12 research outputs found

    Razlike u alelopatskom učinku ekstrakata korijena pajasena i izoliranog ailantona na test-biljne vrste

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    The objective of this paper was to analyse allelopathic effect of 3 different aqueous solutions from tree of heavenā€™s (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) root extract and their dilutions on common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) and red bristlegrass (Setaria pumila L.). Investigated aqueous solutions obtained from tree of heavenā€™s root extract were root aqueous solution, aqueous solution with isolated ailanthone and root aqueous solution without ailanthone. Each of these solutions was diluted with water in ratio 1:4 and 1:16 before application on seeds of 3 test-plant species. Concentrated root and ailanthone aqueous solution and dilutions were equivalent to concentration of 0.48 mg/mL ailanthone. High allelopathic effect on radicle and shoot length of all test-species was proven for all investigated aqueous solution and their dilutions. Inhibitory effect on initial growth of all test-species was proportional to the increase in concentration in all treatments. The effect on initial growth was stronger in relation to the effect on germination of test-species. Lower concentrations caused stimulation of red bristlegrass germination. Pigweed was the most sensitive and common wheat the least sensitive test-species. The least significant effect was measured in the aqueous solution of isolated ailanthone.Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti alelopatski učinak 3 različite vodene otopine iz ekstrakta korijena pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) i njihova razrjeđenja na pÅ”enicu (Triticum aestivum L.), oÅ”trodlakavi Ŕćir (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) i zeleni muhar (Setaria pumila L.). Istraživane vodene otopine dobivene iz ekstrakta korijena pajasena su vodena otopina korijena pajasena, vodena otopina izoliranog ailantona i vodena otopina korijena bez ailantona. Svaka od tih otopina razrijeđena je s vodom u omjeru 1:4 i 1:16 prije primjene na sjeme 3 test-biljne vrste. Koncentrirana vodena otopina korijena i vodena otopina ailantona te razrjeđenja bili su ekvivalentni koncentraciji od 0.48 mg/mL ailantona. Utvrđen je visok alelopatski učinak na duljinu korijena i izdanka klice svih test-biljnih vrsta za sve istraživane vodene otopine i njihova razrjeđenja. Inhibitorni učinak na početni porast svih test-biljnih vrsta bio je proporcionalan povećanju koncentracije na svim tretmanima. Učinak na početni rast je jači u odnosu na klijavost test-biljnih vrsta. Niže koncentracije stimulirale su klijanje zelenog muhara. OÅ”trodlakavi Ŕćir je najosjetljivija, a pÅ”enica najmanje osjetljiva test-biljna vrsta. Vodena otopina izoliranog ailantona iskazala je najslabiji učinak

    Utjecaj različitih predtretmana na sadržaj bioloŔki aktivnih spojeva u plodu suŔenih Ŕljiva

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    Plum (Prunus domestica L.) is mostly represented on the European market as fresh or industrially processed as dried fruit. The plum drying process is usually carried out at higher temperatures between 85 and 90 Ā°C, which can result with loss of bioactive compounds, sensory attributes, texture, taste and aroma. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the efficiency of applying different pre-treatments in combination with a lower drying temperature (42 Ā°C) in order to obtain a high quality product and the highest retention of bioactive compounds (total phenols, total hydroxycinnamic acids and total flavonols). Three plum cultivars: cv ā€˜Hauszwetschge Schufferā€™, cv ā€˜Presidentā€™ and cv \u27Topend plus\u27 were treated with 11 different pre-treatments: abrasion in duration of 5, 10 and 15 minutes; submersion in KOH solution in concentration of 0,5, 1,0 and 1,5% at two temperatures of 22 Ā°C and 60 Ā°C in duration of 1 minute, and submersion of fruits in distilled water at two temperatures (22 and 60 Ā°C) in duration of 1 minute. The highest retention of bioactive compounds (total phenols, total hydroxycinnamic acids and total flavonols) was obtained in the dried fruits of all plum cultivars treated by chemical and thermal pre-treatment while the lowest values were determined in fruits pre-treated with abrasion.Å ljiva (Prunus domestica L.) uglavnom je prisutna na tržiÅ”tu EU kao svježa ili industrijski prerađena kao suÅ”eni plod. Tehnologija suÅ”enja Å”ljive uglavnom se provodi se na visokim temperaturama između 85 i 90 Ā°C koji mogu rezultirati gubitkom bioaktivnih spojeva, senzornih svojstava, teksture, okusa i arome. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio istražiti učinkovitost primjenjenih različitih predtretmana u kombinaciji s nižom temperaturom suÅ”enja (42 Ā°C) radi dobivanja visoko-kvalitetnog proizvoda, koji će imati visok stupanj zadržavanja bioloÅ”ki aktivnih spojeva (ukupnih fenola, ukupnih hidroksicimetnih kiselina i ukupnih flavonola). Tri sorte Å”ljive ā€˜Hauszwetschge Schufferā€™, ā€˜Presidentā€™ i ā€˜Topend plusā€™ tretirane su s 11 različitih predtretmana: abrazija u trajanju od 5, 10 i 15 minuta, potapanje u otopinu KOH u koncentracijama od 0,5, 1,0 i 1,5% na temperaturi od 22 Ā°C i 60 Ā°C u trajanju od 1 minute te sa destiliranom vodom na dvije temperature (22 i 60 Ā°C), također u trajanju od 1 minute. NajviÅ”i sadržaj bioaktivnih spojeva (ukupni fenoli, ukupne hidroksicimetne kiseline i ukupni flavonoli) utvrđeni su u suÅ”enih plodova svih sorti tretiranih s kemijskim i termičkim predtretmanima, dok su najniže vrijednosti spomenutih bioaktivnih spojeva utvrđeni u plodovima predtretiranih abrazijom

    Flowering period of hazel cultivars and dihogamy incidence in agro-ecological conditions of continental Croatia

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    Istraživanja su provedena u Orahovici na tri sorte lijeske: Istarski duguljasti, Rimski i HaleÅ”ki. Pojedinačno je promatrana cvatnja muÅ”kih i ženskih cvjetova prema čemu je izrađen fenogram cvatnje. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje fenofaza cvatnje lijeske, pojave homogamije i dihogamije te ovisnost cvatnje o klimatskim prilikama. Pokazalo se da pojava protandrije, protoginije i homogamije nije isključivo sortno svojstvo već je ovisna o sezonskim klimatskim prilikama. Na području Orahovice najčeŔće se pojavljuje protoginija. Protandrija se pojavljuje rjeđe i to u godinama s većom sumom srednjih dnevnih temperatura u dekadi koja prethodi cvatnji. Na osnovi izrađenog fenograma cvatnje vidljivo je da se tri odabrane sorte dobro nadopunjuju i međusobno osiguravaju dobro opraÅ”ivanje bez obzira na nepovoljne klimatske prilike koje vladaju za vrijeme cvatnje.Research was conducted on three hazel cultivars: Istarski duguljasti, Romische Zellernuss and Hallesche Riesen in Orahovica. Flowering of male and female inflorescences was observed individually according to which flowering phenogramme was completed. The aim of this research was to determine the flowering pattern of hazel, occurrence of homogamy and dichogamy and influence of weather conditions on flowering. It was observed that appearance of protandry, protogyny and homogamy is not solely varietal characteristic, but depends on seasonal climatic conditions as well. In the Orahovica area protogyny mostly occurs. Protandry occurs rarely, mainly in the years with higher sum of average daily temperatures in a decade that precedes the flowering. Based on created flowering phenogramme it is visible that all three cultivars complement each other and guarantee good pollination irrespective of possible adverse climatic conditions that can occur during flowering

    Humus content in soils intended for establishment of permanent plantations in Croatia

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    Humus ima specifičnu, viÅ”estruko pozitivnu ulogu u fizikalnim, kemijskim i mikrobioloÅ”kim značajkama tla. Doprinosi formiranju stabilnih agregata, strukturi tla, aeraciji, poboljÅ”anju ritma infiltracije i povećanju kapaciteta skladiÅ”tenja vode. Kao skladiÅ”te za biljna hraniva ujedno je izvor plodnosti tla. Također, služi kao pufer protiv brzih promjena reakcije tla (pH) i djeluje kao izvor energije za mikroorganizme u tlu. Uvažavajući gore iznijeto, kao i činjenicu da trajni nasadi (voćnjaci i vinogradi) na istoj povrÅ”ini ostaju dugi niz godina te da je potrebno žurno formirati tratinu u međurednom prostoru, poznavanje razine humusa u tlima namijenjenim za podizanje voćnjaka i vinograda je od izuzetne važnosti. Temeljem analiza cca četiri tisuće uzoraka tla (računajući oranični sloj 0-30 cm i podoranični sloj 30-60 cm) iz 16 županija Republike Hrvatske, utvrđena je količina humusa. Uzorci tla uzeti su u periodu od 2000. do 2006. godine , tj. u vrijeme kad se krenulo u znatnije podizanje voćnjaka i vinograda, popraćeno poticajima za podizanje trajnih nasada (BiÅ”ko i sur., 2005a.; BiÅ”ko i sur. 2005b.). Količina humusa određena je metodom po Tjurinu (Å korić i Seretić 1966.). U konačnici, izračunate su i prosječne vrijednosti (% humusa) oraničnog i podoraničnog sloja tla Å”to čini ukupno 2.038 uzoraka i predstavlja isto toliko proizvodnih povrÅ”ina sa kojih su uzeti prosječni uzorci. Prosječne vrijednosti količine humusa po pojedinoj županiji kretale su se od 1,53 % u Virovitičko-podravskoj do 3,32 % u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji. U ostalim županijama utvrđene su sljedeće prosječne vrijednosti humusa: Koprivničko-križevačka 1,54 %, PožeÅ”ko-slavonska 1,62 %, Vukovarsko-srijemska 1,63 %, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska 1,78 %, Brodsko-posavska 1,80 %, Zadarska i Međimurska 2,01 %, Sisačko-moslavačka 2,13 %, Istarska 2,15 %, Zagrebačka 2,22 %, Krapinsko-zagorska 2,23 %, Karlovačka 2,44 %, Å ibensko-kninska 2,74 % i Ličko-senjska 2,89 %. Utvrđene vrijednosti uspoređene su s IzvjeŔćem Europskog ureda za istraživanje tala (Br. 15) Europske Komisije: ā€žOrganic Matter in the Soils of Southern Europeā€, Zdruli i sur., 2004.Humus has a specific, multiple positive influence on physical, chemical and microbiological soil characteristics. It contributes to the formation of stable aggregates, soil structure and aeration, improvement of infiltration rhythm and to an increase of water storage capacity. Being a storage for plant nutrients, it is a source of fertility at the same time. Furthermore, it is also a buffer against rapid changes in soil reaction (pH) and acts as an energy source for microorganisms in the soil. Taking into consideration aforementioned, as well as the fact that permanent plantations (orchards and vineyards) stay in the same area for a longer time, the need for urgent growth of grass between rows, understanding levels of humus in soils intended for establishment of orchards and vineyards is of utmost importance. Based on the analysis of approximately four thousand soil samples (including topsoil 0-30 cm and subsoil 30-60 cm) from 16 counties in the Republic of Croatia, humus content was determined. Soil samples were taken in the period between 2000 and 2006, in the time of planting major orchards and vineyards, accompanied by incentives for setting us permanent plantations (BiÅ”ko et al., 2005a; BiÅ”ko et al. 2005b). Humus content was determined by Tjurin method (Å korić i Sertić, 1966). Finally, mean values (% humus) of topsoil and subsoil were calculated which accounts for 2.038 samples, representing the same number of plots from which samples were taken. Mean values of humus content per each county ranged between 1.53% in Virovitičko-podravska County and 3.32% in Primorsko-goranska County. For other counties the following mean values of humus content were determined: Koprivničko-križevačka 1.54%, PožeÅ”ko-slavonska 1.62%, Vukovarsko-srijemska 1.63%, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska 1.78%, Brodsko-posavska 1.80%, Zadarska and Međimurska 2.01%, Sisačko-moslavačka 2.13%, Istarska 2.15%, Zagrebačka 2.22%, Krapinsko-zagorska 2.23%, Karlovačka 2.44%, Å ibensko-kninska 2.74% and Ličko-senjska 2.89%. Identified values were compared with the Report of the European Office for Soil Research (No 15) of the European Commission: ā€œOrganic Matter in the Soils of Southern Europe, Zdruli, et al. 2004

    Status and significance of hazel production in the Republic of Croatia

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    Lijeska (Corylus spp.) u odnosu na ostale voćne vrste posljednjih godina bilježi najveći rast u količini deklariranog sadnog materijala iz domaće proizvodnje i uvoza. S evidentiranih 4 137 ha proizvodnih povrÅ”ina lijeska je četvrta voćna vrsta po zastupljenosti u RH. Većina proizvodnje smjeÅ”tena je na području kontinentalne Hrvatske s naglaskom na obronke Papuka, Krndije i Bilogore. Najzastupljeniji uzgojni oblik je modificirana grmolika vaza, ali se u novijim nasadima uočava uzgojni oblik stablo te guŔći sklopovi sadnje koji bi trebali olakÅ”ati strojnu berbu. Prema podacima FAO-a u Hrvatskoj se godiÅ”nje proizvede od 1 000 do 1 500 tona ljeÅ”njaka u ljusci. U nasadima su najzastupljenije sorte \u27Istarski duguljasti\u27 i \u27Rimski\u27. Rezultati istraživanja lijeske u naÅ”im agroekoloÅ”kim uvjetima pokazuju da sorte lijeske imaju dobru i redovitu rodnost. Zbog zahtjeva konditorske industrije daljnja istraživanja treba usmjeriti na poboljÅ”anje sortimenta uvođenjem novih sorti sitnijeg ploda i okrugle jezgre.Hazel (Corylus spp.) production of certified plant material both domestic and imported has been recording the highest growth in comparison to other fruit crops in recent years. It is the fourth fruit crop in the Republic of Croatia with recorded 4 137 ha of production area. Majority of the production is located in the continental part of Croatia being prominent on Papuk, Krndija and Bilogora hills. Mostly used training system is modified bush vase, but new tree type training system can be found in new plantations, as well as denser planting systems in order to facilitate harvesting. According to FAOSTAT annual hazelnut shell production in Croatia ranges from 1 000 to 1 500 tons. The most represented cultivars in hazelnut plantations are \u27Istarski duguljasti\u27 and \u27Romische Zellernuss\u27. Results of hazelnut research in our agro-ecological conditions indicate that cultivars have good and regular productivity, however due to special demands of confectionary industry further research needs to be directed towards cultivar improvement by introducing new cultivars with smaller fruits and a round kernel

    Productivity and fruit quality of traditional apple cultivars within intensive production systems

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    U istraživanju su uspoređene tradicionalne (\u27Ovčji nos\u27, \u27MaÅ”anka\u27 i \u27Zlatna zimska parmenka\u27) s otpornim (\u27Topaz\u27, \u27PinovaĀ®\u27 i \u27Querina-Florina\u27) i komercijalnim sortama (\u27Gala Schnitzer SchnigaĀ®\u27, \u27Golden Delicious ReindersĀ®\u27, \u27Idared\u27) s ciljem bolje procjene potencijala i kvalitete plodova sorti te za implementaciju ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivije proizvodnje pojedinih sorti jabuka u intenzivnom sustavu uzgoja. U usporedbi s komercijalnim sortama u istraživanju, otporne sorte \u27Topaz\u27 i \u27Pinova\u27 pokazale su komparativna svojstva s obzirom na produktivnost, dok je sorta \u27Querina-Florina\u27 imala značajno manju učinkovitost priroda. Od tradicionalnih sorti izdvaja se sorta \u27Ovčji nos\u27 čiji je prirod komparativan s nekim komercijalnim sortama. Kvaliteta ploda svih sorti u istraživanju bila je zadovoljavajuća s obzirom na veličinu ploda te sadržaj topljive suhe tvariTraditional cultivars (ā€˜Ovčji nosā€™ ā€“ ā€˜Schafnaseā€™, ā€˜MaÅ”ankaā€™ ā€“ ā€˜Maschanzkerā€™ and ā€˜Zlatna zimska parmenkaā€™ ā€“ ā€˜GoldparmƤneā€™) were compared with resistant (ā€˜Topazā€™, ā€˜PinovaĀ®ā€™ and ā€˜Querina-Florinaā€™) and commercial cultivars (ā€˜Gala Schnitzer SchnigaĀ®ā€™, ā€˜Golden Delicious ReindersĀ®ā€™ and ā€˜Idaredā€™) within the system of intensive production aiming to better evaluate production potential, fruit quality and possibilities to implement more ecologically acceptable production practices of certain apple cultivars. In comparison to commercial cultivars, resistant cvs ā€˜Topazā€™ and ā€˜Pinovaā€™ demonstrated relative characteristics with regards to productivity, whilst cv. ā€˜Querina-Florinaā€™ had significantly lower yield productivity. Out of traditional cultivars cv. ā€˜Ovčji nos ā€“ Schafnaseā€™ stands out with higher yields relative to certain commercial cultivars. Fruit quality of all cultivars in research was satisfactory when it comes to fruit size and soluble solids content

    The Effect of Weather Conditions on Fruit Skin Colour Development and Pomological Characteristics of Four Apricot Cultivars Planted in Donja Zelina

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    Research was conducted on four apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars of different ripening periods in Donja Zelina, during 2010 and 2011 growing seasons. Trees were planted in 2006, and grafted on a WaxWa rootstock. During 2010 growing season, ground- and over-colour of the fruit skin was measured from 97 to 114 days after full bloom (DAFB) for cultivars ā€˜Hargrandā€™, ā€˜Harlayneā€™ and ā€˜Harogemā€™ and from 81 to 99 DAFB for cultivar ā€˜PinkcotĀ®ā€™ colorimetrically multiple times in intervals of three to four days using the change in ground-colour of fruit skin from green to green ā€“ yellow as a indicator for fi rst measurement determined by colour chart for apricots. At harvest in 2010 and 2011, fruit weight, height, width and thickness, fruit flesh firmness and soluble solids content were determined as well. The most intensive changes were recorded in value a* of fruit skin ground- and over-colour in all four cultivars during the last 10 days before harvest in 2010, and ranged from 19.33 in cv. ā€˜Hargrandā€™ to 30.55 in cv. ā€˜Harogemā€™. Cv. ā€˜PinkcotĀ®ā€™ and cv. ā€˜Harogemā€™ have developed higher b* values of fruit skin ground-colour then cultivars ā€˜Hargrandā€™ and ā€˜Harlayneā€™ in 2010, reaching values of 47.79 and 47.30, respectively. At harvest in 2011, values a* and b* were signifi cantely lower then in 2010 for all four cultivars, however bigger differences were recorded in cv. ā€˜Harogemā€™ and cv. ā€˜PinkcotĀ®ā€™. For measured pomological characteristics at harvest, significant differences were observed between cultivars in both growing seasons for all measured characteristics, except for cv. ā€˜Hargrandā€™. The biggest difference in fruit weight, height, width and thickness was observed in cv. ā€˜Harlayneā€™. Results suggest that high temperature fluctuations and below average precipitations influenced the fruit skin colour and quality parameters of apricots in the sense of smaller chromaticity values

    Influence of four different dwarfing rootstocks on phenolic acids and anthocyanin composition of sweet cherry (<i>Prunus avium</i> L) cvs 'Kordia' and 'Regina'

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    Influence of four different dwarfing rootstocks: ā€˜Gisela 5ā€™, ā€˜Gisela 6ā€™, ā€˜PHL-Cā€™ and ā€˜PiKU1ā€™ on the amount of polyphenols (total phenols, total and individual anthocyanins and individual hydroxycinnamic acids) of sweet cherry cultivars ā€˜Kordiaā€™ and ā€˜Reginaā€™ was researched as well as correlations between polyphenols and colorimetrically measured fruit skin colour. Total phenols (TP) and total anthocyanins (TA) were determined by spectroscopic methods, while individual anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamic were quantified and identified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). ā€˜Gisela 6ā€™ and ā€˜PiKU1ā€™ had the strongest influence on the TP content of both cultivars. The main hydroxycinnamic acid identified was p-coumaric acid (p-CA) which content was influenced by cultivar, vegetation year and interaction of cultivar*rootstock*year. Content of p-CA varied the most on rootstock ā€˜Gisela 5ā€™ for both cultivars, with its lowest amount obtained in 2013 and the highest in 2014 in comparison to other rootstocks.The largest difference in TA content in cultivar*rootstock interaction was identified in ā€˜Gisela 6ā€™. Substantial difference in correlation pattern between cvs. ā€˜Kordiaā€™ and ā€˜Reginaā€™ lead to the conclusion that values L* and b* are better TA indicators rather than values a* and Hue

    Phenological, pomological and physical characteristics of 13 sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) cultivars planted in D. Zelina ā€“ preliminary results

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati mjerenja fenoloÅ”kih, pomoloÅ”kih i fiziklanih svojstava plodova 13 sorti viÅ”nje sličnog vremena dozrijevanja posađenih u sortno-introdukcijskom pokusu u pokusnom voćnjaku Zavoda za vinogradarstvo, vinarstvo i voćarstvo u Donjoj Zelini. Istraživanja su provedena na sortama: Kƶrƶszer, Kos, Gerema, Ungarische Traubige, Morina, Kƶrƶszer Pandy, Maliga Emleke, Schattenmorelle Vowi, Karneol, Debreceni bƶtermƶ, Kelleris 16, Schattenmorelle Bonn i KĆ”ntorjĆ”nosi. Stabla su posađena 2007. godine. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi ponaÅ”anje ovih sorti u naÅ”im agro-ekoloÅ”kim uvjetima te usporediti nove i već poznate sorte viÅ”nje. Tijekom vegetacijske sezone u 2011. godini vrÅ”ena su fenoloÅ”ka opažanja, a mjerena su i sljedeća svojstva: masa, visina, Å”irina i debljina ploda te duljina peteljke. Fizikalna svojstva plodova izvedena su računarskim putem iz izmjerenih osnovnih pomoloÅ”kih parametara. Prosječna masa ploda kretala se od 4,66 g (Gerema) do 8,16 g (Karneol), visina od 16,58 mm (Ungarische Traubige) do 20,59 mm (Karneol), Å”irina od 19,70 mm (Ungarische Traubige) do 25,15 mm (Karneol), debljina od 17,57 mm (KĆ”ntorjĆ”nosi) do 22,77 mm (Karneol), a duljina peteljke od 26,51 mm (Maliga Emleke) do 46,33 mm (Kƶrƶszer Pandy).Results of phenological, pomological and physical characteristics of 13 sour cherry cultivars of similar ripening periods planted in varietal and introduction trials in experimental orchard of the Institute of Viticulture, Enology and Pomology in Donja Zelina, was presented in this paper. Research was conducted on following cultivars: Kƶrƶszer, Kos, Gerema, Ungarische Traubige, Morina, Kƶrƶszer Pandy, Maliga Emleke, Schattenmorelle Vowi, Karneol, Debreceni bƶtermƶ, Kelleris 16, Schattenmorelle Bonn and KĆ”ntorjĆ”nosi. Trees were planted in 2007. The aim of this research was to determine reaction of cultivars in our agro-ecological conditions and compare new and already known sour cherry varieties. During 2011 vegetation season following characteristics were measured: weigth, heigth, length and width of the fruit and lenght of the petiole. Physical properties of fruits were calculated by using the results of measured pomological parameters. The average fruit weight ranged from 4.66 g (Gerema) to 8.16 g (Karneol), fruit height from 16.58 mm (Ungarische Traubige) to 20.59 mm (Karneol), fruit width from 19.70 mm (Ungarische Traubige) to 25.15 mm (Karneol), fruit thickness from 17.57 mm (KĆ”ntorjĆ”nosi) to 22.77 mm (Karneol), and length of a petiole from 26.51 mm (Maliga Emleke) to 46.33 mm (Kƶrƶszer Pandy)