1,738 research outputs found

    Benchmarking Diversity: A First Look at New York City Foundations and Nonprofits

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    New York City foundations and nonprofit organizations have racially diverse staffs, according to a new report by Philanthropy New York and the Foundation Center, but this diversity decreases at higher levels of seniority. A substantial number of foundations and nonprofits are tracking information about the racial and ethnic makeup of the grantees and populations that they respectively serve. The study is the first of its kind in New York City and the nation to examine "both sides" of the equation -- with survey data from 95 grantmaking foundations and 540 nonprofit organizations in the five boroughs

    A study of some nonstoichiometric rare-earth oxides

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    Winter Operating Constraints of a High-Rate Infiltration-Percolation Treatment System for Wastewater

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    In order to comply with the federal Water Pollution Control act Amendments of 1972, many small communities in South Dakota are faced with the probability of having to update the quality of wastewater that is being discharged. Many of these communities presently use low-cost lagoons or stabilization ponds that provide various degrees of wastewater treatment. With lack of trained personnel for routine operation and maintenance and the inherent financial problems due to a limited tax base, small communities have a definite need for a simple and inexpensive form of wastewater treatment that ill upgrade effluents from stabilization ponds to meet the more stringent discharge requirements. Infiltration-percolation systems are successfully used in the southern climates of the United States throughout the year. The concern has been expressed, however, about the feasibility of using infiltration-percolation basins in northern climates where severe winters are a common occurrence. It is imperative to verify the ability of infiltration-percolation basins to operate successfully under adverse winter conditions and still produce an effluent that meets discharge requirements. The objectives of this portion of the study were as follows: 1. Identify some of the major winter operating constraints for infiltration-percolation systems, and 2. Investigate the amount of required storage if continuous operation of infiltration-percolation basins if possible

    Understanding the spatial database of the multipurpose GIS

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    Book Review: Philosophy, the Federalist, and the Constitution. by Morton White.

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    Book review: Philosophy, The Federalist, and the Constitution. By Morton White. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press. 1987. Pp. xi, 273. Reviewed by: Eugene F. Miller

    Extracting biologically relevant information from microarray data as related to nitrate response in maize roots and node development in rice

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    The studies described herein explore the biological implications behind genes determined to be significant during the response of maize seedling roots to nitrate and the development of nodes in rice utilizing microarray technology to explore the genetic interactions of these two biological processes and analysis of functional annotation assigned to these sets of genes. In the first study, a total of 465 genes were identified to be differentially regulated in maize seedling roots following exposure to 5mM calcium nitrate at two time points (early: 0.5 hour and late: 24 hours). Considering the functional annotation of these genes and comparisons to previous studies performed in different biological systems, the pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis, and Calvin cycle appear to play important roles in nitrate response. This study identified novel genes in these pathways as being differentially expressed following nitrate exposure, and implicated a unique role played by malate dehydrogenase between C3 and C4 plants. The second study describes the molecular genetics of node development in rice over four anatomical and four temporal points (nodes 1-4; days 46, 53, 60, and 67 post-planting). A total of 1,945 genes were found to be significantly differentially regulated in at least one of the 38 possible comparisons. Further, these genes were found to cluster into 10 groups of co-regulated expression. Exploration of these 10 clusters as well as consistency of differential expression between comparisons indicate that transcription is relatively stable over time for a given node, but varies to a much wider extent among nodes on a given day. The difference in expression between spatially divided nodes is especially pronounced when comparing the basal node to higher nodes. In addition, the current study has identified five putative transcription factors that may play important roles in regulating differential expression between node 1 and higher nodes

    The Limits of Schooling By Imposition: The Hopi Indians of Arizona

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    This dissertation is a historical study of education among the Hopi Indians of Arizona. The basic premise of the study is that schooling was imposed on the Indian. Those who brought schooling, whether Spanish priest or American agent, were committed to changing the Hopi into a new cultural being. The years from 1540 to the 1920s reflect a period when cultural intolerance, imposed through schooling, was most intense. When educators tried to destroy Hopi culture they were less successful than when they tried to accommodate it. The Hopi were committed to their own way of life which was transmitted and maintained through a cultural pattern known as the Hopi Way. The Spanish program of education failed because of harsh policies and extreme intolerance. Mormon settlers tried to convert and educate the Hopi, but the Hopi resisted. Various United States agents tried to force schooling and American culture on the Indians, but they were met with equal opposition. Educators soon realized that there were limits to education by imposition. After the 1920s, government officials recognized the need to accommodate native culture in the schooling process. A number of models to explain schooling by imposition are examined. Colonialism fits the Spanish educational program. A model better suited to United States policies on schooling is cultural paternalism. A unique model for viewing the Hopi experience with schooling is symbol allegiance. Hopi allegiance to their own cultural symbols defined the limits of schooling by imposition

    Light and Color Responses of Apterous Cereal Aphids

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    The four species of cereal aphids used in this study were the English grain aphid, Macrosiphum avenae (Fab.), the oat bird-cherry aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and the corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch). Aphid colonies were maintained on barley CI 666 in the greenhouse. Only active adult apterae from the stock colonies were counted into the cages. All tests were run in Percival or Sherer controlled environment chambers operating from 2O°C to 27°C, and with a photoperiod of 16 hours of light (3,000 Ft-c supplied by fluorescent and incandescent bulbs). The complex synthetic diet used in this investigation was based on the nutritional studies of Mittler and Dadd (1962, 1963b, 1965b, 1965c); and on the diet formulated by Auclair and Cartier (1963) for the pea aphid, A. pisum, modified for use with cereal aphids by Kieckhefer and Derr (1967). The Parafilm (Marathon Corp.) feeding sachets used herein were based on the methods and procedures of Mittler and Dadd. The diet-containing sachets were changed daily to enhance survival and reproduction. KODAK®wratten photographic filters provided light intensity and color gradients. The Wratten filters used were selected to represent discreet fractions of the visible spectrum and to be relatively stable under continuous exposure to light. In order to provide varying light intensities, various densities of Wratten filter No. 96 were used. Spectrophotometric tests comparing new and used filters showed no deterioration of filters after a month’s exposure to light. This study was conducted in two phases: a performance phase, and a preference phase. In the performance phase, the aphids were confined under one neutral density or one color filter and their survival and reproduction observed. The performance phase was run with three sets of filters: neutral density, similarly colored and distinctly colored. In the preference phase, the aphids were allowed to feed under a neutral density or color filter of their choice, and their survival and reproduction observed
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