17,761 research outputs found

    Simulator evaluation of the effects of reduced spoiler and thrust authority on a decoupled longitudinal control system during landings in wind shear

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    The effect of reduced control authority, both in symmetric spoiler travel and thrust level, on the effectiveness of a decoupled longitudinal control system was examined during the approach and landing of the NASA terminal configured vehicle (TCV) aft flight deck simulator in the presence of wind shear. The evaluation was conducted in a fixed-base simulator that represented the TCV aft cockpit. There were no statistically significant effects of reduced spoiler and thrust authority on pilot performance during approach and landing. Increased wind severity degraded approach and landing performance by an amount that was often significant. However, every attempted landing was completed safely regardless of the wind severity. There were statistically significant differences in performance between subjects, but the differences were generally restricted to the control wheel and control-column activity during the approach

    Simulator study of the effect of control-system time delays on the occurrence of pilot-induced oscillations and on pilot tracking performance with a space-shuttle-orbiter configuration

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    Using a six degree-of-freedom motion-base simulator, the effect of control-system time delays on the occurrence of pilot-induced oscillations (PIO's) on the vehicle handling qualities and on pilot tracking performance for a landing-approach configuration of the Space Shuttle orbiter was studied. A linearized math model was employed which represented a 300-knot orbiter with almost all time delays removed. Additional time delays were then inserted following the pilot's hand-controller signals. Only pitch and roll commands were used for vehicle control. The simulation employed an air to air tracking task as a means of emphasizing PIO tendencies. Two astronauts, two research pilots, and one simulation engineer served as test subjects. Results showed that PIO's occurred when the amount of added time delay approximated that existing for the orbiter configuration flown in the approach and landing tests. Increasing the amount of delay increased PIO occurrences and resulted in degraded tracking performance. Decreasing the amount of time delay eliminated the PIO's

    Moving-base visual simulation study of decoupled controls during approach and landing of a STOL transport aircraft

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    The simulation employed all six rigid-body degrees of freedom and incorporated aerodynamic characteristics based on wind-tunnel data. The flight instrumentation included a localizer and a flight director which was used to capture and to maintain a two-segment glide slope. A closed-circuit television display of a STOLport provided visual cues during simulations of the approach and landing. The decoupled longitudinal controls used constant prefilter and feedback gains to provide steady-state decoupling of flight-path angle, pitch angle, and forward velocity. The pilots were enthusiastic about the decoupled longitudinal controls and believed that the simulator motion was an aid in evaluating the decoupled controls, although a minimum turbulence level with root-mean-square gust intensity of 0.3 m/sec (1 ft/sec) was required to mask undesirable characteristics of the moving-base simulator

    Comparison of analytical predictions of longitudinal short period pilot-induced oscillations with results from a simulation study of the space shuttle orbiter

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    An analytical analysis of conditions producing pilot induced oscillations (PIO's) was made for the space shuttle orbiter in a landing approach configuration for the task of milling the elevation angle of the line of sight to a target vehicle. The analysis yielded a value of PIO frequency and a value for the amount of total system time delay (pilot + control system) that can be tolerated before instability results. Calculations were performed showing the effect of varying the range to the target and of varying the handling qualities of the orbiter vehicle. Analytical predictions were compared with simulation results obtained using a visual motion simulator

    Simulator study of the effect of visual-motion time delays on pilot tracking performance with an audio side task

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    The effect of time delay was determined in the visual and motion cues in a flight simulator on pilot performance in tracking a target aircraft that was oscillating sinusoidally in altitude only. An audio side task was used to assure the subject was fully occupied at all times. The results indicate that, within the test grid employed, about the same acceptable time delay (250 msec) was obtained for a single aircraft (fighter type) by each of two subjects for both fixed-base and motion-base conditions. Acceptable time delay is defined as the largest amount of delay that can be inserted simultaneously into the visual and motion cues before performance degradation occurs. A statistical analysis of the data was made to establish this value of time delay. Audio side task provided quantitative data that documented the subject's work level

    Fixed-base visual-simulation study of manually controlled translation and hover maneuvers over the lunar surface

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    Fixed-base visual simulation study of manually controlled maneuvers over lunar surfac

    A motion-constraint logic for moving-base simulators based on variable filter parameters

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    A motion-constraint logic for moving-base simulators has been developed that is a modification to the linear second-order filters generally employed in conventional constraints. In the modified constraint logic, the filter parameters are not constant but vary with the instantaneous motion-base position to increase the constraint as the system approaches the positional limits. With the modified constraint logic, accelerations larger than originally expected are limited while conventional linear filters would result in automatic shutdown of the motion base. In addition, the modified washout logic has frequency-response characteristics that are an improvement over conventional linear filters with braking for low-frequency pilot inputs. During simulated landing approaches of an externally blown flap short take-off and landing (STOL) transport using decoupled longitudinal controls, the pilots were unable to detect much difference between the modified constraint logic and the logic based on linear filters with braking

    Fixed-base simulation study of decoupled controls during approach and landing of a STOL transport airplane

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    A fixed-base visual simulation study has been conducted to evaluate the use of decoupled controls as a means for reducing pilot workload during approach and landing of an externally blown jet-flap short take-off and landing (STOL) transport. All six rigid-body degrees of freedom were employed with the aerodynamic characteristics based on wind-tunnel data. The primary piloting task was to use a flight director to capture and maintain a two-segment glide slope, with a closed-circuit television display of a STOL airport used during simulations of the flare and landing. The decoupled longitudinal controls used constant prefilter and feedback gains to provide steady-state decoupling of flight-path angle, pitch angle, and forward velocity. The pilots were enthusiastic about the decoupled longitudinal controls but believed the decoupled concept offered no significant advantage over conventional controls in the lateral mode

    Evaluation of several secondary tasks in the determination of permissible time delays in simulator visual and motion cues

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    The effect of secondary tasks in determining permissible time delays in visual-motion simulation of a pursuit tracking task was examined. A single subject, a single set of aircraft handling qualities, and a single motion condition in tracking a target aircraft that oscillates sinusoidally in altitude were used. In addition to the basic simulator delays the results indicate that the permissible time delay is about 250 msec for either a tapping task, an adding task, or an audio task and is approximately 125 msec less than when no secondary task is involved. The magnitudes of the primary task performance measures, however, differ only for the tapping task. A power spectraldensity analysis basically confirms the result by comparing the root-mean-square performance measures. For all three secondary tasks, the total pilot workload was quite high