: узрока (микроорганизма), пријемчиве врсте животиња (макроорганизма) и спољашњег фактора. Међутим, биолошки закони који представљају основу ветеринарске медицине често или нису до краја познати или по природи ствари нису елементи које статистичари уче. Отуда је од великог значаја да сваки лекар ветеринарске медицине буде и епизоотиолог и да на основу својих искустава (рада), покуша да пронађе закономерности поремећаја здравља, производних карактеристика и добробити у популацијама животињских врста као и да установи који су то фактори који утичу на појаву ових поремећаја, а са циљем изналажења мера за њихово уклањање и/или смањењe штета. Имајући у виду професионални профил епизоотиолога, може да се каже да епизоотиолошка служба обједињује податке о поремећајима здравља, производних карактеристика и добробити животиња и има задатак да анализује добијене информације, предлаже и спроводи мере за контролу, сузбијање и искорењивање пре свега заразних болести. Епизоотиолошка служба је у највећем броју случајева (земаља) организована и повезана како по вертикали тако и хоризонтално. Свакако, основа су ветеринари на терену који, поред власника и држаоца животиња, први постављају сумњу на присуство неког поремећаја здравља. Следећи ниво су ветеринарски инспектори и епизоотиолози који се налазе у оквиру специјализованих дијагностичких ветеринарских института. На врху епизоотиолошке пирамиде налази се оделење у оквиру Управе за ветерину које обједињује податке са терена али и тесно сарађује са осталим оделењима Управе. На тај начин, омогућава се да се епизиоотиолошка служба прикупља податке не само о заразним и паразитским болестима које често имају зоонотски потенцијал, већ и информације о поремећајима у продуктивности, подизању квалитативног и квантитативног стандарда производа животињског порекла и ризика по добробит животиња. Исто тако, епизоотиолошка служба у оквиру Управе за ветерину сарађује са Међународним Уредом за епизоотије (ОИЕ), поштујући принципе и критеријуме за размену података и међусобно извештавање Уреда и земаља чланица ОИЕ-а. Епизоотиолошка служба сарађује и са епидемиолошком службом у циљу контроле и сузбијања зооноза.The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is one of the „hands on“ faculties whose curriculum offers a sound base for a graduate to diagnose an infective or parasitic disease, perform a surgical intervention, analyze results of body fluids tests, assist delivery, assess the quality of livestock products, apply treatment according to the diagnosis and need of the animal, offer council to the farmers, etc. In all the listed (and not listed) duties there is a common denominator, as individual cases would not be of relevance if not observed within the framework of disease regularity and incidence, as well as success of the performed measures. Doctors of veterinary medicine very often appeal to the help of statisticians which to a higher or lesser extent, with the aid of statistical methods, explain how individual cases fit within the whole picture of epizootiological factors: cause (microorganisms), susceptible animal (macro organism), and environmental factors. However, biological rules which represent the core of veterinary medicine very often are not elucidated, or are not taken into account by the statisticians. Thus, the importance for every veterinarian to find the epizootiologist within, and according to his/her knowledge and experience try to define the rules according to which a disease develops or production and welfare are affected. At the same time the veterinarian should be able to define which factors affect the presence of these disorders, all with the aim of prevention and/or damage mitigation. Bearing in mind the professional profile of an epizootiologist, it can be said that the epizootiological service encompasses data on health disorders, productive characteristics and animal welfare and within the Ministry of Agriculture has a role to analyze the obtained data, suggest and carry out control measures, combat and eradicate above all infectious diseases. Also, the Directorate for Veterinary Affairs forwards data to the International Office thus collaborating with the epidemiological service with the aim of zoonoses control and eradication