398 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Burnout Syndrome and Resilience in Jaén Physical Therapists during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pilot Study

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    Artículos originales[ES] Introducción: Aunque el síndrome del quemado (burnout) se ha estudiado profusamente en los trabajadores sanitarios,existen pocos estudios que lo aborden específicamente en los fisioterapeutas y cuando esto se ha hecho se ha encontrado que los índices varían desde un nivel bajo hasta un nivel medio-alto. La reciente pandemia COVID-19 ha supuesto y supone un reto notable para el sistema sanitario. En este escenario, puede ser de interés evaluar el índice de burnout en el colectivo de fisioterapeutas.Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es medir la prevalencia de burnout en el colectivo de fisioterapeutas de Jaén y provincia, así como estudiar posibles fenómenos asociados a la misma. Material y Métodos: Se remitió una encuesta con datos sociodemográficos, una escala de medición de la resiliencia y una escala de medición del burnout (incluyendo sus tres aspectos: cansancio emocional, despersonalización y realización personal) por medio grupos de WhatsApp de ámbito profesional a los fisioterapeutas de la provincia de Jaén. La encuesta fue anónima, voluntaria y autocumplimentable. Resultados: La prevalencia de burnout entre los fisioterapeutas de la provincia de Jaén es superponible a la publicada en otros estudios. Los fisioterapeutas que no trabajan en la capital sufren más de cansancio emocional (p=0,038) y existe una tendencia a que los hombres sufran más despersonalización. Entre las subescalas de resiliencia que más se asocian al burnout está la de “adaptabilidad y redes de apoyo”.Conclusiones: La frecuencia de burnout en los fisioterapeutas de Jaén es superponible a la publicada por otros autores, no siendo posible establecer si el contexto de pandemia COVID juega algún papel. No trabajar en la capital de la provincia parece favorecer el burnout. El perfil de burnout se concreta sobre todo en los aspectos “cansancio emocional” y “despersonalización”, siendo esto especialmente frecuente en los que presentan un bajo nivel de resiliencia en la subescala “adaptabilidad y redes de apoyo” [EN] Introduction: Although burnout syndrome has been extensively studied in health care workers, there are few studies that specifically address it in physical therapists, and when this has been done, the rates have been found to range from low to medium-high. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has been and continues to be a significant challenge for the healthcare system. In this scenario, it may be of interest to evaluate the burnout index in the group of physical therapists. Objective: The objective of this study is to measure the prevalence of burnout in the group of physical therapists in Jaén and province, as well as to study possible phenomena associated with it. Material and Methods: A survey with sociodemographic data, a resilience measurement scale and a burnout measurement scale (including its three aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal fulfillment) was sent by means of WhatsApp groups of professional scope to the physical therapists of the province from Jaén. The survey was anonymous, voluntary, and self-filling.Results: The prevalence of burnout among physiotherapists in the province of Jaén is superimposable to that published in other studies. Physiotherapists who do not work in the capital suffer more from emotional fatigue (p = 0.038) and there is a tendency for men to suffer more depersonalization. Among the resilience subscales that are most asso ciated with burnout is “adaptability and support networks”. Conclusions: The frequency of burnout in Jaén physiotherapists is superimposable to that published by other authors, and it is not possible to establish whether the context of the COVID pandemic plays any role. Not working in the provincial capital seems to favor burnout. The burnout profile is specified above all in the “emotional fatigue” and “depersonalization” aspects, this being especially frequent in those with a low level of resilience in the “adaptability and support networks” subscale.N

    Genotype and Phenotype in 12 additional individuals with SATB2-Associated Syndrome

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    SATB2-associated syndrome (SAS) is a multisystemic disorder caused by alterations of the SATB2 gene. We describe the phenotype and genotype of 12 individuals with 10 unique (de novo in 11 of 11 tested) pathogenic variants (1 splice site, 5 frameshift, 3 nonsense, and 2 missense) in SATB2 and review all cases reported in the published literature caused by point alterations thus far. In the cohort here described, developmental delay (DD) with severe speech compromise, facial dysmorphism, and dental anomalies were present in all cases. We also present the third case of tibial bowing in an individual who, just as in the previous 2 individuals in the literature, also had a truncating pathogenic variant of SATB2. We explore early genotype-phenotype correlations and reaffirm the main clinical features of this recognizable syndrome: universal DD with severe speech impediment, mild facial dysmorphism, and high frequency of craniofacial anomalies, behavioral issues, and brain neuroradiographic changes. As the recently proposed surveillance guidelines for individuals with SAS are adopted by providers, further delineation of the frequency and impact of other phenotypic traits will become available. Similarly, as new cases of SAS are identified, further exploration of genotype-phenotype correlations will be possible

    De novo variants of NR4A2 are associated with neurodevelopmental disorder and epilepsy

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    Purpose This study characterizes the clinical and genetic features of nine unrelated patients with de novo variants in the NR4A2 gene. Methods Variants were identified and de novo origins were confirmed through trio exome sequencing in all but one patient. Targeted RNA sequencing was performed for one variant to confirm its splicing effect. Independent discoveries were shared through GeneMatcher. Results Missense and loss-of-function variants in NR4A2 were identified in patients from eight unrelated families. One patient carried a larger deletion including adjacent genes. The cases presented with developmental delay, hypotonia (six cases), and epilepsy (six cases). De novo status was confirmed for eight patients. One variant was demonstrated to affect splicing and result in expression of abnormal transcripts likely subject to nonsense-mediated decay. Conclusion Our study underscores the importance of NR4A2 as a disease gene for neurodevelopmental disorders and epilepsy. The identified variants are likely causative of the seizures and additional developmental phenotypes in these patients

    Multiomic analyses implicate a neurodevelopmental program in the pathogenesis of cerebral arachnoid cysts

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    Cerebral arachnoid cysts (ACs) are one of the most common and poorly understood types of developmental brain lesion. To begin to elucidate AC pathogenesis, we performed an integrated analysis of 617 patient-parent (trio) exomes, 152,898 human brain and mouse meningeal single-cell RNA sequencing transcriptomes and natural language processing data of patient medical records. We found that damaging de novo variants (DNVs) were highly enriched in patients with ACs compared with healthy individuals (P = 1.57 × 10-33). Seven genes harbored an exome-wide significant DNV burden. AC-associated genes were enriched for chromatin modifiers and converged in midgestational transcription networks essential for neural and meningeal development. Unsupervised clustering of patient phenotypes identified four AC subtypes and clinical severity correlated with the presence of a damaging DNV. These data provide insights into the coordinated regulation of brain and meningeal development and implicate epigenomic dysregulation due to DNVs in AC pathogenesis. Our results provide a preliminary indication that, in the appropriate clinical context, ACs may be considered radiographic harbingers of neurodevelopmental pathology warranting genetic testing and neurobehavioral follow-up. These data highlight the utility of a systems-level, multiomics approach to elucidate sporadic structural brain disease

    Truncating SRCAP variants outside the Floating-Harbor syndrome locus cause a distinct neurodevelopmental disorder with a specific DNA methylation signature

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    Truncating variants in exons 33 and 34 of the SNF2-related CREBBP activator protein (SRCAP) gene cause the neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) Floating-Harbor syndrome (FLHS), characterized by short stature, speech delay, and facial dysmorphism. Here, we present a cohort of 33 individuals with clinical features distinct from FLHS and truncating (mostly de novo) SRCAP variants either proximal (n = 28) or distal (n = 5) to the FLHS locus. Detailed clinical characterization of the proximal SRCAP individuals identified shared characteristics: developmental delay with or without intellectual disability, behavioral and psychiatric problems, non-specific facial features, musculoskeletal issues, and hypotonia. Because FLHS is known to be associated with a unique set of DNA methylation (DNAm) changes in blood, a DNAm signature, we investigated whether there was a distinct signature associated with our affected individuals. A machine-learning model, based on the FLHS DNAm signature, negatively classified all our tested subjects. Comparing proximal variants with typically developing controls, we identified a DNAm signature distinct from the FLHS signature. Based on the DNAm and clinical data, we refer to the condition as "non-FLHS SRCAP-related NDD.'' All five distal variants classified negatively using the FLHS DNAm model while two classified positively using the proximal model. This suggests divergent pathogenicity of these variants, though clinically the distal group presented with NDD, similar to the proximal SRCAP group. In summary, for SRCAP, there is a clear relationship between variant location, DNAm profile, and clinical phenotype. These results highlight the power of combined epigenetic, molecular, and clinical studies to identify and characterize genotype-epigenotype-phenotype correlations

    The clinical and genetic spectrum of autosomal-recessive TOR1A-related disorders.

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    In the field of rare diseases, progress in molecular diagnostics led to the recognition that variants linked to autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative diseases of later onset can, in the context of biallelic inheritance, cause devastating neurodevelopmental disorders and infantile or childhood-onset neurodegeneration. TOR1A-associated arthrogryposis multiplex congenita 5 (AMC5) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder arising from biallelic variants in TOR1A, a gene that in the heterozygous state is associated to torsion dystonia-1 (DYT1 or DYT-TOR1A), an early-onset dystonia with reduced penetrance. While 15 individuals with TOR1A-AMC5 have been reported (less than 10 in detail), a systematic investigation of the full disease-associated spectrum has not been conducted. Here, we assess the clinical, radiological and molecular characteristics of 57 individuals from 40 families with biallelic variants in TOR1A. Median age at last follow-up was 3 years (0-24 years). Most individuals presented with severe congenital flexion contractures (95%) and variable developmental delay (79%). Motor symptoms were reported in 79% and included lower limb spasticity and pyramidal signs, as well as gait disturbances. Facial dysmorphism was an integral part of the phenotype, with key features being a broad/full nasal tip, narrowing of the forehead and full cheeks. Analysis of disease-associated manifestations delineated a phenotypic spectrum ranging from normal cognition and mild gait disturbance to congenital arthrogryposis, global developmental delay, intellectual disability, absent speech and inability to walk. In a subset, the presentation was consistent with fetal akinesia deformation sequence with severe intrauterine abnormalities. Survival was 71% with higher mortality in males. Death occurred at a median age of 1.2 months (1 week - 9 years) due to respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, or sepsis. Analysis of brain MRI studies identified non-specific neuroimaging features, including a hypoplastic corpus callosum (72%), foci of signal abnormality in the subcortical and periventricular white matter (55%), diffuse white matter volume loss (45%), mega cisterna magna (36%) and arachnoid cysts (27%). The molecular spectrum included 22 distinct variants, defining a mutational hotspot in the C-terminal domain of the Torsin-1A protein. Genotype-phenotype analysis revealed an association of missense variants in the 3-helix bundle domain to an attenuated phenotype, while missense variants near the Walker A/B motif as well as biallelic truncating variants were linked to early death. In summary, this systematic cross-sectional analysis of a large cohort of individuals with biallelic TOR1A variants across a wide age-range delineates the clinical and genetic spectrum of TOR1A-related autosomal-recessive disease and highlights potential predictors for disease severity and survival

    De novo variants of NR4A2 are associated with neurodevelopmental disorder and epilepsy

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    PURPOSE: This study characterizes the clinical and genetic features of nine unrelated patients with de novo variants in the NR4A2 gene. METHODS: Variants were identified and de novo origins were confirmed through trio exome sequencing in all but one patient. Targeted RNA sequencing was performed for one variant to confirm its splicing effect. Independent discoveries were shared through GeneMatcher. RESULTS: Missense and loss-of-function variants in NR4A2 were identified in patients from eight unrelated families. One patient carried a larger deletion including adjacent genes. The cases presented with developmental delay, hypotonia (six cases), and epilepsy (six cases). De novo status was confirmed for eight patients. One variant was demonstrated to affect splicing and result in expression of abnormal transcripts likely subject to nonsense-mediated decay. CONCLUSION: Our study underscores the importance of NR4A2 as a disease gene for neurodevelopmental disorders and epilepsy. The identified variants are likely causative of the seizures and additional developmental phenotypes in these patients