4 research outputs found

    Oranizacija i troŔkovi otkupa, transporta, skladiŔtenja i čuvanja plodova maline

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    Due to its characteristic, apart from nutritive and medical significance, raspberry is particularly important for our country in social and economic terms, since its export attracts foreign currency inflow. Since the quality of raspberry decreases rapidly after picking, it is utterly important that the whole process, from picking to cold storage of fruit, should be rationally organized, thus finally reducing the costs and increasing the production value. For these reasons precisely the research deals with organization of the entire process, from repurchase to cold storage of raspberry fruits, as well as the analysis of pertaining costs. Necessary information for the preparation of the paper has been obtained from cold storage plants engaged in raspberry storage and preservation. Necessary information has been gathered using several methods, viz: observation, interview and content analysis methods. Furthermore, analysis, comparison and calculation methods have also been used in the preparation of the paper. The raspberry fruit repurchase, transport and storage costs range from 1,6 to 1,8 EUR per kg, exclusive of storage (store-housing). To this one should add store-housing costs ranging from 0,009 to 0,013 EUR per kg on a monthly basis. Modern organization of production and communication between producers, repurchasers, processors and exporters is essential in order to decrease fluctuations in repurchase and sales price of fresh raspberry and its products and the improvement of overall financial effect of all links within the chain of this economy activity. Cold storage plants, even if of minor capacities, are beneficial not only for the immediate participants in the producer-buyer chain, but it also makes an important stimulating factor for rural development and economy of the country.Malina, zahvaljujući osobina kojima se odlikuje, pored nutritivnog i zdravstvenog, kroz devizni priliv koji se ostvaruje njenim izvozom, za naÅ”u zemlju ima i naročit druÅ”tveni i ekonomski značaj. S obzirom na činjenicu da kvalitet maline rapidno opada nakon berbe, od izuzetnog je značaja da čitav proces od berbe do skladiÅ”tenja voća u hladnjačama bude racionalno organizovan, Å”to bi u krajnjoj liniji trebalo da se odrazi i na smanjenje troÅ”kova i povećanje vrednosti proizvodnje. Iz tih razloga je predmet istraživanja u radu upravo organizacija čitavog procesa, od otkupa do čuvanja plodova malina u hladnjačama, kao i analiza troÅ”kova koji nastaju prilikom realizacije istog. Podaci za izradu rada dobijeni su iz hladnjača koje se bave skladiÅ”tenjem i čuvanjem maline. Za prikupljanje podataka potrebnih za izradu rada koriŔćeno je nekoliko metoda i to: metod posmatranja, metod intervjua i metod analize sadržaja. Pored njih, u izradi rada, koriŔćene su joÅ” i metod analize, metod poređenja i metod kalkulacije. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se troÅ”kovi otkupa, transporta i skladiÅ”tenja plodova maline kreću se od od 1,6 do 1,8 evra po kg, bez čuvanja. Na to se dodaju troÅ”kovi lagerovanja koji se kreću od 0,009 do 0,013 evra po kg na mesečnom nivou. Savremena organizacija proizvodnje, kao i komunikacija između proizvođača, otkupljivača, prerađivača i izvoznika, od presudnog je značaja za smanjenje fluktuacije otkupnih i prodajnih cena sveže maline i njenih proizvoda i poboljÅ”anje opÅ”teg finansijskog efekta svih karika koje čine lanac ove privredne aktivnosti. Hladnjače za čuvanje maline, čak i one manjeg kapaciteta, nisu od koristi samo neposrednim učesnicima u lancu od proizvođača do kupca, već predstavljaju i značajan faktor podsticanja ruralnog razvoja i ekonomije zemlje u celini

    Raw material requirements planning in fruit juice production

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    The primary purpose of this research is to determine the production capacity requirements of a model fruit juice producer. In addition to fruit processing capacities, the company is in possession of its own land devoted to orchards. The research was conducted on the basis of a balance method, which has been used in fruit production for the planning of processing capacity requirements, i.e. the striking of a harmonious balance between the land capacity utilization via orchards and the industry of fruit processing. For the planned production of 33,280 tons of raw materials, at average yields, the producer should be in possession of an area of 2,344 ha. For the processing capacity of 160 tons of raw materials a day, the producer should be in possession of the following diversity and spatial distribution of cultivated fruit species: strawberries (516 ha), raspberries (332 ha), sour cherries (361 ha), apricots (71 ha), peaches (178 ha), blueberries (320 ha), plums (50 ha), pears (89 ha), apples (137 ha), quinces (50 ha), and grapes (240 ha)

    Dynamic responses of mobile elevating work platform and mega container crane structures

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    The modern design methods lead to the objectivisation of the process of thinking, which is important for the new system development. The aim of objectivisation and decomposition of the design is obvious: it should enable a new approach in the problem solving and thinking of the designer, enriches the large quantity of new information, facts and ideas, which are important for the system designing. The first part of this paper gives a brief presentation of mobile elevating work platform structure response to the wind excitation in possible resonant states. The second part is dedicated to the dynamic analysis of the mega container crane structure subjected to the moving load

    Failure analysis of the combat jet aircraft rudder shaft

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    This paper analyzes failure causes of the combat jet aircraft rudder shaft (RS) which occurred during the flight mission. A finite element method (FEM), utilized to determine the stress state of the RS subjected to hinge moment ultimate load, resulted in the high stress concentration sites around the rivet holes. The longitudinal crack was initiated from the corrosion pit in the zone of the rivet hole, where the fatigue beach marks were observed. The inner surface of the RS was heavily corroded. Moreover, pitting corrosion has destroyed approximately 50% of the wall thickness. Based on the presented results it was concluded that the failure of the RS had a character of fatigue combined with heavy corrosion. Therefore, it is recommended that the RS should be redesigned; the material changed into more corrosion resistant one and the maintenance procedure changed in order to avoid future similar failures