6 research outputs found

    Alergenski proteini u ribi

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    Riba predstavlja znatan deo ishrane ljudi u svetu. Pre svega, riba je značajan izvor proteina (15-24%) visoke biološke vrednosti, bogata je mineralima, vitaminima, a posebno esencijalnim masnim kiselinama za koje je dokazano da pogoduju u prevenciji mnogobrojnih oboljenja. Zbog velikog značaja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina n-3 klase, u Evropi su date i preporuke o optimalnom dnevnom unosu. Međutim, pored hranljivih svojstava koje ima, riba može biti i izvor različitih bioloških i hemijskih opasnosti. Od bioloških opasnosti posebno su značajni paraziti (Trematodae, Nematodae, Cestodae), bakterije (Salmonella spp, E. coli, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, Staphyloccocus aureus), virusi (Norwalk virus, Entero virusi, Hepatitis A, Rotavirus) i biotoksini. Najznačajnije hemijske opasnosti su policiklična aromatična jedinjenja, histamin i teški metali (živa, olovo, kadmijum, arsen, gvožđe). Alergije usled konzumiranja pojedinih vrsta namirnica su u porastu poslednjih godina. Veliki pokret oko pravilnog načina ishrane je doveo do toga da ljudi sve češće konzumiraju ribu, proizvode od ribe kao i različite plodove mora. Pored različitih opasnosti koje mogu poticati iz ribe, posebni značaj poslednjih godina se daje ribi kao potencijalnom alergenu. Naime, veliki broj alergija koje se javljaju u svetu pripisuju se alergenima koji potiču iz mesa ribe, pre svega proteinima mesa ribe. Učestalost alergija koje se povezuju za unosom mesa ribe varira u Evropskim zemljama (Norveška 1,5%; 2,3% Turska, 2,3% Grčka; Švedska 1.2-3.2 %). Kao najznačajniji proteinski alergen iz mesa ribe navodi se parvalbumin (ß tip), koji je izolovan kod velikog broja vrsta. Smatra se da su šaran i bakalar najčešći izvori parvalbumina koji se dovodi u vezu sa različitim vidovima alergijskih reakcija. Potencijalni alergeni su takođe kolagen i želatin koji su izolovani iz kože i pojedinih organa riba. Takođe, značajan alergen iz plodova voda je i tropomiozin, arginin kinaza, aldolaza. Pored ovih alergena, značajni alergeni mogu da potiču iz ikre, pojedih vrsta kavijara, a opisani su slučajevi gde su alergijske reakcije povezane sa kolagenom koji se nalazi u ekstracelularnom matriksu proteina. Alergeni koji dovode do različitih alergijskih reakcija, pored proteina mesa ribe, mogu poticati i od gotovih proizvoda od ribe. Tu spadaju različiti panirani proizvodi od ribe koji sadrže celer, gluten i druge dodatke koji mogu biti potencijalni alergeni. Zbog značaja koji imaju na zdravlje ljude, tehnologija je omogućila različite metode za detekciju ovih alergena. Kao neke od njih navode se ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), RAST (Radioallergosorbent test) i RIE (Rocket Immuno-electrophoresis). Koja će se metoda detekcije primeniti, prvenstveno zavisi od dostupnosti alergena i praga njegove detekcije. Industija mesa je razvojem tehnologije uvela pojedine tehnološke prosece koji imaju mogućnost inaktivacije pojedinih alergena, pre svega proteina mesa ribe. Visoke temperature koje se primenjuju u obradi mesa ribe mogu uticati na ove alergene, tako što će smanjiti alergeni potencijal, dok neki tehnološki postipci nemaju tu mogućnost

    Characterisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina honeys according to their physico-chemical properties during 2016-2017

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    This study evaluated the quality of 78 honeys of six different floral types (Acacia, sage [Salvia officinalis L.], linden, chestnut, honeydew and blossom), mainly from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Reducing sugars, sucrose content, moisture, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), free acidity, water-insoluble content, diastase activity, electrical conductivity were analysed. The samples of honey, collected during 2016-2017, were analysed using recommended methods. Results show that in 2016 and 2017, a great number of individual honeys sampled were of insufficient quality to satisfy regulatory requirements. Among the overall determined parameters, hydroxymethylfurfural and diastase activities in some honeys were not acceptable according to national and international regulations. A correlation between free acidity and electrical conductivity was found in both acacia and blossom honeys. HMF content and diastase activity was strongly negatively correlated in both acacia and blossom honeys. The quality of the honeys was varied, based on botanical origins, and presumably, handling and storage conditions

    Bioakumulacija i translokacija metala u vrsti Alyssum markgrafii O. E. Schulz

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    The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of 7 metals (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr) in the soil and selected plant species Alyssum markgrafii O. E. Schulz in one serpentinite sites in the foothills of the mountain Goc. The concentrations of Ni and Cr in the investigated soil were above the maximum allowable concentration of substances in the soil, also above limit and remediation values for a given metals in the soil, according to regulation of Republic of Serbia. The great contents of Ni, Cr and Fe in plant tissues of species A. markgrafii were determined. Good translocation of Ca and Zn from under-ground to above-ground organs of species A. markgrafii has also been shown, and it can be considered suitable for the phytoextraction of investigated metals.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije nekih metala (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr) u zemljištu i vrsti Alyssum markgrafii O. E. Schulz na lokalitetu u podnožju planine Goč. Koncentracije Ni i Cr u istraživanom zemljištu prelazile su propisane maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije, granične vrednosti, kao i remedijacione vrednosti ovih metala u zemljištu, saglasno uredbi i pravilniku Republike Srbije. Listovi vrste A. markgrafii akumulirali su najviše Mg, Mn, Fe, Ni i Cr. Stablo ove vrste je sadržalo najviše Zn, a cvast najviše Ca. Utvrđeni su veliki sadržaji Ni, Cr i Fe u biljnim tkivima vrste A. markgrafii. Pokazana je i dobra translokacija Ca i Zn od podzemnih ka nadzemnim organima vrste A. markgrafii, kao i da se ona može smatrati pogodnom za fitoekstrakciju ispitivanih metala

    Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum

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    The modern pig production chain is increasingly focused on biosecurity, quality, and safety of meat and is associated with many challenges impacting world meat markets, such as animal disease outbreaks and sanitary restrictions, trade regulations and quality requirements. To overcome such challenges and assure more consistent pork meat quality (and safety), there is a need to develop an effective and reliable monitoring system in a farm–abattoir continuum that can be based on selected biomarkers. This study assessed interrelations of selected stress and inflammation biomarkers (acute phase proteins (APP)) between farm biosecurity score versus pork meat quality traits after two different lairage periods. Briefly, the maximum recorded levels of stress hormones (436.2 and 241.2 ng/mL, for cortisol and Chromogranin A (CgA), respectively) and APP (389.4 and 400.9 μg/mL, Pig Major Acute Proteins (MAP) and Haptoglobin (Hp), respectively) at four commercial farms were within the recommended threshold values. Cortisol and APP were negatively correlated to the internal and total biosecurity scores of farms. The increase of level of both sets of biomarkers was found at bleeding (after transportation and lairage period), but with lower values after long (18–20 h) versus short (1–3 h) lairage lay-over time. In general, negative correlation was confirmed between stress and inflammation biomarkers and carcass/meat quality traits. The farm total biosecurity level significantly affected chilling yield, meat temperature, and a* value. Pig-MAP emerged as a good biomarker with a promising potential for assessment and anticipation of broad aspects in the pork meat chain. It can be used for detection of failures in the pig production system and might be incorporated in certification programs for the pork meat industry

    The Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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    Recently, there has been a growing interest in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, especially in specialties where visualization methods are applied. AI is defined as a computer’s ability to achieve human cognitive performance, which is accomplished through enabling computer “learning”. This can be conducted in two ways, as machine learning and deep learning. Deep learning is a complex learning system involving the application of artificial neural networks, whose algorithms imitate the human form of learning. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy allows examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. In addition to the quality of endoscopic equipment and patient preparation, the performance of upper endoscopy depends on the experience and knowledge of the endoscopist. The application of artificial intelligence in endoscopy refers to computer-aided detection and the more complex computer-aided diagnosis. The application of AI in upper endoscopy is aimed at improving the detection of premalignant and malignant lesions, with special attention on the early detection of dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus, the early detection of esophageal and stomach cancer and the detection of H. pylori infection. Artificial intelligence reduces the workload of endoscopists, is not influenced by human factors and increases the diagnostic accuracy and quality of endoscopic methods

    Diagnostic Value of Non-invasive Scoring Systems in the Prediction of Esophageal Varices in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis—Single Center Experience

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    Background and Objectives: Upper endoscopy is considered the gold standard for screening and diagnosis of esophageal varices (EV). Non-invasive methods for predicting EV have become a research hotspot in recent years. The aim of this study was to assess the role of non-invasive scores in predicting the presence of EV in patients with liver cirrhosis, and to determine the value of these scores in predicting the outcome of patients with cirrhosis presenting with acute variceal bleeding. Materials and Methods: A total of 386 patients with liver cirrhosis were included. The model for end-stage liver disease (MELD), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) to alanine aminotransferase (ALT) ratio (AST/ALT), AST to platelet ratio index (APRI), fibrosis-4-index (FIB-4), fibrosis index (FI), King’s Score, albumin-bilirubin (ALBI) score, and platelet-albumin-bilirubin (PALBI) score were calculated. The discriminatory capacities of the examined scores in predicting the presence of esophageal varices were tested using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: The ROC curve analysis showed (area under the curve) AUC values of ALBI and PALBI of 0.603, and 0.606, respectively, for the prediction of EV. APRI, MELD, PALBI, King’s, FIB-4, and ALBI scores showed statistically significant correlation with EV bleeding (p Conclusions: ALBI and PALBI scores had modest diagnostic accuracy of EVs in liver cirrhosis. APRI and MELD can be used as a reference index for the EV bleeding, and MELD score is best associated with short-term outcome in cirrhotic patients