12,393 research outputs found

    New World Order: Kauffman and Lonergan on the Emergence of Order in an Evolutionary Universe

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    Stuart Kauffman argues that Darwinian natural selection cannot account for the spontaneous order of self-organized systems. This paper looks in detail at two of Kauffman s claims: (I ) that life is an emergent property of autocatalytic sets of chemicals; and (2) that the ontogenetic development of living organisms is an emergent property of complex networks of genes. The author suggests that there are parallels between Kauffman\'s ideas about \" emergent properties\" and Bernard Lonergan \'s notion of \"emergent probability.\" He then briefly explores the different ways in which their work on the emergence of order in the universe raises religious questions

    Uamsho, uhuru na umoja = (revival, freedom and unity) : the transnational faith and identity of Tanzanian Christians negotiating diaspora life in the United States

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    The Effect of Air Quality on US Labor Market Participation

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    The adverse effects of deteriorating air quality on both human health and labor markets have become well-documented in epidemiological and economic literature. Health-conscious policymakers are presented with the challenge of implementing environmental regulations without causing substantial economic disturbance to industry employment, productivity, and wages. However, the social benefits of better health outcomes may correspond with economic benefits that outweigh the costs. Using data from the Current Population Survey and the Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Quality Index, this study uses a multivariate fixed effects regression approach to estimate the relationship between air quality and various measures of labor market participation across 101 metropolitan areas in the United States between 1994–2017. Understanding the reflection of health outcomes in labor market participation may assist the quantification of economic benefits and contribute to a cost-benefit analysis of regulation policy. Empirical analysis suggests that variation in air quality has a negligible impact on US labor markets

    Insights from Nepal’s abortion legalisation

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    Are abortion and modern contraceptive methods substitutes? This blog explores the impact of the legalisation of abortion provision in Nepal

    Contraception as Development? New Evidence from Family Planning in Colombia

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    There has been considerable debate in the last decade about whether or not family planning programs in developing countries reduce fertility or improve socio-economic outcomes. Despite suggestive associations, disagreement persists because the availability and use of modern contraceptives are generally determined by both supply- and demand-side factors. This paper provides new evidence on the role of contraceptive supply by exploiting the surprisingly haphazard expansion of one of the world%u2019s oldest and largest family planning organizations %uF818 PROFAMILIA of Colombia. Its findings suggest that family planning allowed Colombian women to postpone their first birth and have approximately one-half fewer children in their lifetime. Delayed first births, in turn, seem to have enabled young women to obtain more education and to work more and live independently later in life. Although family planning explains only about 10% of Colombia%u2019s fertility decline, it appears to have reduced the otherwise substantial costs of fertility control and may be among the most effective development interventions.

    May Day and the Moon

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    "May Day and the Moon" is a playful audio exploration of childhood dreams of adult work. The storyteller, Grant Miller, is a non-binary queer disabled white person born with disabilities and having acquired disability later in life as well. Unlike mainstream disability-related stories, Grant never describes their disability nor names any diagnoses. This is done to invite audiences to trust the storyteller and to disinvite the possibility of an objectifying medical gaze. We approach the idea of work indirectly in a sound-rich audio story, challenging the standard interview format. Rather than overtly discuss unemployment, underemployment, and capitalism, the story focuses on the lack of disabled role models in the working world and lack of family encouragement to consider pursuing adult work. The story concludes with a celebration of the innovation and creativity that Grant has incorporated into their self-empowered, self-directed, joy-filled artistic life

    Public Theology or Private Bewitchment?

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    The development of the Romanesque style of architecture

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    Thesis (MS)--University of Illinois, 1895Typescrip

    Comparison of Ammonium Nitrate and Urea as Nitrogen Source for Topdressing Established Grass Sods

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    When urea is broadcast and not worked into the soil there is a risk of some of the nitrogen being lost to the atmosphere as ammonia. In an effort to measure the effectiveness of urea compared to ammonium nitrate as sources of nitrogen for topdressing on established grass sod, an experiment comparing these two sources at rates to supply 0, 50, 100 and 150 pounds of nitrogen per acre was conducted in 1971