5,064 research outputs found

    Optical detection of oil on water

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    Three radiometric techniques utilizing sunlight reflected and backscattered from water bodies have potential application for remote sensing of oil spills. Oil on water can be detected by viewing perpendicular polarization component of reflected light or difference between polarization components. Best detection is performed in ultraviolet or far-red portions of spectrum and in azimuth directions toward or opposite sun

    Wind Tunnel Tests on an Airfoil Equipped with a Split Flap and a Slot

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    The investigation described in this report is concerned with the changes in the aerodynamic characteristics of an airfoil which are produced by a gauze-covered suction slot, located near the leading edge, and connected by an air passage to a split flap at the trailing edge. The tests were conducted at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory. At the larger values of lift coefficient where the action of the slot might be expected to be most effective, the pressure differences were such that the air flowed out of the slot rather than in through it, and in consequence, the maximum lift coefficient was decreased

    Assessment of water pollution by airborne measurement of chlorophyll

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    Remote measurement of chlorophyll concentrations to determine extent of water pollution is discussed. Construction and operation of radiometer to provide measurement capability are explained. Diagram of equipment is provided

    Wind tunnel tests on airfoil boundary control using a backward opening slot

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    This report presents the results of an investigation to determine the effect of boundary layer control on the lift and drag of an airfoil equipped with a backward opening slot. Various slot locations, widths of opening, and pressures, were used. The tests were conducted in the Five-Foot Atmospheric Wind Tunnel of the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory. The greatest increase in maximum lift was 96 per cent, the greatest decrease in minimum drag was 27 per cent, and the greatest increase in the ratio, maximum lift coefficient/minimum drag coefficient, was 151 per cent

    Wind Tunnel Tests on a Model of a Monoplane Wing with Floating Ailerons

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    This report describes preliminary wind tunnel tests on a model of a monoplane wing equipped with wing tip floating ailerons. Lift and drag, as well as rolling and yawing moments, were measured

    Space station thermal control surfaces. Volume 1: Interim report

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    The U.S. space program goals for long-duration manned missions place particular demands on thermal-control systems. The objective of this program is to develop plans which are based on the present thermal-control technology, and which will keep pace with the other space program elements. The program tasks are as follows: (1) requirements analysis, with the objectives to define the thermal-control-surface requirements for both space station and 25 kW power module, to analyze the missions, and to determine the thermal-control-surface technology needed to satisfy both sets of requirements; (2) technology assessment, with the objectives to perform a literature/industry survey on thermal-control surfaces, to compare current technology with the requirements developed in the first task, and to determine what technology advancements are required for both the space station and the 25 kW power module; and (3) program planning that defines new initiative and/or program augmentation for development and testing areas required to provide the proper environment control for the space station and the 25 kW power module

    Development and test of video systems for airborne surveillance of oil spills

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    Five video systems - potentially useful for airborne surveillance of oil spills - were developed, flight tested, and evaluated. The systems are: (1) conventional black and white TV, (2) conventional TV with false color, (3) differential TV, (4) prototype Lunar Surface TV, and (5) field sequential TV. Wavelength and polarization filtering were utilized in all systems. Greatly enhanced detection of oil spills, relative to that possible with the unaided eye, was achieved. The most practical video system is a conventional TV camera with silicon-diode-array image tube, filtered with a Corning 7-54 filter and a polarizer oriented with its principal axis in the horizontal direction. Best contrast between oil and water was achieved when winds and sea states were low. The minimum detectable oil film thickness was about 0.1 micrometer

    Planning applications in east central Florida

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    LANDSAT planning applications in east central Florida

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    Dark retweets: investigating non-conventional retweeting patterns

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    Retweets are an important mechanism for recognising propagation of information on the Twitter social media platform. However, many retweets do not use the official retweet mechanism, or even community established conventions, and these "dark retweets" are not accounted for in many existing analysis. In this paper, a comprehensive matrix of tweet propagation is presented to show the different nuances of retweeting, based on seven characteristics: whether it is proprietary, the mechanism used, whether it is directed to followers or non-followers, whether it mentions other users, if it is explicitly propagating another tweet, if it links to an original tweet, and what is the audience it is pushed to. Based on this matrix and two assumptions of retweetability, the degrees of a retweet's "darkness" can be determined. This matrix was evaluated over 2.3 million tweets and it was found that dark retweets amounted to 12.86% (for search results less than 1500 tweets per URL) and 24.7% (for search results including more than 1500 tweets per URL) respectively. By extrapolating these results with those found in existing studies, potentially thousands of retweets may be hidden from existing studies on retweets