1,113 research outputs found

    CTD calibration and processing methods used at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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    Processing methods, programs, and procedures currently used to create CTD data sets at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) are described. The post-acquisition data processing steps include instrument calibrations in the laboratory and data calibration at sea, CTD data transformation from a time series to a pressure series, and the water sample data processing using the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) format guidelines. Processing software has been developed for both the Micro VAX and IBM compatible personal computers. The description of the data processing procedures is restricted to the PC system. The programs are written primarly in FORTRAN with some format-related changes required between computer systems.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant OCE-91-14465

    Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater

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    Endorsed by Unesco/SCOR/ICES/lAPSO Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards and SCOR Working Group 51Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater, based on the practical salinity scale (PSS-78) and the international equation of state for seawater (EOS-80), are compiled in the present report for implementing and standardizing computer programs for oceanographic data processing. Sample FORTRAN subprograms and tables are given to illustrate usage of the algorithms and to show the range of variation and limits of validity of commonly used seawater properties within the oceanic ranges for salinity, temperature and pressure. The algorithms cover the following: conductivity to salinity conversion; salinity to conductivity conversion; specific volume anomaly and density anomaly of seawater; pressure to depth conversion; freezing point temperature of seawater; specific heat of seawater; adiabatic lapse rate; potential temperature; sound speed in seawater.Compilation of the algorithms and tables was supported by the Office of Naval Research under contracts N00014-74-C-0262, NR083-004 and N0001476- C-0197, NR083-400 and by the National Science Foundation under Grant OCE 78-06886.00

    W.H.O.I./Brown CTD microprofiler : methods of calibration and data handling

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    This report describes calibration techniques developed over the past three years for the WHOI/Brown CTD in the Moored Array Program. Comparison is made with classical methods of hydrography for stations obtained in the MODE-1 density program. Methods for temperature lag correction and conversion of conductivity to salinity are given.Prepared for the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-74-C0262; NR 083-004

    WHOI SDSL data-link project—ethernet telemetry through sea cables

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 34 (2017): 269-275, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00196.1.A data telemetry technique for communicating over standard oceanographic sea cables that achieves a nearly 100-fold increase in bandwidth as compared to traditional systems has been recently developed and successfully used at sea on board two Research Vessel (R/V) Atlantis cruises with an 8.5-km, 0.322-in.-diameter three-conductor sea cable. The system uses commercially available modules to provide Ethernet connectivity through existing sea cables, linking serial and video underwater instrumentation to the shipboard user. The new method applies Synchronous Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) communications technology to undersea applications, greatly increasing the opportunities to use scientific instrumentation from existing ships and sea cables at minimal cost and without modification.This development program has been supported, in part, through research grants from the National Science Foundation (OCE 0447395), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s ASTEP program (NNX09AB76G), and a WHOI Green and Hiam Innovative Technology Award.2017-07-2

    A double-diffusive interface tank for dynamic-response studies

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    Author Posting. © Sears Foundation for Marine Research, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of Sears Foundation for Marine Research for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Marine Research 63 (2005): 263-289, doi:10.1357/0022240053693842.A large tank capable of long-term maintenance of a sharp temperature-salinity interface has been developed and applied to measurements of the dynamical response of oceanographic sensors. A two-layer salt-stratified system is heated from below and cooled from above to provide two convectively mixed layers with a thin double-diffusive interface separating them. A temperature jump exceeding 10°C can be maintained over 1–2 cm (a vertical temperature gradient of order 103°C/m) for several weeks. A variable speed-lowering system allows testing of the dynamic response of conductivity and temperature sensors in full-size oceanographic instruments. An acoustic echo sounder and shadowgraph system provide nondisruptive monitoring of the interface and layer microstructure. Tests of several sensor systems show how data from the facility is used to determine sensor response times using several fitting techniques and the speed dependence of thermometer time constants is illustrated. The linearity of the conductivity–temperature relationship across the interface is proposed as a figure of merit for design of lag-correction filters to accurately match temperature and conductivity sensors for the computation of salinity. The effects of finite interface thickness, slow sensor sampling rates and the thermal mass of the conductivity cell are treated. Sensor response characterization is especially important for autonomous instruments where data processing and compression must be performed in-situ, but is also helpful in the development of new sensors and in assuring accurate salinity records from traditional wire-lowered and towed systems.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation, grants OCE-97-11869 and OCE-02-40956, NOAA CORC grant 154368 and a WHOI Mellon Technical Staff Award

    Cybersickness Following Repeated Exposure to DOME and HMD Virtual Environments

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    Virtual environments (VE) offer unique training opportunities, including training astronauts to preadapt them to the novel sensory conditions of microgravity. However, one unresolved issue with VE use is the occurrence of cybersickness during and following exposure to VE systems. Most individuals adapt and become less ill with repeated interaction with VEs. The goal of this investigation was to compare motion sickness symptoms (MSS) produced by dome and head-mounted (HMD) displays and to examine the effects of repeated exposures on MSS. Sixty-one subjects participated in the study. Three experimental sessions were performed each separated by one day. The subjects performed a navigation and pick and place task in either a dome or HMD VE. MSS were measured using a Simulator Sickness Questionnaire before, immediately after, and at 1, 2, 4 and 6 hours following exposure to the VEs. MSS data were normalized by calculating the natural log of each score and an analysis of variance was performed. We observed significant main effects for day and time and a significant day by time interaction for total sickness and for each of the subscales, nausea, oculomotor and disorientation. However, there was no significant main effect for device. In conclusion, subjects reported a large increase in MSS immediately following exposure to both the HMD and dome, followed by a rapid recovery across time. Sickness severity also decreased over days, which suggests that subjects become dual-adapted over time making VE training a viable pre-flight countermeasure for space motion sickness

    Hydrographic observations from the US/PRC Cooperative Program in the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean, cruises 5-8

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    In support of the Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program, investigators from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), and the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) from both Qingdao (First Institute) and Guangzhou (South China Sea Branch) conducted hydrographic observations aboard the Chinese R/V Xiang Yang Hong 14 in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. The objective of this component of the TOGA program was to document the water mass property distributions of the western equatorial Pacific and describe the oceanic velocity field. The four cruises summarized here were conducted during the period November 1988 to July 1990 and are the final half of an eight cruise repeated survey of the region begun in 1985. Conductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen (CTD/O2) stations were collected to a minimum cast depth of 2500m or the bottom when shallower. The cruises reoccupied the same stations to provide temporal information. Summarized listings of CTD/02 data together with selected physical properties of sea water for these cruises are provided here, as well as a description of the hardware used and an explanation of the data reduction techniques employed.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under Grant No. NA85AA-D-AC117

    Hydrographic observations from the US/PRC Cooperative Program in the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean, cruises 1-4

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    In support of the Tropical Oceans and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program, investigators from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), NOAA Pacific Marine Envionmental Laboratory and the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) from both Qingdao (First Institute) and Guangzhou (South China Sea Branch) conducted hydrographic observations aboard the Chinese Research vessels Xiang Yang Hong 5 and Xiang Yang Hong 14 in the western equatorial Pacific. The objective of this component of the TOGA program was to document the water mass property distributions of the western equatorial Pacific Ocean and describe the oceanic velocity field. The four cruises summarized here were conducted during the period November 1985 to June 1988 and are the first half of an eight cruise repeated survey of the region scheduled to be completed in spring 1990. Conductivity-Temperatue-Depth-Oxygen (CTD/02) stations were collected to a minimum cast depth of 2,500 m or the bottom when shallower. The cruises reoccupied the same stations to provide temporal information. Summarized listings of CTD/O2 data together with selected physical properties of sea water for these cruises are provided here, as well as a description of the hardware used and an explanation of the data reduction tehniques employed.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    Observations of the Antarctic polar front during FDRAKE 76 : a cruise report

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    Figures 37 and 38 have been reduced from their original size for the purpose of scanning.During March/April 1976 the small-scale structure of the Antarctic Polar Front was observed in the Drake Passage. The observations were part of the International Southern Ocean Studies (ISOS) program called FDRAke 76. The purpose of the program was to obtain densely sampled measurements of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and chemical nutrients in the Polar Front Zone (PFZ) and pilot measurements of horizontal and vertical velocities in order to explain the above scalar variability. The PFZ is a region where Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters intermingle and presumably mix to affect the properties of Antarctic Intermediate Water. A report on the third leg of Cruise 107 of the R. V. THOMPSON is presented as well as a description of the measurements and a preliminary report of the data. A feature of interest is the pinching off of a northward meander of the circumpolar current system into a cyclonic ring of Antarctic Waters.Prepared for the National Science Foundation, Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration, under Grant OCE75-14056 and the International Southern Ocean Studies (ISOS) Program

    Impact of Virtual Environments on Sensorimotor Coordination and User Safety

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    One critical unresolved issue related to the safe use of virtual environments (VEs) is maladaptive sensorimotor coordination following exposure to VEs. Moving visual displays used in VEs, especially in the absence of concordant vestibular signals leads to adaptive responses during VE exposure, but maladaptive responses following return to the normal environment. In the current set of investigations, we examined the effect of HMD and dome VE displays on eye-head-hand coordination, gaze holding and postural equilibrium. Subjects (61) performed a navigation and a pick and place task. Further, we compared 30 min and 60 min exposures across 3 days (each separated by 1 day). A subset of these results will be presented. In general, we found significant decrements in all three measures following exposure to the VEs. In addition, we found that these disturbances generally recovered within 1-2 hrs and decreased across days. These findings suggest the need for post-VE monitoring of sensorimotor coordination and for developing a set of recommendations for users concerning activities that are safe to engage in following use of a VE
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