881 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 8, 1931

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    Dr. William J. Shergold preaches animating baccalaureate sermon • Cornerstone laid on new science building • Board of Directors holds June meeting • David Lawrence delivers address at sixty-first annual commencement • Class of 1931 frolics at annual Class Day • Kugler wins annual junior oratorical prize • Varsity tossers garner two victories • Journey\u27s End presented by senior class • Rev. C. F. Deininger heads Alumni Association • Prizes awarded 1931 • Haydn\u27s The Seasons oratorio presentation • Mrs. F. I. Sheeder elected president of Woman\u27s Club • Alumni Athletic Club chooses G. F. Erb \u2727 president • Engaged • Baccalaureate degrees • 1931 tennis season marred by rain • Women\u27s tennis team has very successful year • The college in summer • Pupils of Music Department give recital Thursday evening • What some of 1931 will do • Winning ball team coached by Jing Johnson • Bear trackmen win trophyhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2122/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 9, 1933

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    Plans for inter-dorm basketball league nearly completed • Soph. hop inaugurates 1933 Ursinus social season • Grizzly grapplers down Temple 23-11 • Phys. Ed. Department approved by State • Missionary contributes to woman\u27s building • Bear courtmen bow to strong Albright quintet • Five Ursinus gridders on first all-conference team • Christmas spirits flow at annual celebration • Dr. Kline talks to Y\u27s on appreciation of beauty • Kitchen renovations made during holiday season • Pres. and Mrs. G. L. Omwake attend college conventions • Music Club program • Frosh to meet Villanova • Notice to juniors • Dr. Lentz leads vespers • Snell coeds holding basketball practices • May Day pageant • Women\u27s debating team selected at formal trials • Y.M.C.A. chorus completes roster; gets new music • Ursinus represented at athletic conferences • New student council rule • Rover boys at Ursinus • Band letters awarded • Freshman discussion group holds Christmas banquet • Floods and other things • Mrs. G. L. Omwake entertainshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2041/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, September 12, 1932

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    Freshmen busily engaged in round of activities • Half-million dollar science building completed at Ursinus • Grid practice begun by McAvoy\u27s champion bears • Faculty members spend interesting vacations • Extensive changes made in Bomberger Hall • New science building ready for occupancy • Donald G. Baker Ph.D. asst. prof. of Greek, Latin • Opening exercises in Bomberger Thur. eve. • Freshman class rates high scholastically • Ursinus is host to summer conferences • Cross-country practice to be started soon • Y handbook published; valuable aid to freshmen • New college phone system • Freshmen matriculate • Ursinus students win radio audition contesthttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2027/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 21, 1932

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    Fall convention of INA convenes at Gettysburg • Industrial lecture on chocolate industry, Nov. 28 • Capt, Leitheiser describes prison work to YMCA • Bears meet Albright Thanksgiving day • Dr. Muller, Penn, speaks to chem-bi group on germanium • One act plays, informal dance, featured Sat. eve. • Dr. James M. Anders, Philadelphia, addresses pre-med. society • Ursinus harriers take part in West Chester meet • Faculty club meeting held at home of prof. Gerney • Snell co-eds down Drexel in fast hockey game, 6-1 • Eastern Conference standing • Dr. G. L. Omwake speaks to Lancaster County directors • Secretary of Norristown YWCA speaks to college group • Sorority straw vote • New sorority members • Ursinus-Knickerbocker hockey game correction • Council discusses frosh rules; game with sophs • Deputation team conducts Evansburg church service • Snapshots being taken for \u2733 Ruby; alumni canvassed • Ursinus students in cast of Reformed Church play • The Black flamingo, Schaff anniversary play • Increase in membership of freshman discussion group • Brotherhood of St. Paul selects discussion topic • Sophomores select dance committee, chaperones • Phi Alpha Psi spends week-end at Arcola • Junior girls wear drapes for 1934 Ruby portraits • Y.W. cabinet breakfasts • Bear booters bow to undefeated West Chester team • Y.W. to present cantata at early morning Xmas servicehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2037/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 4, 1931

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    Women\u27s Symphony Orchestra plays to large audience • Ursinus host to Montgomery schools • Ursinus represented at West Chester conference • Grizzly ball club downs Rutgers and Lebanon Valley in close games • Ursinus trackmen lose to Swarthmore, Wednesday • Tennis team drops first tilt to Drexel, 2-4 • Herbert Howells speaker at vespers • Frosh track team at conference meet • Canterbury pilgrims portrayed in pageant • Ursinus Glee Clubs sing at Wernersville • Campus improvement at Sprankle Hall • Full athletic program scheduled this week • Sunday school classes hold steak roast • Freshman officers chosen • Cast of May Day pageant announced • Dr. Baugh, of University of Pennsylvania, to lecture Wednesday • Miriam Fissel \u2731 leader at YWCA meeting • Co-ed racquet wielders defeat Beaver 3 to 2 • India, topic at International Relations Club • Women\u27s Debating Club meets at Maples • Notice to archers • Valley Forge overcomes yearling team 4 to 3 • Current problems in chapelhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2117/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 16, 1931

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    Ursinus cross country runners capture conference championship • Liberal arts college broadcast Saturday night • Bears rout Swarthmore to win final home game by 27-0 score • Christian workers convene at Ursinus • To honor Mr. Curtis Friday, November 20 • Elwyn C. Parlin to speak in chapel Wednesday • Dean Kline speaks at joint Y meeting • Hockeyites garner two decisive victories • Senior class dance celebrates grid victory • Frosh defeated by Allentown Prep 20-0 • Dr. Sturgis stresses peace in Armistice Day talk • Ursinus soccerites lose to West Chester teachers • Glenside churchmen banquet at Ursinus • Play presented at Trinity • William Tempest \u2735 led vespers • Sorority reunion at Trappe • English Club reviews recent plays • Report of the Ursinus teacher placement service • Eddie Faye talks at pep meeting • International Relations Club discusses Manchuria • Sir Herbert Ames to speak here December 3 • Frosh reserves defeat Darby High gridders 6-0https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2068/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 2, 1932

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    Dr. Boyd Edwards delivers monthly chapel address • International Relations Club current event program • Bear nine loses to Lehigh and Bucknell • Harrisburg alumni banquet last Friday evening • Brilliant junior weekend features gay promenade and fantastic play • Track team to meet West Chester and Drexel • Montgomery County schools to frolic Saturday • Co-ed racqueteers defeat Beaver 5-0 • 1932 Ruby on sale Thursday in Freeland lobby • Frosh defeat Hill • May Day pageant under way • Bear relay team loses in Penn meet • Carnegie examinations • Baseball league meets at Penn A. C. • YW cabinet selects various committees • George Bernard Shaw discussed by English Club • YW sing • Professor Boswell talks on unemployment insurance • Dr. Boyd Edwards speaks at Brotherhood banquet • Wenner elected president • The Bell of Kharkov May Day pageant • Frosh girls to entertain upperclass co-eds in gymhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2085/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 7, 1932

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    Rev. John E. Mertz \u2714 week of prayer speaker • Ursinus alumni on Schoolmen\u27s Week program • Bear matmen drop 20-16 fray to Gettysburg wrestlers • Collection of books given to college library • Bears lose twice to close basketball season • Forensic artists active during week • Seniors plan active weekend, March 11-12 • Palestine pictured by native Galilean • Snell sextet defeats Drexel; loses to Rosemont • Address by Dr. Pierson on the human body • Ursinus sport schedules • Harrisburg faculty conference on religious life • English Club reviews modern plays • Dr. White speaks at Mt. Penn • Mr. Willauer addresses International Relations Club • Men\u27s debating trip • Two religious plays • Co-eds to debate Western Maryland • Literary: Conqueror; Modern scalp-hunters; Racers; Adventures in books; Hallmarks of Ursinus; At night • Frosh basketeers lose two gameshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2079/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 12, 1931

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    Dr. Zahniser, Boston U., first chapel speaker • York and Hanover ministers dine and meet at Ursinus • Mrs. Grace Livingstone Hill addresses joint meeting • Bears win first conference game; down Dickinson in close battle 7-6 • Introduction of football at Ursinus • Ursinus cubs lose to strong Hill team 33-0 • Student council dance Old Timers\u27 evening • Prof. Harry L. Dando will speak at YMCA meeting • Cross-country team vanquishes Drexel • New presidents for Bucknell and Dickinson • Frosh banquet at Penn A. C.; Pres. Schiele, presiding • Co-eds beat alumnae in hockey game • Council on social activities plans two dances • Tau Sigma Gamma reunion • Women\u27s Debating Club holds humorous meeting • Sigma Rho Lambda meets • Mrs. Isenberg speaks • Chem-bi group elects officers • Rev. Lentz speaks at Dickinson pep meeting • International Relations Club to meet Tuesday • New football programs sponsored by Varsity Club • String ensemble meetshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2063/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 18, 1932

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    Dr. William T. Ellis speaks in chapel Tuesday • Grizzly grapplers yield to Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute 21-11 • Bear courtmen divide honors • Richard Wood addresses Y on disarmament • Faculty opinion given on world peace question • Dean Kline speaks to Berks County alumni • Champion 1931 gridders banquet at Plymouth Country Club • Favorable response in alumni financial drive • World peace problems discussed at Buffalo convention • Frosh basketeers lose to Perkiomen and Valley Forge • Sorority rushing rules • Lorelei dance to be held February 12 • Jacob A. Buckwalter dies • Disarmament theme of International Relations Club meeting • Dr. Rosenberg of Jefferson addresses Biology Club • English Club reviews books; honors Vachel Lindsay • Men varsity debaters chosen in try-outs Monday • Ursinus booters drop game to Penn 3-0 • Rev. Butkofsky speaks on peace at Brotherhood • Practice court game won by co-eds 44-26 • Mid-year examination schedulehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2074/thumbnail.jp
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