3 research outputs found

    Empirical Bayes and Fully Bayes procedures to detect high-risk areas in disease mapping

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    Disease mapping studies have experienced an enormous development in the last twenty years. Both an Empirical Bayes (EB) and a Fully Bayes (FB) approach have been used for smoothing purposes. However, an excess of smoothing might hinder the detection of true high-risk areas. Identifying these extreme regions minimizing the misclassification of background or normal areas, and then, avoiding false alarms is crucial in epidemiology. Bayesian decision rules, based on the posterior distribution of the relative risks, have been investigated for this task, but no similar studies have been conducted under the EB approach. Within this framework, second order correct estimators of the MSE of the log-relative risk predictor can be used to build appropriate confidence intervals for the relative risks. Their ability to detect high-risk areas is investigated through a simulation study using the geographical structure of the well-known Scottish lip cancer data. Bayesian credibility intervals and decision rules, based on the posterior distribution of the relative risks, are also investigated to check if any of the approaches outperforms the others when classifying high-risk regions. The conclusion is that Bayesian decision rules, exploiting the posterior distribution of the relative risks, are more powerful to detect high-risk areas than EB confidence intervals, but no general rules can be defined as a global criterion to be routinely applied in every real setting.

    Spline smoothing in small area trend estimation and forecasting

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    Semiparametric models combining both non-parametric trends and small area random effects are now currently being investigated in small area estimation (SAE). These models can prevent bias when the functional form of the relationship between the response and the covariates is unknown. Furthermore, penalized spline regression can be a good tool to incorporate non-parametric regression models into the SAE techniques, as it can be represented as a mixed effects model. A penalized spline model is considered to analyze trends in small areas and to forecast future values of the response. The prediction mean squared error (MSE) for the fitted and the predicted values, together with estimators for those quantities, are derived. The procedure is illustrated with real data consisting of average prices per squared meter of used dwellings in nine neighborhoods of the city of Vitoria, Spain, during the period 1993-2007. Dwelling prices for the next five years are also forecast. A simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of both the small area trend estimator and the prediction MSE estimators. The results confirm a good behavior of the proposed estimators in terms of bias and variability.

    Unpaired spatio-temporal fusion of image patches (USTFIP) from cloud covered images

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    Spatio-temporal image fusion aims to increase the frequency and resolution of multispectral satellite sensor images in a cost-effective manner. However, practical constraints on input data requirements and computational cost prevent a wider adoption of these methods in real case-studies. We propose an ensemble of strategies to eliminate the need for cloud-free matching pairs of satellite sensor images. The new methodology called Unpaired Spatio-Temporal Fusion of Image Patches (USTFIP) is tested in situations where classical requirements are progressively difficult to meet. Overall, the study shows that USTFIP reduces the root mean square error by 2-to-13% relative to the state-of-the-art Fit-FC fusion method, due to an efficient use of the available information. Implementation of USTFIP through parallel computing saves up to 40% of the computational time required for Fit-FC