163 research outputs found
Reflections about the stratigraphic analysis of fabrics
[EN] Stratigraphy applied to the study of architectonic heritage has become a really useful tool for analysis, if not to understand the evolution of constructed fabric perfectly well, at least to know and respect each of the interventions that make up the monument as we see it today. This article presents a view of the fundamental elements connected with wall stratigraphy and illustrates them with different examples of studies performed on some historic buildings.[ES] La estratigrafía aplicada al estudio del patrimonio arquitectónico se ha constituido en un instrumento de análisis verdaderamente útil, si no para entender completamente la evolución de la fábrica construida, sí para aprender a conocerla y respetar cada una de las intervenciones que conforman el monumento en la actualidad. Este artículo presenta un panorama de los conceptos fundamentales relacionados con la estratigrafía muraria y los ilustra a través de diversos ejemplos practicados en algunos edificios históricos.Mileto, C. (2000). Algunas reflexiones sobre el Análisis Estratigráfico Murario. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (9):80-93. doi:10.4995/loggia.2000.5265SWORD80939AA.VV., Leer el documento construido, monografía de "Informes de la Construcción", nº 435, Instituto Eduardo Torroja, Madrid, 1995AZZINI S., SCARAMUZZA F., "La scheda di Unità Stratigrafica Muraria utilizzata per lo studio del "Palazzo in Tufo" a Corte del Duca", in F. DOGLIONI (a cura di), Ambienti di dimore medioevali a Verona, Venezia, CLUVA, 1987BROGIOLO G.P., "Arqueología estratigráfica y restauración", en Informes de la Construcción, nº 435, págs. 31 a 36BROGIOLO G.P., Archeologia dell'edilizia storica, Como, New Press, 1988BROGIOLO G.P., Architetture medievali del Garda bresciano. Analisi stratigrafiche, Brescia, Grafo, 1989CABALLERO L., "El método arqueológico para la comprensión del edificio. Dualidad sustrato arquelógico-estructura", en Curso de mecánica y tecnología de los edificios antiguos, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, Madrid, 1987, págs. 13 - 59CABALLERO L., "Método para el análisis estratigráfico de construcciones históricas o lectura de paramentos", en Informes de la Construcción, nº 435, págs. 37 a 46CABALLERO L., FERNÁNDEZ M., "Análisis arqueológico de construcciones históricas en España. Estado de la cuestión", en Archeologia dell'Architettura, nº II, All'Insegna del Giglio, Firenze, 1997, páginas 147 a 158CARANDINI A., Storie della terra. Manuale di scavo archeologico, Torino, Einaudi, 1991DOGLIONI F. (a cura di), Ambienti di dimore medioevali a Verona, Venezia, CLUVA, 1987DOGLIONI F., Stratigrafia e Restauro. Tra conoscenza e conservazione dell'architettura, Trieste, Lint, 1997FRANCOVICH R., PARENTI R., Archeologia e restauro dei monumenti, Firenze, All'Insegna del Giglio, 1988HARRIS E.C., Principi di stratigrafia archeologica, Roma, NIS, 1983HARRIS, E. C., Principios de estratigrafía arqueológica, Editorial Crítica, Barcelona 1991LATORRE P. & CABALLERO L., "La importancia del análisis estratigráfico de las construcciones históricas en el debate sobre la restauración monumental", en Informes de la Construcción, nº 435, págs. 5 a 18LÓPEZ MULLOR, Alberto, "Arqueología del patrimonio edificado. Una definición y dos ejemplos" en RIVERA BLANCO, Javier (director), AR&PA, Actas del Congreso Internacional "Restaurar la Memoria", Diputación Provincial de Valladolid, Valladolid 1998MALDONADO L., VELA F., De arquitectura y arqueología, Madrid, Munilla-Lería, 1998MANACORDA D., "Introduzione", in HARRIS E.C., Principi di stratigrafia archeologica, Roma, NIS, 1983MILETO C., Il Palazzo Dominicale di Villa Giusti-Puttini a Santa Maria in Stelle-Verona: Conoscenza del manufatto e progetto di restauro, Tesis de licenciatura, Instituto Universitario de Arquitectura de Venecia, Director: Francesco Doglioni, Tutores: Alessandra Quendolo y Anna Bruschetti, año académico 1997-98PARENTI P., "Historia, importancia y aplicaciones del método de lectura de paramentos", en Informes de la Construcción, nº 435, págs. 19 a 3
La conservación de la arquitectura: materia y mensajes sensibles
[EN] Architecture conceived as the superposition of historic contributions and safeguard of the traces and fragments of memory has a unique, irreproducible character in its matter and messages that must be respected by the architect. Now that the concept of restoration as functional, mechanical or typological repairs to the building and the need to correct, amend or formally improve the monument from a contemporary viewpoint has been transcended and a really respectful symbiosis of contemporary methodology has been achieved, the time has come for a sensitive approach, half-way between reason and sentiment, making it possible to minimise the impact of the restoration works on the character and sensitive experience of architecture.[ES] La arquitectura , concebida como superposición de las aportaciones de la historia y guardián de la memoria a través de sus huellas y sus fragmentos, posee un carácter único e irreproducible en su materia y mensajes que el arquitecto debe saber respetar. Superado el concepto de restauración como reparación funcional, mecánica o tipológica del edificio, superada la necesidad de corregir, enmendar o mejorar formalmente el monumento desde la perspectiva del presente y superada la aprensión por una simbiosis realmente respetuosa de la intervención contemporánea, ha llegado el momento del conocimiento sensible, cuya mirada, a medio camino entre razón y sentimiento, permite minimizar el impacto de la restauración sobre el carácter y la experiencia sensible de la arquitectura.Mileto, C. (2006). La conservación de la arquitectura: materia y mensajes sensibles. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (19):20-33. doi:10.4995/loggia.2006.3392SWORD203319MILETO, C., "Algunas reflexiones sobre el Análisis Estratigráfico Murario", en Loggia, nº 9, Valencia, 2000, págs. 80-93NORBERG-SCHULZ C., Genius Loci. Paesaggio, ambiente, architettura, Electa, Milán, 1979, pág. 8VENTURI R., Complejidad y contradicción en la arquitectura, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 1987 (1966)RUSKIN J., Le sette lampade dell'architettura, Jaca Book, Milán, 1981, pág. 211 (1849)AUGÉ M., Rovine e macerie. Il senso del tempo, Bollati Boringhieri, Turín, 2004, pág. 10 (2003)PROUST M., La prigioniera, Newton Compton editori, Roma, 1990, pág. 625 (1923)CANDU J., Mémoire et identité, PUF, París, 1998, pág. 154GIEDION S., Espacio, Tiempo y Arquitectura, Editorial Científico-Médica, Barcelona, 1968 (1941)YOURCENAR M., "Il tempo, grande scultore", en Opere, Bompiani, Milán, 2001 (1954)RIEGL A., El culto moderno a los monumentos. Caracteres y origen, Visor, Madrid, 1987 (1903)BRANDI C., Teoria del restauro, Einaudi, Turín, 1977 (1963), pág. 75DORFLES G., Le oscillazioni del gusto, Lerici, Milán, 1958JARAUTA F., Deleuze: arquitecturas contemporáneas, ETSAUPV, Valencia, 2000IBELINGS H., Supermodernismo. Arquitectura en la era de la globalización, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1998, págs. 90-94 (1998)RELLA F., L'estetica del Romanticismo, Donzelli, Roma, 1997, pág. 14ZAMBRANO M., Hacia un saber del alma, Alianza, Madrid, 1987, pág. 20TRÍAS E., Lógica del límite, Destino, Barcelona, 1991, pág. 15-18SAVINIO A., Ascolto il tuo cuore, città, Adelphi, Milán, 1984 (1944)DE LUCA P., Movimenti del limite. Il sapere della poesia, Guerini Scientifica, Milán, 1995RELLA F., Metamorfosi. Immagini del pensiero, Feltrinelli, Milán, 1984, pág. 125RELLA F., Miti e figure del moderno, Feltrinelli, Milán, 1993 (1981), pág. 125INGARDEN R., "Concreción y reconstrucción", en WARNING, Rainer, (ed.), Estética de la recepción, Visor, Madrid, 1989, pág. 35-53 (1979
Survey and restoration
[EN] In addition to the technological evolution over the last two centuries, survey has experienced two main conceptual leaps: the
introduction of photography as a tool for an indiscriminate register for reality, and the shift from autographic to allographic survey,
phenomena which can generate a distancing effect within the restoration process. Besides, this text presents the relationship between
survey in its numerous forms and technologies (manual and semi-manual to more complex ones like scanner-laser) and the
restoration of the building, either for establishing a diagnosis, operating or valorizating, illustrating it with examples developed by
the authors, as well as the criteria to be applied when documenting a building to be restored, irrespective of the means and
technology available in each case.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2017). Survey and restoration. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Online). XLII(5):3-7. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-5-W1-3-2017S37XLII
The Protection of the Historic City: The Case of the Surroundings of the Lonja de la Seda in Valencia (Spain), UNESCO World Heritage
[EN] In geographical terms, historic cities possess an inertia in regard to the modification of
urban function. This explains why buildings may change over time, but the location of the functions
remains. For over a thousand years, the city of Valencia has concentrated the commercial activity
of its historic centre around the building of the Lonja de la Seda, its surrounding buildings, and
its adjacent spaces, streets and squares. Recent constructions coexist with centuries-old buildings,
witnesses to the transformations of this urban enclave, which has retained its commercial function.
Although the Lonja de la Seda was declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1996, its surroundings,
despite being of interest and closely linked to the protected building, were not. This article analyses
the history and evolution of the built fabric and urban spaces of this complex, which represents
the nerve centre for commerce in the city of Valencia. This text presents research based on studies
carried out directly on the buildings in this context by the authors, as well as indirect examinations of
documentation from the archives and the existing bibliography. The aim of this study is to showcase
how combining material and documentary studies can lead to a broader definition of the tangible and
intangible values of cultural heritage. This, in turn, could lead to the comprehensive enhancement of
the historic city, where historic residential fabric and notable buildings are merely manifestations of
the process for the construction of the city.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2023). The Protection of the Historic City: The Case of the Surroundings of the Lonja de la Seda in Valencia (Spain), UNESCO World Heritage. Architect. 3(4):596-626. https://doi.org/10.3390/architecture30400335966263
Fragments for the History of Architecture: A Villa between Humanism and the Renaissance
[EN] This article presents a detailed study of the stately palace of the Villa Giusti-Puttini, a
building that, over the centuries, has undergone repeated transformations since its construction in the
first half of the 15th century. For the study of this palace, owned between the 15th and 17th centuries
by one of the most important families in the city of Verona (Italy), the authors have followed a
methodology covering indirect sources (documentary and bibliographical) as well as direct ones (the
building and constructive techniques, architectural and decorative elements, murals, etc.). This study
expands the information available on the building as well as expanding knowledge on the history
of architecture of the Veneto villa as a defining architectural phenomenon in 16th- and 17th-century
architecture whose extensive influence was still felt in the 19th century. The history compiled through
this research also contributes to a renewed interpretation of the phenomenon, which is viewed as a
process for the transformation and adaptation of a pre-existing building to fit the needs of any given
period. This methodology, which could potentially facilitate the interpretation of similar buildings,
and its combination of documentary, material, constructive, decorative, and cultural elements could
constitute an example for the historical and architectural reading of buildings and are not merely
limited to Renaissance buildings.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2023). Fragments for the History of Architecture: A Villa between Humanism and the Renaissance. Architect. (3):358-392. https://doi.org/10.3390/architecture3030020358392
Spain under the Venice Charter
All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations used for purposes of scholarly citation, none of this work may be reproduced in any form by any means without written permission from the publisher. For information address the University of Pennsylvania Press, 3905 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-4112[EN] This article examines the Venice Charter's lnfluence on the evolution of restoration in Spain in the interesting
perlod that bridges the gap between Francoism and the dawn of democracy. Under the organizational structure
that prevailed during Francoism, the restoration of monuments in the whole state was assigned to seven specialized
architects who engaged in a stylistic approach. With the subsequent dawn of demoaac:y, the field of
monument restoration opened to a large range of non-specialized architects who applied Ideas of critica! restoration
theory. This blatant dlchotomy led to a dlverse interpretatlon of the Venice Charter that this text strlves to
analyze from the vantage point of its actors, starting with the work of the participants In the Second lnternatlonai
Congress of Archltects and Technicians of Historie Monuments and continuiog with the protagonists of the
discipline of restoration in this country who followed after them.Mileto ., C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2014). Spain under the Venice Charter. Change Over Time. 4(2):264-285. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99945S2642854
Earthen architectural heritage in the international context: values, threats, conservation principles and strategies
[EN] Purpose This research aims to highlight the values, principles and recommendations for conservation in order to establish valid strategies for the conservation of earthen built heritage. This is done following a methodology which uses indirect (bibliography) and direct (case study) sources systematically analysed from different perspectives: the values of Earth as a material and of architectural and vernacular heritage; the heritage conservation principles found in international documents; and the analysis of over 3,000 case studies from which good practices in earthen architecture conservation are extracted. Design/methodology/approach Earthen built architectural heritage is found widely in all parts of the world, in archaeological sites and monumental and vernacular architecture, which research centres and researchers are increasingly studying and cataloguing. However, despite its richness and historic and cultural values, as well as its many merits in environmental sustainability, sociocultural and socio-economic terms, the value of this heritage has not been fully recognized in fields with major repercussions in conservation. Findings Finally, these data are cross-referenced to establish the broadest possible strategies to guarantee all aspects to be taken into account in the conservation of earthen built architectural heritage. Originality/value The text provides an overview of the different methodologies in order to extract specific strategies applicable to the conservation of this heritage, both locally and globally.This text is part of the framework of the RISK-TERRA Project "Earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula: study of natural, social and anthropic risks and strategies to improve resilience" (main researchers. C. Mileto-F. Vegas) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, ref. RTI2018-095302-B-I00.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2022). Earthen architectural heritage in the international context: values, threats, conservation principles and strategies. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. 12(2):192-205. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCHMSD-06-2021-011519220512
Identidad cultural y paisaje construido. Proyecto piloto para la restauración de casas tradicionales en el Rincón de Ademuz (Valencia)
[EN] The Europa Nostra prize granted
to a pilot project to recuperate traditional dwellings in
a remote secluded area in the Valencian countryside,
thus putting the heritage of vernacular architecture
on the same footing as important European
monuments. The background, general approach of
the project, specific solutions, economic viability and
first steps in the restoration of this architecture based
on its constructional and structural essence are laid
out below.[ES] La distinción otorgada en la última convocatoria de los
premios Europa Nostra 2003 a un proyecto piloto para
la recuperación de las casas tradicionales de una
comarca valenciana remota e ignorada, ha elevado el
patrimonio de la arquitectura vernácula a la misma
cota de valoración que otros grandes monumentos
europeos. A continuación, se presentan los antecedentes,
planteamiento general del proyecto premiado,
soluciones concretas, viabilidad económica y primeras
acciones de restauración emprendidas en la rehabilitación
de esta arquitectura planteada desde su propia
esencia constructiva y estructural.Vegas, F.; Mileto, C. (2005). Identidad cultural y paisaje construido. Proyecto piloto para la restauración de casas tradicionales en el Rincón de Ademuz (Valencia). Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (17):90-105. doi:10.4995/loggia.2005.3496SWORD901051
La restauración del puente medieval sobre el río de las Truchas
[EN] The restoration of this medieval bridge and its surroundings conserved almost intact until our days needed to be as unnoticeable as possible so as not to interfere with the magic aura of the place. Seeking to performas discreet repair works as possible in a genuine landscape characterised by dry stone fabrics, this building method had to be used to resolve the problems the bridge was suffering from. The repairs to the cobblestone pavement of the bridge gave rise to a reflection about the stratification of historic pavements and the reintegration of gaps in the surface marked by the traces of history and the old trails of carts and carriages.[ES] La restauración de este puente y entorno medieval conservados casi intactos hasta nuestros días partió de la necesidad de pasar lo más desapercibido posible para no disturbar el aura mágica del lugar. En un paisaje genuino caracterizado por las fábricas de piedra en seco, en busca de la mayor discreción posible la intervención de reparación y puesta en valor debió recurrir a esta técnica para resolver los problemas que aquejaban al puente. La reparación del pavimento de guijarros del puente dio pie a una reflexión sobre la estratificación de los pavimentos históricos y la reintegración de las lagunas de un firme marcado por las trazas de la historia y los surcos de las antiguas carriladas.Vegas, F.; Mileto, C. (2008). La restauración del puente medieval sobre el río de las Truchas. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (21):106-123. doi:10.4995/loggia.2008.3193SWORD10612321BESÓ ROS,Adrià: "Pedra sobre pedra. L'emprempta humana en la configuració d'un paisatge rural", en JARQUE, Francesc, L'home i la pedra, Cat. Exp. València, Universitat de València, 2001CORRESA, Ignacio: Memoria histórica del "Proyecto de Reposición de pavimentos y puesta en valor del entorno del puente medieval sobre el Río de las Truchas en la Pobla de Ballestar, entre Villafranca del Cid (Castellón) e Iglesuela del Cid (Teruel)",Arquitectos: Camilla Mileto y Fernando Vegas, inédito, Valencia 2003GARCÍA LISÓN, Miguel & ZARAGOZÁ CATALÁN, Arturo: Arquitectura rural primitiva en secà, Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia 2000 (1983)MILETO, Camilla: "La conservación de la arquitectura: materia y mensajes sensibles", Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración nº 19, Valencia 2006, págs. 20-33MILETO, Camilla & VEGAS, Fernando: "Compatibilitè de l'essence, ainsi que du caractère e l'architecture vernaculaire avec le logement contemporain" en Réhabiliter l'architecture traditionelle méditerranéenne, Rehabimed, Barcelona 2005, págs. 91-92MONFORT TENA, Antonio: Historia de la Real Villa de Villafranca del Cid, Villafranca, Magnífic Ajuntament de la Reial Vila de Villafranca -Els Ports-, 1999PUIG IZQUIERDO, Fidel A.: San Miguel de la Puebla. Sant Miquel de la Pobla, Morella, Fidel Alejo Puig Izquierdo, 2001SOLDEVILLA, Ferrán (ed.): Jaume I. Crònica o llibre dels Feits, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 2000MILETO, Camilla & VEGAS, Fernando: "El edificio y su memoria. Conservación de las huellas del pasado" en Patrimonio. Estudos nº 9, Lisboa 2006VEGAS, Fernando &MILETO, Camilla: "Centros históricos de carácter rural. Estudio para la recuperación del Rincón de Ademuz", en Actas del II Congreso Nacional de Centros Históricos de España, Archival, Valencia 200
Restauración de edificios preindustriales en Ademuz (Valencia)
[EN] The restoration of vernacular architecture of a rural nature presents great difficulties due to the contrast between the spontaneity, faithfulness and manufacture of this traditional architecture and the premeditated, semi-industrial and intellectualised character of a project and restoration. This article addresses an initial reflection about these difficulties, proposes a possible solution for the restoration of this rural architecture and illustrates it by means of a project for the recuperation of a dozen humble pre-industrial edifices, not only attempting to preserve the faithfulness of their vernacular nature but also making sure not to turn the buildings into mere museum pieces.[ES] La restauración de la arquitectura vernácula de carácter rural supone una gran dificultad por el contraste entre la espontaneidad, naturalidad y manufactura de esta arquitectura tradicional frente a la elaboración premeditada, semiindustrial e intelectualizada del proyecto y la obra de restauración. El presente artículo aborda una reflexión inicial sobre esta problemática, propone una vía posible para la restauración de esta arquitectura rural, y la ilustra a través de un proyecto de recuperación de una docena de humildes edificios preindustriales, donde no solo se ha intentado preservar la naturalidad de su carácter vernáculo, sino que también se ha evitado congelar los edificios en un estado musealizado.Vegas, F.; Mileto, C. (2012). Restauración de edificios preindustriales en Ademuz (Valencia). Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (24-25):94-103. doi:10.4995/loggia.2012.3002SWORD9410324-2
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