64,017 research outputs found

    Identifying the Higgs Spin and Parity in Decays to Z Pairs

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    Higgs decays to Z boson pairs may be exploited to determine spin and parity of the Higgs boson, a method complementary to spin-parity measurements in Higgs-strahlung. For a Higgs mass above the on-shell ZZ decay threshold, a model-independent analysis can be performed, but only by making use of additional angular correlation effects in gluon-gluon fusion at the LHC and gamma-gamma fusion at linear colliders. In the intermediate mass range, in which the Higgs boson decays into pairs of real and virtual Z bosons, threshold effects and angular correlations, parallel to Higgs-strahlung, may be adopted to determine spin and parity, though high event rates will be required for the analysis in practice.Comment: 14 pages, 2 postscript figure

    Is the black hole in GX 339-4 really spinning rapidly?

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    The wide-band Suzaku spectra of the black hole binary GX 339-4, acquired in 2007 February during the Very High state, were reanalyzed. Effects of event pileup (significant within ~ 3' of the image center) and telemetry saturation of the XIS data were carefully considered. The source was detected up to ~ 300$ keV, with an unabsorbed 0.5--200 keV luminosity of ~3.8 10^{38} erg/s at 8 kpc. The spectrum can be approximated by a power-law of photon index 2.7, with a mild soft excess and a hard X-ray hump. When using the XIS data outside 2' of the image center, the Fe-K line appeared extremely broad, suggesting a high black hole spin as already reported by Miller et al. (2008) based on the Suzaku data and other CCD data. When the XIS data accumulation is further limited to >3' to avoid event pileup, the Fe-K profile becomes narrower, and there appears a marginally better solution that suggests the inner disk radius to be 5-14 times the gravitational radius (1-sigma), though a maximally spinning black hole is still allowed by the data at the 90% confidence level. Consistently, the optically-thick accretion disk is inferred to be truncated at a radius 5-32 times the gravitational radius. Thus, the Suzaku data allow an alternative explanation without invoking a rapidly spinning black hole. This inference is further supported by the disk radius measured previously in the High/Soft state.Comment: 5 pages, figures, Suzaku results on GX 339-4, accepted to APJL. Nov. 11, 2009, accepted to ApJ

    Denoising Autoencoders for fast Combinatorial Black Box Optimization

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    Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) require flexible probability models that can be efficiently learned and sampled. Autoencoders (AE) are generative stochastic networks with these desired properties. We integrate a special type of AE, the Denoising Autoencoder (DAE), into an EDA and evaluate the performance of DAE-EDA on several combinatorial optimization problems with a single objective. We asses the number of fitness evaluations as well as the required CPU times. We compare the results to the performance to the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (BOA) and RBM-EDA, another EDA which is based on a generative neural network which has proven competitive with BOA. For the considered problem instances, DAE-EDA is considerably faster than BOA and RBM-EDA, sometimes by orders of magnitude. The number of fitness evaluations is higher than for BOA, but competitive with RBM-EDA. These results show that DAEs can be useful tools for problems with low but non-negligible fitness evaluation costs.Comment: corrected typos and small inconsistencie

    An optical NMR spectrometer for Larmor-beat detection and high-resolution POWER NMR

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    Optical nuclear magnetic resonance (ONMR) is a powerful probe of electronic properties in III-V semiconductors. Larmor-beat detection (LBD) is a sensitivity optimized, time-domain NMR version of optical detection based on the Hanle effect. Combining LBD ONMR with the line-narrowing method of POWER (perturbations observed with enhanced resolution) NMR further enables atomically detailed views of local electronic features in III-Vs. POWER NMR spectra display the distribution of resonance shifts or line splittings introduced by a perturbation, such as optical excitation or application of an electric field, that is synchronized with a NMR multiple-pulse time-suspension sequence. Meanwhile, ONMR provides the requisite sensitivity and spatial selectivity to isolate local signals within macroscopic samples. Optical NMR, LBD, and the POWER method each introduce unique demands on instrumentation. Here, we detail the design and implementation of our system, including cryogenic, optical, and radio-frequency components. The result is a flexible, low-cost system with important applications in semiconductor electronics and spin physics. We also demonstrate the performance of our systems with high-resolution ONMR spectra of an epitaxial AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction. NMR linewidths down to 4.1 Hz full width at half maximum were obtained, a 10^3-fold resolution enhancement relative any previous optically detected NMR experiment

    A fully (3+1)-D Regge calculus model of the Kasner cosmology

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    We describe the first discrete-time 4-dimensional numerical application of Regge calculus. The spacetime is represented as a complex of 4-dimensional simplices, and the geometry interior to each 4-simplex is flat Minkowski spacetime. This simplicial spacetime is constructed so as to be foliated with a one parameter family of spacelike hypersurfaces built of tetrahedra. We implement a novel two-surface initial-data prescription for Regge calculus, and provide the first fully 4-dimensional application of an implicit decoupled evolution scheme (the ``Sorkin evolution scheme''). We benchmark this code on the Kasner cosmology --- a cosmology which embodies generic features of the collapse of many cosmological models. We (1) reproduce the continuum solution with a fractional error in the 3-volume of 10^{-5} after 10000 evolution steps, (2) demonstrate stable evolution, (3) preserve the standard deviation of spatial homogeneity to less than 10^{-10} and (4) explicitly display the existence of diffeomorphism freedom in Regge calculus. We also present the second-order convergence properties of the solution to the continuum.Comment: 22 pages, 5 eps figures, LaTeX. Updated and expanded versio

    The lowest eigenvalue of Jacobi random matrix ensembles and Painlev\'e VI

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    We present two complementary methods, each applicable in a different range, to evaluate the distribution of the lowest eigenvalue of random matrices in a Jacobi ensemble. The first method solves an associated Painleve VI nonlinear differential equation numerically, with suitable initial conditions that we determine. The second method proceeds via constructing the power-series expansion of the Painleve VI function. Our results are applied in a forthcoming paper in which we model the distribution of the first zero above the central point of elliptic curve L-function families of finite conductor and of conjecturally orthogonal symmetry.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    Phase behavior of repulsive polymer-tethered colloids

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    We report molecular dynamics simulations of a system of repulsive, polymer-tethered colloidal particles. We use an explicit polymer model to explore how the length and the behavior of the polymer (ideal or self-avoiding) affect the ability of the particles to organize into ordered structures when the system is compressed to moderate volume fractions. We find a variety of different phases whose origin can be explained in terms of the configurational entropy of polymers and colloids. Finally, we discuss and compare our results to those obtained for similar systems using simplified coarse-grained polymer models, and set the limits of their applicability.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Published in the Journal of Chemical Physic
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