5,555 research outputs found

    Torsion and bending of nucleic acids studied by subnanosecond time-resolved fluorescence depolarization of intercalated dyes

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    Subnanosecond time‐resolved fluorescence depolarization has been used to monitor the reorientation of ethidium bromide intercalated in native DNA, synthetic polynucleotide complexes, and in supercoiled plasmid DNA. The fluorescence polarization anisotropy was successfully analyzed with an elastic model of DNA dynamics, including both torsion and bending, which yielded an accurate value for the torsional rigidity of the different DNA samples. The dependence of the torsional rigidity on the base sequence, helical structure, and tertiary structure was experimentally observed. The magnitude of the polyelectrolyte contribution to the torsional rigidity of DNA was measured over a wide range of ionic strength, and compared with polyelectrolyte theories for the persistence length. We also observed a rapid initial reorientation of the intercalated ethidium which had a much smaller amplitude in RNA than in DNA

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of macromolecules: Effect of helical structure on the torsional dynamics of DNA and RNA

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    The torsional rigidity of DNA and RNA is measured via the fluorescence depolarization technique

    Fine structure in the gamma-ray sky

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    The EGRET results for gamma-ray intensities in and near the Galactic Plane have been analysed in some detail. Attention has been concentrated on energies above 1 GeV and the individual intensities in a 44^\circ longitude bin have been determined and compared with the large scale mean found from a nine-degree polynomial fit. Comparison has been made of the observed standard deviation for the ratio of these intensities with that expected from variants of our model. The basic model adopts cosmic ray origin from supernova remnants, the particles then diffusing through the Galaxy with our usual 'anomalous diffusion'. The variants involve the clustering of SN, a frequency distribution for supernova explosion energies, and 'normal', rather than 'anomalous' diffusion. It is found that for supernovae of unique energy, and our usual anomalous diffusion, clustering is necessary, particularly in the Inner Galaxy. An alternative, and preferred, situation is to adopt the model with a frequency distribution of supernova energies. The results for the Outer Galaxy are such that no clustering is required.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phy

    Picosecond dynamics of electronic energy transfer in condensed phases

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    Energy transfer between donor and acceptor molecules randomly distributed in condensed phases is investigated by time-resolved spectroscopy on the picosecond and nanosecond time scales. The effects of translational diffusion and excitation transfer among the donors is experimentally observed and used to test theoretical models based on a diffusion equation for the donor excitation. The time-resolved data demonstrate that the Förster dipole–dipole model is valid in the cresyl violet (donor):azulene (acceptor) system from 1 ps to at least 10 ns after excitation, and over a 1000-fold range of acceptor concentration. The critical transfer distance obtained from the transient experiments (26.6 Å) is in excellent agreement with the value obtained from the spectral overlap (27.8 Å) at all acceptor concentrations. In fluid solutions the donor decay agrees very well with the approximate solution of the diffusion equation including a sink term for energy transfer. The deviations observed at high donor concentrations suggest that donor–donor excitation transfer is nondiffusive on the picosecond time scale

    Why compensating fibre nonlinearity will never meet capacity demands

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    Current research efforts are focussed on overcoming the apparent limits of communication in single mode optical fibre resulting from distortion due to fibre nonlinearity. It has been experimentally demonstrated that this Kerr nonlinearity limit is not a fundamental limit; thus it is pertinent to review where the fundamental limits of optical communications lie, and direct future research on this basis. This paper details recently presented results. The work herein briefly reviews the intrinsic limits of optical communication over standard single mode optical fibre (SMF), and shows that the empirical limits of silica fibre power handling and transceiver design both introduce a practical upper bound to the capacity of communication using SMF, on the order of 1 Pbit/s. Transmission rates exceeding 1 Pbit/s are shown to be possible, however, with currently available optical fibres, attempts to transmit beyond this rate by simply increasing optical power will lead to an asymptotically zero fractional increase in capacity

    The adsorption and desorption of ethanol ices from a model grain surface

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    Reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS) and temperature programed desorption (TPD) have been used to probe the adsorption and desorption of ethanol on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) at 98 K. RAIR spectra for ethanol show that it forms physisorbed multilayers on the surface at 98 K. Annealing multilayer ethanol ices (exposures > 50 L) beyond 120 K gives rise to a change in morphology before crystallization within the ice occurs. TPD shows that ethanol adsorbs and desorbs molecularly on the HOPG surface and shows four different species in desorption. At low coverage, desorption of monolayer ethanol is observed and is described by first-order kinetics. With increasing coverage, a second TPD peak is observed at a lower temperature, which is assigned to an ethanol bilayer. When the coverage is further increased, a second multilayer, less strongly bound to the underlying ethanol ice film, is observed. This peak dominates the TPD spectra with increasing coverage and is characterized by fractional-order kinetics and a desorption energy of 56.3 +/- 1.7 kJ mol(-1). At exposures exceeding 50 L, formation of crystalline ethanol is also observed as a high temperature shoulder on the TPD spectrum at 160 K. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics

    Instrument Packages for the Cold, Dark, High Radiation Environments

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    We are developing a small cold temperature instrument package concept that integrates a cold temperature power system and radhard ultra low temperature ultra low power electronics components and power supplies now under development into a cold temperature surface operational version of a planetary surface instrument package. We are already in the process of developing a lower power lower tem-perature version for an instrument of mutual interest to SMD and ESMD to support the search for volatiles (the mass spectrometer VAPoR, Volatile Analysis by Pyrolysis of Regolith) both as a stand alone instrument and as part of an environmental monitoring package

    Slow-light optical bullets in arrays of nonlinear Bragg-grating waveguides

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    We demonstrate how to control independently both spatial and temporal dynamics of slow light. We reveal that specially designed nonlinear waveguide arrays with phase-shifted Bragg gratings demonstrate the frequency-independent spatial diffraction near the edge of the photonic bandgap, where the group velocity of light can be strongly reduced. We show in numerical simulations that such structures allow a great flexibility in designing and controlling dispersion characteristics, and open a way for efficient spatiotemporal self-trapping and the formation of slow-light optical bullets.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; available from http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v97/e23390