400 research outputs found

    Featureless visual processing for SLAM in changing outdoor environments

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    Vision-based SLAM is mostly a solved problem providing clear, sharp images can be obtained. However, in outdoor environments a number of factors such as rough terrain, high speeds and hardware limitations can result in these conditions not being met. High speed transit on rough terrain can lead to image blur and under/over exposure, problems that cannot easily be dealt with using low cost hardware. Furthermore, recently there has been a growth in interest in lifelong autonomy for robots, which brings with it the challenge in outdoor environments of dealing with a moving sun and lack of constant artificial lighting. In this paper, we present a lightweight approach to visual localization and visual odometry that addresses the challenges posed by perceptual change and low cost cameras. The approach combines low resolution imagery with the SLAM algorithm, RatSLAM. We test the system using a cheap consumer camera mounted on a small vehicle in a mixed urban and vegetated environment, at times ranging from dawn to dusk and in conditions ranging from sunny weather to rain. We first show that the system is able to provide reliable mapping and recall over the course of the day and incrementally incorporate new visual scenes from different times into an existing map. We then restrict the system to only learning visual scenes at one time of day, and show that the system is still able to localize and map at other times of day. The results demonstrate the viability of the approach in situations where image quality is poor and environmental or hardware factors preclude the use of visual features

    Look No Further: Adapting the Localization Sensory Window to the Temporal Characteristics of the Environment

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    Many localization algorithms use a spatiotemporal window of sensory information in order to recognize spatial locations, and the length of this window is often a sensitive parameter that must be tuned to the specifics of the application. This letter presents a general method for environment-driven variation of the length of the spatiotemporal window based on searching for the most significant localization hypothesis, to use as much context as is appropriate but not more. We evaluate this approach on benchmark datasets using visual and Wi-Fi sensor modalities and a variety of sensory comparison front-ends under in-order and out-of-order traversals of the environment. Our results show that the system greatly reduces the maximum distance traveled without localization compared to a fixed-length approach while achieving competitive localization accuracy, and our proposed method achieves this performance without deployment-time tuning.Comment: Pre-print of article appearing in 2017 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. v2: incorporated reviewer feedbac

    Rhythmic Representations: Learning Periodic Patterns for Scalable Place Recognition at a Sub-Linear Storage Cost

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    Robotic and animal mapping systems share many challenges and characteristics: they must function in a wide variety of environmental conditions, enable the robot or animal to navigate effectively to find food or shelter, and be computationally tractable from both a speed and storage perspective. With regards to map storage, the mammalian brain appears to take a diametrically opposed approach to all current robotic mapping systems. Where robotic mapping systems attempt to solve the data association problem to minimise representational aliasing, neurons in the brain intentionally break data association by encoding large (potentially unlimited) numbers of places with a single neuron. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on supervised learning techniques that seeks out regularly repeating visual patterns in the environment with mutually complementary co-prime frequencies, and an encoding scheme that enables storage requirements to grow sub-linearly with the size of the environment being mapped. To improve robustness in challenging real-world environments while maintaining storage growth sub-linearity, we incorporate both multi-exemplar learning and data augmentation techniques. Using large benchmark robotic mapping datasets, we demonstrate the combined system achieving high-performance place recognition with sub-linear storage requirements, and characterize the performance-storage growth trade-off curve. The work serves as the first robotic mapping system with sub-linear storage scaling properties, as well as the first large-scale demonstration in real-world environments of one of the proposed memory benefits of these neurons.Comment: Pre-print of article that will appear in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    Feature Map Filtering: Improving Visual Place Recognition with Convolutional Calibration

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have recently been shown to excel at performing visual place recognition under changing appearance and viewpoint. Previously, place recognition has been improved by intelligently selecting relevant spatial keypoints within a convolutional layer and also by selecting the optimal layer to use. Rather than extracting features out of a particular layer, or a particular set of spatial keypoints within a layer, we propose the extraction of features using a subset of the channel dimensionality within a layer. Each feature map learns to encode a different set of weights that activate for different visual features within the set of training images. We propose a method of calibrating a CNN-based visual place recognition system, which selects the subset of feature maps that best encodes the visual features that are consistent between two different appearances of the same location. Using just 50 calibration images, all collected at the beginning of the current environment, we demonstrate a significant and consistent recognition improvement across multiple layers for two different neural networks. We evaluate our proposal on three datasets with different types of appearance changes - afternoon to morning, winter to summer and night to day. Additionally, the dimensionality reduction approach improves the computational processing speed of the recognition system.Comment: Accepted to the Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation 201

    Don't Look Back: Robustifying Place Categorization for Viewpoint- and Condition-Invariant Place Recognition

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    When a human drives a car along a road for the first time, they later recognize where they are on the return journey typically without needing to look in their rear-view mirror or turn around to look back, despite significant viewpoint and appearance change. Such navigation capabilities are typically attributed to our semantic visual understanding of the environment [1] beyond geometry to recognizing the types of places we are passing through such as "passing a shop on the left" or "moving through a forested area". Humans are in effect using place categorization [2] to perform specific place recognition even when the viewpoint is 180 degrees reversed. Recent advances in deep neural networks have enabled high-performance semantic understanding of visual places and scenes, opening up the possibility of emulating what humans do. In this work, we develop a novel methodology for using the semantics-aware higher-order layers of deep neural networks for recognizing specific places from within a reference database. To further improve the robustness to appearance change, we develop a descriptor normalization scheme that builds on the success of normalization schemes for pure appearance-based techniques such as SeqSLAM [3]. Using two different datasets - one road-based, one pedestrian-based, we evaluate the performance of the system in performing place recognition on reverse traversals of a route with a limited field of view camera and no turn-back-and-look behaviours, and compare to existing state-of-the-art techniques and vanilla off-the-shelf features. The results demonstrate significant improvements over the existing state of the art, especially for extreme perceptual challenges that involve both great viewpoint change and environmental appearance change. We also provide experimental analyses of the contributions of the various system components.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, ICRA 201

    Multi-Modal Trip Hazard Affordance Detection On Construction Sites

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    Trip hazards are a significant contributor to accidents on construction and manufacturing sites, where over a third of Australian workplace injuries occur [1]. Current safety inspections are labour intensive and limited by human fallibility,making automation of trip hazard detection appealing from both a safety and economic perspective. Trip hazards present an interesting challenge to modern learning techniques because they are defined as much by affordance as by object type; for example wires on a table are not a trip hazard, but can be if lying on the ground. To address these challenges, we conduct a comprehensive investigation into the performance characteristics of 11 different colour and depth fusion approaches, including 4 fusion and one non fusion approach; using colour and two types of depth images. Trained and tested on over 600 labelled trip hazards over 4 floors and 2000m2\mathrm{^{2}} in an active construction site,this approach was able to differentiate between identical objects in different physical configurations (see Figure 1). Outperforming a colour-only detector, our multi-modal trip detector fuses colour and depth information to achieve a 4% absolute improvement in F1-score. These investigative results and the extensive publicly available dataset moves us one step closer to assistive or fully automated safety inspection systems on construction sites.Comment: 9 Pages, 12 Figures, 2 Tables, Accepted to Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Addressing Challenging Place Recognition Tasks using Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Place recognition is an essential component of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM). Under severe appearance change, reliable place recognition is a difficult perception task since the same place is perceptually very different in the morning, at night, or over different seasons. This work addresses place recognition as a domain translation task. Using a pair of coupled Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), we show that it is possible to generate the appearance of one domain (such as summer) from another (such as winter) without requiring image-to-image correspondences across the domains. Mapping between domains is learned from sets of images in each domain without knowing the instance-to-instance correspondence by enforcing a cyclic consistency constraint. In the process, meaningful feature spaces are learned for each domain, the distances in which can be used for the task of place recognition. Experiments show that learned features correspond to visual similarity and can be effectively used for place recognition across seasons.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 201
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