2,765 research outputs found

    The Charter of Nice in the law in action: an investigation into the judges’ statement of reasons (2000-2008). WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 74/2009

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    The first part of this work is dedicated to European Courts decisions and to the Advocate General’s Conclusions; the second part is dedicated to domestic judges' decisions. The abovementioned division of the work aims to highlight if and to what extent the attitude demonstrated in comparisons of the same "phenomenon" by supranational judiciary and national judiciary – who are considered EU judges of the first level – is different, and to identify the various consequences that it determines

    The Role of Temperature in the occurrence of some Zeno Phenomena

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    Temperature can be responsible for strengthening effective couplings between quantum states, determining a hierarchy of interactions, and making it possible to establish such dynamical regimes known as Zeno dynamics, wherein a strong coupling can hinder the effects of a weak one. The relevant physical mechanisms which connect the structure of a thermal state with the appearance of special dynamical regimes are analyzed in depth

    Genuine Tripartite Entanglement in a Spin-Star Network at Thermal Equilibrium

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    In a recent paper [M. Huber {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 104}, 210501 (2010)] new criteria to find out the presence of multipartite entanglement have been given. We exploit these tools in order to study thermal entanglement in a spin-star network made of three peripheral spins interacting with a central one. Genuine tripartite entanglement is found in a wide range of the relevant parameters. A comparison between predictions based on the new criteria and on the tripartite negativity is also given.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Sensitivity of Measurement-Based Purification Processes to Inner Interactions

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    The sensitivity of a repeated measurement-based purification scheme to additional undesired couplings is analyzed, focusing on the very simple and archetypical system consisting of two two-level systems interacting with a repeatedly measured one. Several regimes are considered and in the strong coupling (i.e., when the coupling constant of the undesired interaction is very large) the occurrence of a quantum Zeno effect is proven to dramatically jeopardize the efficiency of the purification process.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Oscillations of the purity in the repeated-measurement-based generation of quantum states

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    Repeated observations of a quantum system interacting with another one can drive the latter toward a particular quantum state, irrespectively of its initial condition, because of an {\em effective non-unitary evolution}. If the target state is a pure one, the degree of purity of the system approaches unity, even when the initial condition of the system is a mixed state. In this paper we study the behavior of the purity from the initial value to the final one, that is unity. Depending on the parameters, after a finite number of measurements, the purity exhibits oscillations, that brings about a lower purity than that of the initial state, which is a point to be taken care of in concrete applications.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Geometric phase accumulation-based effects in the quantum dynamics of an anisotropically trapped ion

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    New physical effects in the dynamics of an ion confined in an anisotropic two-dimensional Paul trap are reported. The link between the occurrence of such manifestations and the accumulation of geometric phase stemming from the intrinsic or controlled lack of symmetry in the trap is brought to light. The possibility of observing in laboratory these anisotropy-based phenomena is briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages. Acta Physica Hungarica B 200


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    In coriander, a well known spice herb, many studies concerning the effect of N fertilization have been conducted in special areas where the cultivation of such plant has a major importance, such as India. Limited information is available as concerns the response of coriander to N fertilization under Mediterranean climatic conditions, above all when organic N fertilizers (mandatory when organic cropping management is chosen) are used. This work refers about some observations realised from 2004 to 2006 by an experiment on organic and mineral N fertilization techniques in coriander, carried on in the experimental farm “Sparacia” (Cammarata, AG, Sicily). Similarly to what suggested for other species, each year at harvest time, for each fertilizer treatment, seeds yield and plant biomass were weighed and the respective N content was determined in order to compare N plant uptake with total and mineral N measured in the soil before and after cropping cycle. From such data a few indices were calculated in order to get information about the efficiency of use by plants of the tested N forms. Some differences in N partitioning and use efficiency according to treatment were noticed, suggesting an overall higher efficiency of N chemical fertilizers

    Revealing non-classical behaviours in the oscillatory motion of a trapped ion

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    The possibility of revealing non-classical behaviours in the dynamics of a trapped ion via measurements of the mean value of suitable operators is reported. In particular we focus on the manifestation known as `` Parity Effect\rq\rq which may be observed \emph{directly measuring} the expectation value of an appropriate correlation operator. The experimental feasibility of our proposal is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamics of a two-state system through a real level crossing

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    The dynamics of a two-state system whose energies undergo a real crossing at some instant of time is studied. At this instant, both the coupling and the detuning vanish simultaneously, which leads to an exact degeneracy of the eigenenergies of the system. It is found that the dynamics of the system is primarily determined by the manner in which the degeneracy occurs. This interesting behavior is reminiscent of a symmetry breaking process, since the totally symmetric situation occurring at the crossing is significantly altered by infinitesimal quantities, which remove the degeneracy, with very important dynamical implications from there on. A very simple analytical formula is derived, which is found to describe the population changes very accurately


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    In organic cropping management of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, the best quality expression is crucial to gain satisfactory incomes. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is an annual herbaceous plant with a commercial value due to the typical scent of its fruits (commonly termed “seeds”), rich in a pale yellow oil (1-2% in small-sized types, 0.2-0.5% in large-sized ones). Several studies have been done for determining the composition of volatile fraction of Coriander, which was found to vary also as a consequence of cropping techniques, including nitrogen fertilization. In order to gain useful information about the effects, if present at all, of organic N fertilization on Coriander quality in terms of volatiles composition pattern, a three-year trial (2004-2006) was carried out using different types and rates of organic and conventional N fertilizers. Volatile composition of fruits was obtained by means of GC-MS and data were evaluated by multivariate statistical analysis. The most representative compound are linalool, followed by camphor, geranyl acetate and geraniol. The group partition was mainly due to different quantitative ratio of compounds; the differences in volatile composition, however, followed a scheme more resembling the cropping year than the fertilization management
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