17 research outputs found


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    After a traumatic fracture a physiological process begins to heal the fracture. The steps of the process are inflammation, granulation, formation of fibrous callus and finally bone. There are many factors that may influence the healing of the fracture: adequate blood supply, good contact between bone fragments, good stability of the fracture, general health, age, smoking, related pathology, use of drugs, etc. In elderly patients the variations in bone structure and healing processes have a negative influence on fracture healing. Fragility fractures require careful placement of the implants to reduce the risk of failure of osteosynthesis. Appropriate surgical devices and facilitation factors must be used to allow bone healing

    The prevention of doping and the improper use of drugs and food supplements in sports and physical activities: a survey on the activity of the prevention departments of Italian local health authorities

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    Doping is an important public health problem widespread not only among elite athletes, but also among amateur and recreational athletes and the general population. In Italy the introduction of doping prevention within the Essential Levels of Care (LEA) with the DPCM 12/1/2017 represents a crucial step towards the implementation of education and health promotion interventions. In this context, the Departments of Prevention (DP) of the Local Health Authorities (LHA) have to play a fundamental role, becoming the cultural and operational reference on this issue. As part of the "Doping prevention: development of a permanent educational tool coordinated by the National Health Service Prevention Departments" project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, a survey was conducted on the activities carried out by the DP regarding doping prevention and improper use and abuse of drugs and food supplements in sports and physical activities, as a basis for the harmonization of organizational structures and prevention programs and the creation of a collaboration network at a regional and national level


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    El presente estudio tiene como finalidad determinar, Qué tan alta es esta incidencia en la jurisdicción del Centro de Salud Metropolitano que representa porcentualmente a las gestantes de la Región. Teniendo en cuenta que las gestantes, ha sido el grupo humano que ha sufrido las más altas incidencias de caries al nivel de muchas comunidades.   Para ello utilizamos instrumentos debidamente validados a través de la aplicación del índice de caries (CPO) en las gestantes que acuden al CS Metropolitano, durante los meses de enero a Julio del 2003.   Realizando un estudio descriptivo, transversal retrospectivo. Tomando como muestra al 100% de las gestantes examinadas en el servicio de Odontología del CS Metropolitano, que acuden entre enero a Julio del 2003.   Finalmente podemos concluir que el mejor índice de CPOD es el del grupo de 20 a 25 años de edad; que tiene el más bajo (CPOD =12.61).   Según el trimestre en que la gestante acudió a consulta, el índice más alto corresponde al grupo de madres que acudieron en el segundo trimestre de embarazo mayores de 30 años, con un 17.80; más alto que el promedio general que es de 14.40. El más bajo es el de las madres que acudieron el primer trimestre y corresponde al grupo etáreo de 20 a 25 años de edad, marcando una clara diferencia.   En lo relacionado a la higiene oral, el índice más alto corresponde al grupo que ocasionalmente se higienizaba del tercer grupo etáreo (31 a más años) con un índice CPOD de 16.64.   Frente a esto recomendamos: Trabajar en forma preventiva en los centros Universitarios e Institutos Superiores. No sólo en colegios. Tal vez las preocupaciones y estados psicológicos de las madres solteras influyan en el cuidado de la cavidad bucal durante el embarazo, es por ello menester trabajar en forma progresiva en estas madres a través de charlas educativas tanto por el Psicólogo como por el Odontólogo en las sesiones de psicoprofilaxis. Urge un replanteamiento de las actividades preventivas para bajar el alto índice de caries en gestantes

    The prevention of doping and the improper use of drugs and food supplements in sports and physical activities: a survey on the activity of the prevention departments of Italian local health authorities

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    Introduction. Doping is an important public health problem widespread not only among elite athletes, but also among amateur and recreational athletes and the general population. In Italy the introduction of doping prevention within the Essential Levels of Care (LEA) with the DPCM 12/1/2017 represents a crucial step towards the implementation of education and health promotion interventions. In this context, the Departments of Prevention (DP) of the Local Health Authorities (LHA) have to play a fundamental role, becoming the cultural and operational reference on this issue. As part of the "Doping prevention: development of a permanent educational tool coordinated by the National Health Service Prevention Departments" project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, a survey was conducted on the activities carried out by the DP regarding doping prevention and improper use and abuse of drugs and food supplements in sports and physical activities, as a basis for the harmonization of organizational structures and prevention programs and the creation of a collaboration network at a regional and national level.Methods. A semi-structured questionnaire consisting of 11 questions, prepared on an electronic platform, was sent to the DP of all the Italian LHA.Results. A total of 38 DP out of 131 (29%) completed the questionnaire, with representation from all regions. 42.1% of DP carried out or are still running programs for the prevention of doping, a percentage that decreases to 27% considering the programs for the prevention of misuse and abuse of drugs and food supplements in sports and in physical activities; in less than half of the DP, 37.5% and 41.7%, respectively, dedicated funds have been allocated. The professionals most involved in prevention of doping are the Specialists in Sport Medicine (81.3%) followed by Specialists in Hygiene (43.8%) and Psychologists (37.5%), while Health Care Assistants (50%) are the professionals most involved in the prevention of the improper use of drugs and food supplements, followed by Specialists in Hygiene and Specialists in Sport Medicine (40%). Most of the DP (71.9%) believe that the introduction of programs to prevent and counteract doping in the LEA will have repercussions on their approach against doping.Conclusions. The survey, although conducted on a limited sample, has provided an important framework relating to programs for the prevention of doping and the misuse and abuse of drugs and food supplements in sports and in the physical activities carried out by DP A remarkable heterogeneity has been highlighted, both at national and regional level. It is urgent to provide DP with homogeneous and effective organizational models and adequate operational tools, paying particular attention to the training of all the professionals involved. It is also essential to implement permanent monitoring tools

    The prevention of doping and the improper use of drugs and food supplements in sports and physical activities: a survey on the activity of the prevention departments of Italian local health authorities

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    Introduction. Doping is an important public health problem widespread not only among elite athletes, but also among amateur and recreational athletes and the general population. In Italy the introduction of doping prevention within the Essential Levels of Care (LEA) with the DPCM 12/1/2017 represents a crucial step towards the implementation of education and health promotion interventions. In this context, the Departments of Prevention (DP) of the Local Health Authorities (LHA) have to play a fundamental role, becoming the cultural and operational reference on this issue. As part of the "Doping prevention: development of a permanent educational tool coordinated by the National Health Service Prevention Departments" project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, a survey was conducted on the activities carried out by the DP regarding doping prevention and improper use and abuse of drugs and food supplements in sports and physical activities, as a basis for the harmonization of organizational structures and prevention programs and the creation of a collaboration network at a regional and national level.Methods. A semi-structured questionnaire consisting of 11 questions, prepared on an electronic platform, was sent to the DP of all the Italian LHA.Results. A total of 38 DP out of 131 (29%) completed the questionnaire, with representation from all regions. 42.1% of DP carried out or are still running programs for the prevention of doping, a percentage that decreases to 27% considering the programs for the prevention of misuse and abuse of drugs and food supplements in sports and in physical activities; in less than half of the DP, 37.5% and 41.7%, respectively, dedicated funds have been allocated. The professionals most involved in prevention of doping are the Specialists in Sport Medicine (81.3%) followed by Specialists in Hygiene (43.8%) and Psychologists (37.5%), while Health Care Assistants (50%) are the professionals most involved in the prevention of the improper use of drugs and food supplements, followed by Specialists in Hygiene and Specialists in Sport Medicine (40%). Most of the DP (71.9%) believe that the introduction of programs to prevent and counteract doping in the LEA will have repercussions on their approach against doping.Conclusions. The survey, although conducted on a limited sample, has provided an important framework relating to programs for the prevention of doping and the misuse and abuse of drugs and food supplements in sports and in the physical activities carried out by DP A remarkable heterogeneity has been highlighted, both at national and regional level. It is urgent to provide DP with homogeneous and effective organizational models and adequate operational tools, paying particular attention to the training of all the professionals involved. It is also essential to implement permanent monitoring tools

    Storiografia e uso pubblico del grande brigantaggio nell'Italia repubblicana

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    Storia e storigrafia del "grande brigantaggio" dall'Unità a oggi. Il libro tratta della letteratura storica , delle narrazioni e dell'uso pubblico del cosiddetto "grande brigantaggio" verificatosi nel corso del processo di unificazione e nei primi anni del Regno d'Italia, attraverso diversi approcci metodologici , da quelli storico politici a quelli militari, letterari e antropologici. Si affronta anche l'uso del tema nel secondo dopoguerra e nel corso del sec. XXI, incluse le forme narrative adottate dal cosiddetto "neoborbonismo"