122 research outputs found

    Self-adaptive pre-processing methodology for big data stream mining in internet of things environmental sensor monitoring

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    Over the years, advanced IT technologies have facilitated the emergence of new ways of generating and gathering data rapidly, continuously, and largely and are associated with a new research and application branch, namely, data stream mining (DSM). Among those multiple scenarios of DSM, the Internet of Things (IoT) plays a significant role, with a typical meaning of a tough and challenging computational case of big data. In this paper, we describe a self-adaptive approach to the pre-processing step of data stream classification. The proposed algorithm allows different divisions with both variable numbers and lengths of sub-windows under a whole sliding window on an input stream, and clustering-based particle swarm optimization (CPSO) is adopted as the main metaheuristic search method to guarantee that its stream segmentations are effective and adaptive to itself. In order to create a more abundant search space, statistical feature extraction (SFX) is applied after variable partitions of the entire sliding window. We validate and test the effort of our algorithm with other temporal methods according to several IoT environmental sensor monitoring datasets. The experiments yield encouraging outcomes, supporting the reality that picking significant appropriate variant sub-window segmentations heuristically with an incorporated clustering technique merit would allow these to perform better than others

    The punitive transition in youth justice: reconstructing the child as offender

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    The transition from ‘child’ to ‘offender’ status can be fasttracked when offending is formally recognised through formal disposal, with children treated increasing punitively as they progress through the Youth Justice System. The status and ‘offenderising’ transitions of children who offend is socio-historically contingent, not only on their behaviour, but on political, socio-economic, societal, systemic and demography. We support this perspective through a periodised re-examination of four socio-historical trajectories in the construction of the ‘youth offender’: conflict, ambivalence and bifurcation (1908-1979); depenalising diversion and back to justice (1980-1992), fast-tracking the child to offender transition (1993-2007) and tentative depenalisation (2008 to present)

    Praxisforschung in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe : internationale Perspektiven

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    Der Vorwurf der Praxis der Jugendhilfe an „ihre“ Forschung ist oft eigentĂŒmlich stereotyp: Entweder ihr wird vorgeworfen, sie produziere banales Alltagswissen oder theoretisch abstraktes und damit praxisfernes, fĂŒr die Handlungen irrelevantes Wissen

    Stereotypes – the friend or foe of social reform?

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