1,430 research outputs found

    An Iterative Approach to Building Sustainable Repository Services on Fedora

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    4th International Conference on Open RepositoriesThis presentation was part of the session : Conference PresentationsDate: 2009-05-19 10:00 AM – 11:30 AMNorthwestern University Library is engaged in a multiyear project to implement a robust digital repository on Fedora. Building a system that accommodates richly heterogeneous collections, empowers professional staff engaged in a variety of production workflows, and provides access commensurate with the richness materials afford is not achieved all at once. In order to support specific near-term project commitments while building broadly applicable content models and services for the long term, we devised a cyclic three-phase strategy. It is cyclic in that feedback and demand from users will result in revision and expansion of core models, services and associated end-user tools.Institute for Museum and Library Service


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    Environmental Economics and Policy,

    The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business [review] / Duhigg, Charles

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    Unilateral liberalization of U.S. peanut policy was evaluated using a model of U.S. and world peanut supply and demand. Under the proposed policy, world peanut price would rise slightly to .20perpoundattheU.S.farmlevel.U.S.productionwoulddeclineby578millionpoundsperyearandwouldbeoffsetbyimportsof582millionpounds.U.S.netfarmincomewouldfallby.20 per pound at the U.S. farm level. U.S. production would decline by 578 million pounds per year and would be offset by imports of 582 million pounds. U.S. net farm income would fall by 405 million per year. Lost income per farm would be 21,000peryearwhiletheaverageoutlayofconsumerswoulddecreaseby21,000 per year while the average outlay of consumers would decrease by .84 per person at farm level price. Government expenditures would be virtually unchanged because of the market orientation of current policy.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Agrarian structure in Poland : the myth of large-farm superiority

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    In Poland, present policies are aimed at promoting large, mechanized farms over smaller family farms. These policies are based on the perception that large farms offer real economies of scale. But international evidence indicates that such large, mechanized farms are generally less efficient and use less labor than small family farms. The authors analyzed the relationship between farm size and efficiency in Polish agriculture. They used two different methods to do so. First they determined differences in total factor productivity between small and large farms. They then used Data Envelope Analysis to estimate scale efficiencies. The results show that, for the sample of farms analyzed: 1) large farms are not more efficient than smaller farms; and 2) smaller farms are more labor-intensive than larger farms. These results have important policy implications for farm restructuring in Poland and other transition economies facing similar issues and conditions.Environmental Economics&Policies,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Banks&Banking Reform,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Livestock&Animal Husbandry
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