18 research outputs found

    Lichen planus disseminatus partim vesiculosus after COVID-19 vaccine

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    Introduction: Lichen planus is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that can be associated with infections, drugs and vaccines. As concerning the potential triggering effect of vaccine, there is evidence a few cases of new-onset lichen planus that appeared after COVID vaccine, particularly the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Case report: This report is a case of a newonset lichen planus triggered by the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine administration in a healthy young female. Dermatological examination revealed polygonal, itchy, erythematous papules on trunk, upper and lower limbs, that coalesced into brownish plaques in the ankles, flexural wrist and knee. No mucosal involvement was noted. In view of the clinical picture, the timing of the skin eruption with respect to the vaccine and the histopathologic findings, a vaccine-induced lichen planus triggered by the COVID-19 vaccine has been diagnosed. Conclusion: Lichen planus or lichenoid-like eruption as a cutaneous manifestation following COVID-19 vaccines are rare, and the pathogenesis for its development is still unclear. Clinical trials showed that the leading vaccines upregulate Tcell response (Th1) and incrementing inflammatory cytokines involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, such as lichen planus. Although we still do not completely understand its pathogenesis, dermatologists should be aware of the possibility and keep an eye out for worsening or debut of this disease after the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccinated patients should be monitored for skin manifestations, and dermatological evaluation should be offered, when needed

    Нутритивне и биоактивне компоненте у плодовима једнородних и сталнорађајућих сорти јагодe

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    Поред шећера и витамина, плод јагоде (Fragaria×ananassa Duch) је важан извор и биоактивних једињења, као што су укупни феноли и антоцијани. Ова једињења истовремено дефинишу нутритивни и сензорички квалитет плода. У овим истраживањима испитиване су новије сорте јагоде , које су још увек у фази тестирања, и то три једнородне сорте ('Aprika', 'Sibilla', 'Vivaldi') и три сталнорађајуће сорте ('Albion', 'Capri', 'Irma') у којима су одређене концентрације индивидуалних шећера, органских киселина, витамина Ц, укупних фенола (TPC) и укупних антоцијана (TACY). Од једнородних сорти 'Vivaldi' се издвојила по садржају TACY (24.92 mg Pg-3-g eq/100 g свеже масе (FW)) и витамина Ц (46.7 mg/100 g FW), док је 'Sibilla' била доминантна у садржају глукозе и фруктозе (2.58 и 2.91 g/100 g FW, по редоследу), као и свих органских киселина детектованих помоћу HPLC. Од свих испитиваних параметара, једино је садржај TPC (1.41 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalents)/FW) био повећан код сорте 'Aprika' у односу на друге сорте. Од сталнорађајућих сорти 'Albion' се значајно издваја по високом садржају TACY (12.37 mg Pg-3-g eq/100 g FW) и витамина Ц (48.1 mg/100 g FW), док је 'Capri' била доминантнија у садржају фруктозе и глукозе (5.60 и 6.18 g/100 g FW, по редоследу), већине органских киселина, као и у садржају TPC (0.74 mg GAE/FW). Са аспекта здравствене корисности плода, као перспективне сорте могу се препоручити 'Aprika' од једнородних и 'Capri' од сталнорађајућих сорти

    European white elm: potential for wetlands reforestation

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.) for wetland reforestation across the Europe. For this purpose, seed was collected from 13 maternal European white elm trees on Veliko ratno ostrvo island near Belgrade, Serbia. Seeds were used to produce bareroot seedlings (1+2) that were planted at Veliko ratno ostrvo (20˚25ʹ40ʹʹ E; 44˚50ʹ18ʹʹ N) on fall (689 seedlings) and at Manid-Bostanište (20˚25ʹ02ʹʹ E; 44˚30ʹ54ʹʹ N) on spring (260 seedlings). After the first growing season in the field, seedlings survival was estimated and seedling growth was measured. Survival was relatively similar and high on both sites (~90%). Wildlife was the most common reason for seedling mortality and damage (100% of dead seedlings at Manid-Bostanište). Seedling growth was strongly influenced by time of planting and site conditions. Seedlings planted on autumn at Veliko ratno ostrvo island showed approximately double growth compared to seedlings planted at spring at ManidBostanište. The highest value of diameter increment (24 mm), total diameter (39 mm), height increment (252 cm) and total height (432 cm) were recorded on the site Veliko ratno ostrvo, while the lowest values of total diameter (9,29 mm) and total height (65 cm) were recorded at Manid-Bostanište, also as the absence of growth in some plants. Due to high survival rate and large growth at both sites, European white elm can be considered a species with high potential for reforestation of wetlands for conservation and productive purposes

    Comparison of field performance and fruit quality among newly released Italian June-bearing strawberry cultivars

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    The aim of this study was to compare newly released June-bearing strawberry cultivars (‘Quicky’, ‘Sandra’, ‘Lofty’, ‘Nadja’ and ‘Aprica’) in terms of their phenology, vegetative growth, productivity and fruit quality to identify their potential for wider cultivation. A field study was conducted in a strawberry plantation established in July 2020 in double rows on beds covered with black polyethylene foil (Šid, Serbia). The cultivars were evaluated in 2021–2022 for their flowering and ripening time, productivity, plant growth, biometrical and nutritional fruit traits (soluble solids content – SSC, total acids – TAs, vitamin C, total anthocyanins – TACY, total phenolics – TPC and total antioxidant capacity – TAC). The cultivar ‘Quicky’ started to ripen earliest, while ‘Aprica’ was the latest in both experimental years. The number of branch crowns per plant was significantly higher in ‘Sandra’ and ‘Lofty’, whereby ‘Sandra’ had also the highest number of leaves per rosette (41.5) in comparison with the other tested cultivars. The cultivar ‘Aprica’ was superior in terms of productivity (1061 g/plant and 4.67 kg/m2 ), fruit weight (29.9 g) and fruit shape index (1.15). Contrary to this, ‘Nadja’ was the least productive cultivar (608 g/plant and 2.68 kg/m2). The cultivars ‘Lofty’ and ‘Sandra’ showed the highest SSC values and were also characterized by a considerably high level of TPC (1.29 mg GAE eq g-1 FW) and TACY (24.4 mg pg-3-g eq 100 g-1 FW), respectively. Variability among the tested cultivars could serve as an important criterion for the selection of new high-performing cultivars for a given growing region


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    Strawberries are rich in various health-promoting compounds. A particularly high yield of these molecules could be extracted using methanol which is unfortunately harmful to living beings. To surpass the problem of solvent toxicity, in this paper, we have incorporated methanol extracts of two novel strawberry cultivars into liposomes. Our results show that both extracts possess significant antiradical activity towards hydroxyl and DPPH radicals, unaltered by lipids from liposome membranes. These results indicate that otherwise toxic extracts could easily be turned into a promising pharmaceutical product

    Rich in Phenolics—Strong Antioxidant Fruit? Comparative Study of 25 Strawberry Cultivars

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    Phenolic compounds of 25 newly introduced strawberry cultivars were profiled using spectrophotometry, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, and high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Total phenolic and anthocyanin content (TPC and TACY, respectively), as well as vitamin C, and concentrations of individual phenolic compounds in fruits were evaluated to identify the most promising cultivars according to their phenolic profile. The highest values of TPC, TACY, and vitamin C were recorded in ´Premy´ (1.53 mg eq GA g-1 FW), ´Sandra´ (30.60 mg eq Pg-3-g 100 g-1 FW) and ´Laetitia´ (56.32 mg 100 g-1 FW), respectively. The DPPH and •OH radicals scavenging activity of fruit methanolic extracts was estimated using EPR spectroscopy. All cultivars are almost uniformly effective in the scavenging of •OH radical, while ´Tea´, ´Premy´, and ´Joly´ were marked as highly potent cultivars (over 70%) in terms of DPPH-antiradical activity. Specific peroxidase activities were the highest in ´Garda´, ´Federica´, and ´Rumba´ (0.11, 0.08, and 0.06 U mg-1 prot, respectively). ´Laetitia´, ´Joly´, ´Arianna´, ´Tea´, and ´Mila´ cultivars were distinguished from others as the richest concerning almost all flavonoids and phenolic acids, including some other parameters of bioactivity. These cultivars could be recommended to consumers in terms of fruit as a functional food


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    This study illustrates the differences in phenology, vegetative growth, productivity and fruit quality of newly released June-bearing strawberry cultivars (‘Quicky’, ‘Sandra’, ‘Lofty’, ‘Mila’ and ‘Aprica’) aiming to recognize their potential for wider cultivation. A field study was carried out in a strawberry plantation situated in municipality of Šid (Serbia), during the period of 2021 to 2022. The orchard was planted in July 2020 in double rows on beds covered with black polyethylene foil. Cultivars were evaluated for their flowering and ripening time, yield components, plant growth, as well as for biometrical fruit traits (fruit weight, index of fruit shape) and nutritional value (content of soluble solids - SS, total acids - TA, vitamin C, total anthocyanins –TACY, total phenolics - TPC and total antioxidant capacity - TAC). The results showed that cv. ‘Quicky’ started to ripen earliest, while cv. ‘Aprica’ was the latest in both experimental years. The number of branch crowns per plant was significantly higher in cvs. ‘Sandra’ and ‘Lofty’, whereby cv. ‘Sandra’ had also the highest number of leaves per rosette (41.5) in comparison with the other tested cultivars. Cv. ‘Aprica’ was superior in terms of productivity (1061 g/plant and 4.67 kg/m2) accompanied by the largest fruit weight (29.9 g) and index of fruit shape (1.15). Contrary to this, the lowest yield potential was found in cv. ‘Mila’ (608 g/plant and 2.68 kg/m2). Cvs. ‘Lofty’ and ‘Sandra’ ranked the highest in terms of SSC and they are also characterized by a considerably high level of TPC (1.29 mg GAE eq g-1 FW) and TACY (24.4 mg pg-3-g eq100 g-1 FW ), respectively.&nbsp

    Утицај секторијалне резидбе на продуктивност, вегетативни раст и квалитет плода сорте боровнице „Duke“ (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) гајене у супстрату

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    Рад приказује резултате компаративног испитивања утицаја секторијалне (СР) и конвенционалне резидбе (КР) биљака високожбунасте боровнице на параметре генеративног и вегетативног потенцијала, као и физичке и хемијске особине плода. СР, као нова стратегија резидбе боровнице која се примењује у Чилеу, подразумева да се сваке године уклони само 1/4 од укупног броја базалних грана у жбуну, без уклањања и скраћивања грана у осталим секторима жбуна, што може допринети: 1) олакшаном и бржем извођењу резидбе; 2) смањењу утрошка радне снаге; 3) побољшању осветљености у централном делу жбуна; 4) повећању приноса. Испитивања су вршена у периоду од 2019. до 2021. године у комерцијалном засаду боровнице, који се налази у месту Гружа (општина Кнић). Засад је подигнут у пролеће 2017. године садњом двогодишњих биљака сорте "Duke" у саксије запремине 113 l, које су испуњене супстратном смешом састављеном од струготине четинара и белог тресета (однос 50:50). Саксије су постављене на растојању од 0,8м у реду и 3,0м између редова (4170 биљака/ha). Добијени резултати су показали да је у третману са СР регистрован значајно нижи број плодова (1.233) и принос по жбуну (2,16 kg/жбуну), који се повећавао током година испитивања, достижући највишу вредност од 3,06 kg у 2021. години. Значајно повећање у вегетативном расту је забележено само код пречника базалних грана у третману са КР, док се висина и ширина жбуна нису значајно разликовале у зависности од примењеног начина резидбе. КР је испољила позитиван утицај на масу, димензије плода, број семенки у плоду и садржај укупних шећера, са доминантним учешћем фруктозе и глукозе (40,3 и 37,6 g/kg FW по редоследу), док је у третману са СР забележено значајно повећање садржаја укупних киселина (17,08 g/kg FW са највећим уделом лимунске и квинске киселине (7,14 и 9,17 g/kg FW по редоследу). Садржај укупних антоцијана, деривата хидроксициметних киселина, укупних флавонола и флаванола је био значајно већи у плодовима убраним у третману са СР

    Dietary supplementation with liophilised strawberry improves insulin sensitivity and redox status in mouse model of diet induced obesity

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    Healthy dietary habits with abundant fruit consumption may reduce prevalence and positively affect development and progression of various chronic diseases including obesity and insulin-resistance related diseases. Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) represent a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, dietary fiber, and various bioactive polyphenolic compounds such as anthocyanins and flavonoids which are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. In this study we evaluated the effect of newly introduced strawberry cultivar „Aprika” supplemented in the form of lyophilized powder, on obesity-related metabolic alterations in high-fat-diet fed mice. We hypothesized that chronic (8 weeks) supplementation of lyophilized strawberries in the amount comparable to two servings per day in humans, would ameliorate insulin resistance associated with obesity in C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, we hypothesized that strawberry meal consumed at 7PM i.e. before active feeding period of mice (which corresponds to early breakfast in humans) would induce more pronounced beneficial effects compared to meal consumed at 7AM i.e. at the end of the active feeding period (which corresponds to late dinner in humans). High fat diet induced hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, insulin resistance and obesity; and disturbed hepatic insulin signaling. Lyophilized strawberries, only when consumed before feeding period, reduced body weight gain and improved insulin sensitivity induced by high-fat diet (evidenced by lower area under the curve after an intraperitoneal GTT, reduced serum insulin levels and an insulin resistance index (IR-HOMA). Strawberry meals consumed after active feeding period had no such effect. However, strawberries, regardless of the time of consumption, restored protein level of Insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) in the liver and increased hepatic antioxidant enzymes level. In conclusion, strawberries improve insulin sensitivity and raise hepatic antioxidant capacity in mouse model of diet induced obesity. Nevertheless, more beneficial effects were achieved when strawberries were consumed before active feeding period, as an early breakfas

    Phenolic profiles of June bearing and everbearing strawberries

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    The delicious fruits of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.), consumed in both fresh and pro­ cessed form, аге ап important source of health promoting compounds. Amongst them, straw ber ­ ries possess consideraЫe quantities of various phenolics. For this study, twelve strawberry cultivars, 9 June bearing ('Roxana; 'Arosa; 'Joly', 'Asia', 'АIЬа', 'Jeny', 'Laetitia; 'Garda; 'Premy'), and 3 ever-bearing types ('AIЬion','Capri' and'lrma'), were evaluated for anthocyanin, phenolic acid and ftavonoid con­ tent using HPLC-MS. Dominant anthocyanin form in all cultivars was pelargonidin-3-glucoside with the highest values detected in 'Asia' and 'Joly' cultivars (487 and 464 µg -g 1 FW, respect ively). 'Joly' also stands out for acylated pelargonidin -3- gluco side and prunin content, since the highest values of pelargonidin-3-rutinoside and ellagic acid were detected in 'Laetitia' (33 and 43 µg -g 1 FW, resp ectively). Uppermost оп the ftavonoid list was 'Asia' which was the richest in p-coumaroyl hexose and its derivate (87 and 64 µg -g 1 FW, respectively), followed by'Joly' dominating in kaempferol 3-glucuronide and kaempferol 3-coumaroyl glucuronide .The identification of phenolic com­ pounds revealed some interesting differences correlated to the culti var: June bearing cultivars 'Asia' and 'Joly' were distinguished from others as the richest in terms of identified phenolic com ­ pounds. Branding the cultivars with optimal phenolic composition empowers their consumption for human health and wellЬeing