8 research outputs found

    Konkurentnost odabranih zemalja jugoistočne Europe na tržiŔtu drvenih podova Europske unije

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    Selected South-Eastern European countries (SEEC - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia) represent significant producers and exporters of wood flooring in Europe. In 2018, 9.4 % of Europeā€™s wood flooring production originated from this region. The region is a net exporter of wood flooring since it exports over 50 % of total production. The most important market for the export of wood flooring is the European Union with a share of over 60 % in total exports. Trends in this market are important for manufacturers and exporters from the region. Therefore, the analysis of the impact of the European Union imports on wood flooring production in the SEEC was conducted by application of econometric modelling. The parameters of the obtained model show that the increase of approximately 0.75 % could be expected in the production of wood flooring in selected South-Eastern European countries for each precentral increase in the European Union imports. In addition to these results, the paper presents the analysis of the competitiveness of wood flooring export from the region measured by the Competitiveness Growth Index (RCA1). The aim of this analysis was to quantify the level of their price and non-price competitiveness in the European Union market. Conducted analyses show that the Competitiveness Growth Index (RCA1) had positive values (higher than one) for most significant countries from the SEEC for most of the observed period.Odabrane zemlje jugoistočne Europe (SEEC ā€“ Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska, Crna Gora, Sjeverna Makedonija, Srbija i Slovenija) značajni su proizvođači i izvoznici drvenih podova u Europi. U 2018. godini 9,4 % europske ponude drvenih podova proizvedeno je upravo u toj regiji. Regija je neto izvoznik drvenih podova jer izvozi viÅ”e od 50 % ukupne proizvodnje. Najvažnije je tržiÅ”te za izvoz drvenih podova Europska unija, na koju otpada viÅ”e od 60 % ukupnog izvoza. Trendovi na tržiÅ”tu Europske unije vrlo su važni za proizvođače i izvoznike iz promatranih zemalja SEEC-a. Stoga je primjenom ekonometrijskog modeliranja analiziran utjecaj uvoza Europske unije na proizvodnju drvenih podova u SEEC regiji. Parametri dobivenog modela pokazuju da se sa svakim postotkom povećanja uvoza u Europsku uniju može očekivati rast proizvodnje drvenih podova u odabranim zemljama jugoistočne Europe za oko 0,75 %. Osim rezultata provedene analize, u radu su izneseni i rezultati analize konkurentnosti izvoza drvenih podova iz zemalja SEEC-a mjereni indeksom rasta konkurentnosti (RCA1). Cilj analize bio je kvantificiranje razine njihove cjenovne i necjenovne konkurentnosti na tržiÅ”tu Europske unije. Provedene analize pokazuju da je indeks rasta konkurentnosti (RCA1) za najznačajnije zemlje SEEC-a u većini godina promatranog razdoblja imao pozitivne vrijednosti (veće od 1)

    Analiza učinkovitosti poslovanja tvrtki za proizvodnju drvenih stolica u Srbiji primjenom DEA metode

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    This paper deals with the operational efficiency of companies engaged in the production of wooden chairs using selected statistical and DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) methods. Indicators that typically characterise the supply chain in the production of selected companies were taken as input and output variables for the DEA method. They included three input variables: inventories, material costs and production services costs and one output variable: companyā€™s net profit. The obtained coefficients of correlation pointed to a high degree of correlation between the variables, which justified the performance of an efficiency analysis using the DEA method. The study included 12 companies engaged in the production of wooden chairs. The results of the conducted analyses show that only one company had a relatively satisfactory operational efficiency (efficiency coefficient of 0.83) for the nine-year period. All other companies, especially micro and small enterprises, had unsatisfactorily low operational efficiency. Micro enterprises had the lowest operational efficiency, with an efficiency coefficient of only 0.14. Small enterprises reached the value of 0.3, and large companies 0.67. Medium companies had the most favourable efficiency coefficient of up to 0.83.U radu je analizirana učinkovitost poslovanja tvrtki za proizvodnju drvenih stolica primjenom odabranih statističkih metoda i DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) metode. Kao ulazne i izlazne varijable za DEA metodu izabrani su tipični pokazatelji koji su karakteristični za lanac opskrbe u proizvodnji odabranih tvrtki. To obuhvaća tri ulazne varijable: zalihe, materijalne troÅ”kove i troÅ”kove proizvodnih usluga te jednu izlaznu varijablu ā€“ neto dobit tvrtke. Dobiveni koeficijenti korelacije pokazali su visok stupanj međusobne povezanosti odabranih varijabli, Å”to potvrđuje opravdanost primjene DEA metode za analizu učinkovitosti poduzeća. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 12 tvrtki koje se bave proizvodnjom drvenih stolica. Rezultati provedene analize pokazuju da je samo jedna od njih u posljednjih devet godina imala relativno zadovoljavajuću učinkovitost poslovanja (koeficijent učinkovitosti 0,83). Sve ostale tvrtke, posebice mikropoduzeća i mala poduzeća, imale su nezadovoljavajuće nisku učinkovitost poslovanja. U mikropoduzećima je zabilježena najmanja učinkovitost poslovanja, s koeficijentom učinkovitosti 0,14. Mala poduzeća postigla su koeficijent učinkovitosti od 0,3, a velika poduzeća od 0,67. Srednja poduzeća imala su najbolji koeficijent učinkovitosti: 0,83

    Analiza primjene integriranih informacijskih sustava u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji

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    It can be said that Integrated Information Systems (IIS) are a fundamental operating tool in modern business systems and form the basis of successful company management. The goal of our research was to determine the IT level of business operations in Croatian wood processing industry and to assess how significant it has been in enhancing its business performance. A survey method was used to collect data, which resulted in gathering predominantly small and medium-sized companies. Our results indicate an average use of IIS modalities among surveyed companies. Using cluster analysis, three types of companies were identified with respect to the degree of system implementation. Analysis of financial benefits of the IIS implementation did not find any statistically significant relationship. However, subjective impressions on non-financial indicators show that companies in all three clusters see the greatest benefit of IIS in the improved inventory efficiency and sales efficiency.Možemo reći da su integrirani informacijski sustavi (IIS) temeljni operativni alat u modernim poslovnim sustavima i čine osnovu uspjeÅ”nog upravljanja poduzećem. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu informatizacije poslovanja u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji i ocijeniti koliko je ona važna za poboljÅ”anje poslovnih rezultata poduzeća. Za prikupljanje podataka primijenjena je anketna metoda, koja je rezultirala odzivom pretežito malih i srednjih poduzeća. NaÅ”i rezultati upućuju na osrednju upotrebu modaliteta unutar IIS-a u anketiranim poduzećima. Klasterskom su analizom identificirana tri tipa poduzeća s obzirom na stupanj integracije sustava. Analiza financijskih koristi implementacije IIS-a nije se pokazala statistički značajnom. Međutim, subjektivni dojmovi o nefinancijskim pokazateljima govore da poduzeća u sva tri klastera vide najveću korist IIS-a u poboljÅ”anju učinkovitosti upravljanja zalihama i poboljÅ”anju učinkovitosti prodaje

    The analysis and assessment of productivity in the processing of beech logs on the example of the selected production system in Serbia by applying statistical modeling

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    This paper presents the results of the study of the influence of the selected factors on the productivity of the processing of beech logs on the example of the selected producer of sawn timber in Serbia by applying statistical modeling. The analysis covered three basic factors that have an impact on productivity: the length, middle diameter and number of cuts on the logs of beech that were processed during the observed period. The research was carried out on a sample of 105 logs, and it contained various sizes of middle diameters, lengths and number of cuts. The research aimed to review the functional dependence of selected factors and productivity in order to reach appropriate conclusions, provide expert recommendations and measures to increase productivity and make appropriate forecasts of possible productivity values. In order to examine the functional dependence of the selected variables, statistical modeling was performed in SPSS, v.20 and MS Excel software packages, where the selected dependent variable is the number of logs processed in one hour, and as an independent variable the volume was taken into consideration (which contains the middle diameter and the length of the logs) and the number of cuts. Statistically obtained parameters showed a significant influence of the volume and number of cuts on the change of the number of logs which are processed in one hour. In the obtained regression model the correlation coefficient R is 0.994, while the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.988. Since in sawmill processing productivity is most often expressed as the volume of processed logs in the unit of time, a transformed form of the equation shows the dependence of the volume on the number of logs and the number of cuts. By setting the hypothesis and by interpreting the statistical indicators, it has been found that the impact of the analyzed factors is very high, but that, in addition to them, productivity is influenced by technical and organizational factors

    Analiza učinkovitosti poslovanja tvrtki za proizvodnju drvenih stolica u Srbiji primjenom DEA metode

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    This paper deals with the operational efficiency of companies engaged in the production of wooden chairs using selected statistical and DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) methods. Indicators that typically characterise the supply chain in the production of selected companies were taken as input and output variables for the DEA method. They included three input variables: inventories, material costs and production services costs and one output variable: companyā€™s net profit. The obtained coefficients of correlation pointed to a high degree of correlation between the variables, which justified the performance of an efficiency analysis using the DEA method. The study included 12 companies engaged in the production of wooden chairs. The results of the conducted analyses show that only one company had a relatively satisfactory operational efficiency (efficiency coefficient of 0.83) for the nine-year period. All other companies, especially micro and small enterprises, had unsatisfactorily low operational efficiency. Micro enterprises had the lowest operational efficiency, with an efficiency coefficient of only 0.14. Small enterprises reached the value of 0.3, and large companies 0.67. Medium companies had the most favourable efficiency coefficient of up to 0.83U radu je analizirana učinkovitost poslovanja tvrtki za proizvodnju drvenih stolica primjenom odabranih statističkih metoda i DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) metode. Kao ulazne i izlazne varijable za DEA metodu izabrani su tipični pokazatelji koji su karakteristični za lanac opskrbe u proizvodnji odabranih tvrtki. To obuhvaća tri ulazne varijable: zalihe, materijalne troÅ”kove i troÅ”kove proizvodnih usluga te jednu izlaznu varijablu ā€“ neto dobit tvrtke. Dobiveni koeficijenti korelacije pokazali su visok stupanj međusobne povezanosti odabranih varijabli, Å”to potvrđuje opravdanost primjene DEA metode za analizu učinkovitosti poduzeća. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 12 tvrtki koje se bave proizvodnjom drvenih stolica. Rezultati provedene analize pokazuju da je samo jedna od njih u posljednjih devet godina imala relativno zadovoljavajuću učinkovitost poslovanja (koeficijent učinkovitosti 0,83). Sve ostale tvrtke, posebice mikropoduzeća i mala poduzeća, imale su nezadovoljavajuće nisku učinkovitost poslovanja. U mikropoduzećima je zabilježena najmanja učinkovitost poslovanja, s koeficijentom učinkovitosti 0,14. Mala poduzeća postigla su koeficijent učinkovitosti od 0,3, a velika poduzeća od 0,67. Srednja poduzeća imala su najbolji koeficijent učinkovitosti: 0,8

    Analiza primjene integriranih informacijskih sustava u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji

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    Wood fuels consumption in households in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The paper shows research results for the consumption of all types of wood fuels in the households in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its entities in 2015. The research was conducted in the period from March 15th to August 26th, 2016 in 109 cities/municipalities in the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina. Complex methodological approach was used for conducting the research, which required field research on the sample of 8,602 households on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as adequate statistical processing of the obtained data pursuant to the high statistical standards. Research results show that in 2015, 5.4 million m3 of firewood, 81,656 tones of wood pellets, and 6,780 tones of wood briquettes were consumed in the households in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Total expenses of households necessary for the supply of wood fuels in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2015 were 239.8 Mā‚¬, with the largest share of firewood (226.8 Mā‚¬), followed by wood pellets (11.6 Mā‚¬), and wood briquettes (720.9 thousand ā‚¬). Average firewood consumption per household in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 6.43 m3. Compared to the surrounding countries it is on the level of Slovenia (6.5 m3 per household), less than in Serbia (7.3 m3 per household) and more than in Montenegro (5.49 m3 per household). Average consumption of energy from firewood expressed in kWh/m2 of the heated surface was 252.7 kWh, which is significantly higher than the average in the EU. One of the reasons for such high consumption of wood energy per 1 m2 of the heated surface is the fact that only 36.1% of the households using solid fuels have thermal insulation on their residential facilities