5 research outputs found

    Acute pyelonephritis: etiology, clinical and evolutive correlations, treatment

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    Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF „N.Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. Acute pyelonephritis (AP) is pathology of maximum urgency with an increased occurrence frequency between the ages of 20 and 50 years. This disease predominates in women, being on second place after respiratory infections. A group of 84 patients with AP hospitalized urgently in the Urological Clinic of the Republican Clinical Hospital was examined during the period from the 1st of January, 2008 till 31st of December, 2009. The age of the patients was between 18 and 74 years. There were 12 men and 72 women. The antibacterial treatment as monotherapy was carried out in 36 patients (42.85%) and as an association of antibiotics the treatment was realized in 48 (57.14%) of the patients. The surgical treatment was necessary in 22 (26.19%) patients. Uroculture and hemoculture are obligatory for the realization of the monotherapy with antibiotics, that would reduce costs, the risks of adverse reactions and would have the same effect as the treatment with the association of antibiotics. Draining of the urinary tract and of the source of infection should be practiced urgently only after the hemodinamic re-equilibration and stabilization of the patient’s condition

    Modern approaches to the diagnosis of urethral strictures

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    Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Secţia Imagistică IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. It is well known that the clinical presentation of urethral stricture is not specific, therefore it is mainly diagnosed through various diagnostic modalities. Conventional urethrography remains the basic diagnostic method in the urethral strictures evaluation, even if sonourethrography, magnetic resonance investigation and multislice computed tomography have higher sensibility and specifity. The preferable implementation of urethrography can be explained through relatively lower costs as well as wider accessibility of urethrography from technical point of view

    The peculiarities of clinical evolution and diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală, USMF „N.Testemiţanu”, Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal „Sfînta Treime”, Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. Kidney involvement in diabetes mellitus represents a serious problem both in therapy, endocrinology and urology. It is due to this fact that inflammatory renal and urinary diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus are four times more frequent, that in patients without diabetes mellitus. It is characterized by severe evolution associated with complication of renal failure and urosepsis, being conditioned by postoperative lethality. Development of the severe forms of acute pyelonephritis is caused by late hospital admission, inexact clinical picture, late diagnosis and inappropriate treatment in this group of patients. The combination of these two severe diseases endangers patients’ life. This has made us carry out a retrospective analysis of the collected data and give practical recommendations. The algorithm of the emergent examinations comprises the ultrasound scan, radiologic and radionuclear methods. Ultrasound scan accompanied by use of doplerography and computed tomography has an essential role. Nowadays the most effective method of examination used in diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis in patients with diabetes mellitus is considered to be computed tomography

    Acute pyelonephritis in urological practice – causes, diagnostic and treatment

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    Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Secţia de Urologie, IMSP Spitalul Clinic RepublicanPielonefrita acută (PNA) este o patologie care se poziţionează pe locul doi după infecțiile respiratorii, cu o incidenţă maximă între 20 și 50 ani. A fost studiat un lot de 216 bolnavi cu PNA și 32 paciente gravide cu pielonefrită acută (PNAG) trataţi timp de 5 ani în clinica de Urologie SCR. Vîrsta pacienților cu PNA a fost între 18 și 81 ani, vîrsta medie fiind de 34,6 ani; vîrsta pacientelor gravide cu PNA a fost între 18 și 32 ani, cu vîrsta medie de 22,9 ani. Tratament intervențional în PNA au necesitat 83 (38,4%) pacienți. În PNAG cateterizarea ureterului a fost efectuată în 15 (46,9%) cazuri și înstalarea stentului JJ în 10 (31,2%) cazuri. Urocultura și hemocultura, efectuată la internare, ar putea reduce costul și imbunătăţi eficacitatea tratamentului. Controlul sursei de infecție și drenarea căilor urinare în PNA și PNAG sunt o necesitate urgentă.Acute pyelonephritis (APN) is a pathology which is ranked second only to respiratory infections, with a maximum incidence between 20 and 50 years. We studied a group of 216 patients with APN and 32 pregnant women with acute pyelonephritis (APNP) hospitalized for 5 years in Urology Department. Age of patients with APN varied between 18 and 81 years, with an average age of 34,6 years, age of pregnant women with APN varied between 18 and 32 years, with a mean age of 22,9 years. APNP required interventional treatment in 83 (38,4%) patients. In APNP the catheterization of ureters was performed in 15 (46,9%) cases and installing JJ stent in 10 (31.2%) cases. Urine culture and blood culture, performed on admission, could reduce the cost and improve the effectiveness of treatment. Source control and urinary drainage in APN and APNP are urgently needed

    Experimental Study of the Influence of Operating Position on the Behavior of an Electromechanical Actuator with Volatile Liquid

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    This paper presents an experimental study of the influence of operating position on the behavior of an electrochemical actuator with volatile liquid. In the introduction, the operating principle of electromechanical actuators with volatile liquid is described. Are then presented experimental stand used, the study results and conclusions drawn from the studies