3 research outputs found

    Severe COVID-19 Infection Management in a Patient with Mild Haemophilia—A Case Report

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    Patients with haemophilia present a significant challenge when admitted into the intensive care unit. To prevent haemorrhagic complications related to the infection or due to invasive procedures factor (F) VIII/IX must be substituted. As thromboembolic complications are frequent among critically ill COVID-19 patients, thromboprophylaxis is also applied to patients with haemophilia. This requires careful monitoring of FVIII/IX activity as well as other haemostatic parameters, such as D-dimer and antiXa. We describe a 44-year old patient with mild haemophilia A (FVIII activity of 6%), who required a prolonged intensive care unit stay due to a severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. FVIII was substituted via boluses, and dalteparin was given according to recommendations. The patient successfully recovered from the disease

    Severe COVID-19 Infection Management in a Patient with Mild Haemophilia—A Case Report

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    Patients with haemophilia present a significant challenge when admitted into the intensive care unit. To prevent haemorrhagic complications related to the infection or due to invasive procedures factor (F) VIII/IX must be substituted. As thromboembolic complications are frequent among critically ill COVID-19 patients, thromboprophylaxis is also applied to patients with haemophilia. This requires careful monitoring of FVIII/IX activity as well as other haemostatic parameters, such as D-dimer and antiXa. We describe a 44-year old patient with mild haemophilia A (FVIII activity of 6%), who required a prolonged intensive care unit stay due to a severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. FVIII was substituted via boluses, and dalteparin was given according to recommendations. The patient successfully recovered from the disease

    The predictive value of oxidative stress index in patients with confirmed SARS-COV-2 infection

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    Disbalance balance between oxidants and antioxidants is called oxidative stress and could be presented as oxidative stress index (OSI). OSI is determined by the reactive oxygen metabolites (d-ROM test) to assess oxidants and the plasma antioxidant capacity test (PAT test) to measure antioxidants. The aim of the study was to evaluate the predictive value of OSI in the disease COVID-19. d-ROMs results were the highest in the SARS-CoV-2 POSITIVE group (365+/-112), lower in the SARS-CoV-2 NEGATIVE group (314+/-72.4), and the lowest in an INTENSIVE CARE UNIT group (ICU) (277+/-142) U.Carr. PAT test values were the lowest in the SARS-CoV-2 POSITIVE group (2762+/-387), higher in the ICU group (2772 +/-786), and the highest in the SARS-CoV-2 NEGATIVE group (2808+/-470), and are not statistically significantly different (P>0.05), while OSI was: healthy with average value of 49 and the critical ill with average value of 109 (P = 0.016). Cut-offs for predicting ICUs admission was at OSI 62, with 80.0% sensitivity and 68.2% specificity.Neravnovesje med oksidanti in antioksidanti imenujemo oksidativni stres in ga lahko prikažemo kot indeks oksidativnega stresa (OSI). OSI določimo s testom reaktivnih presnovkov kisika (d-ROM) za oceno oksidantov in testom plazemske antioksidativne kapacitete (PAT) za merjenje antioksidantov. Namen študije je bil oceniti napovedno vrednost OSI pri bolezni COVID-19. Rezultati tasta d-ROM so bili najvišji v skupini SARS-CoV-2 pozitivni (365+/-112), nižji v skupini SARS-CoV-2 negativni (314+/-72,4) in najnižji v skupini kritično bolnih v enoti za intenzivno nego (ICU) (277+/-142) U.Carr. Vrednosti testa PAT so bile najnižje v skupini SARS-CoV-2 pozitivni (2762+/-387), višje v skupini kritično bolnih (2772 +/-786) in najvišje v skupini SARS-CoV-2 negativni (2808 +/-470). Skupine se med sabo statistično značilno ne razlikujejo (P>0,05). OSI se statistično značilno razlikuje med zdravimi s povprečno vrednostjo 49 in kritično bolnimi s povprečno vrednostjo 109 (P = 0,016). Določili smo mejno vrednost za napovedovanje sprejema pacienta v enoto intenzivne nege na osnovi analize OSI, in sicer 62, z 80,0 % občutljivostjo in 68,2 % specifičnostjo