17 research outputs found

    Creating Competitive Advantage in Marketing Channels

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    The works deals with the problems of creating a sustainable competitive advantage of companies in terms of rapid globalization of business, using marketing channels. Emphasize the importance of marketing channels that have the future that are based on recruiting more and more consumers using those channels that meet their needs and requirements better than the competition. It is a moving sale transactions to channels with lower costs to a dramatic decrease in sales costs, improving customer satisfaction and customer retention by ensuring flexible way of doing business with them

    Research Relating to the New Project

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    The aim of this study is to examine the information necessary for making decisions related to research and development of new products. There will be words and the different techniques used to generate the concept, evaluation and development, and marketing predtsetiranje and testing. Key decisions on the product to be considered are its attributes and potential demand for this product. The development of new products is critical for the survival of most companies to adapt to an environment that is constantly changing. For new products is by definition associated uncertainty, because it is assumed that they possess characteristics that the company are not known. It is therefore not surprising that a large part of the marketing research is dedicated to reducing uncertainties related to new products

    Determinants of Change in Business and Marketing and market Orientation of Enterprises

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    This work have for porpose to show the changeable character of markets and constantly weakening of market boundaries, which will amplify the intensity of competition between companies. The practice shows that many companies do not have a balanced relationship between the target markets (market orientation) and internal capabilities. Therefore, understanding the balance of internal marketing goals and possibilities of the company, imposed as an aspiration that can be realized only by adequate combination holistic marketing elements and basic economic principles and delivering to consumers expected value and simultaneously achieving the business goals

    Understanding of Competition Strategy in the Function OD Decusion of Marketing Aim in Organization

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    In the work it is understanded on the importance of problems competition strategy concerning the popcesses of planning marketing aims. It is analsy one of the main purpose of marketing strategy, namely, to enable the organisation to choose the bayers, namely, the segments with whom it wants to work

    The Role and Significance Marketing in Modern Business Operation

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    Marketing is a science that deals with the market, market needs and the ways of meeting these needs. Marketing, as a business philosophy of intensive production, is focused on analyzing and noticing all the problems referring to the distribution and selling of the goods from the producer to the consumer. This field is constantly developing together with market expansion and its goal is to set the theoretical background for the market business strategies. In marketing theory, the market success is most commonly related to the understanding and meeting of market needs, but, new, more advanced trends are emerging. Etymologically, marketing is a business concept directed at buyers. In this concept, the projection of products and services starts with consumers’ needs, and the aim of the activity is customer satisfaction. In companies where the marketing concept is entirely in use, the consumers are not only the marketing department’s concern, but all the employees’ concern who do their work aware of the fact that they do it for the sake of the consumer

    Improvement Strategy Competitiveness of Enterprises

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    Limited resources and a number of other different factors and activity on different levels, have decisive influence on competitiveness of company. The initial step in defining and implementing strategies to improve the competitiveness of enterprises refers to the analysis and understanding of the environment in which they operate and maintaining conditions of business with improving the management process. After defining the policies and objectives of the company, carried out electing strategic alternatives.. Actual values of process performance and determined factors of competitiveness, are used in the review of management to identify, analyze, plan and implement improvements. Evaluation of level achievement of improving the competitiveness, allows the feedback to (re) define planning process, policies and objectives. The achieved level of increasing the competitiveness is visible through customer satisfaction, keeping in mind that the basic element for successful business

    Strategy and Social Responsibility in the Transistion

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    There are two reaseons why a company’s strategy should be ethical: because a strategy that is unethical in whole or in part is morally wrong and reflect badly on the character of the company personel involved, and because an ethical strategy is good business and in the self-interest of shareholders. The term corporate social responsibility a company’s duty to operate in an honorable manner, provide good working conditions for employees, be good steward of the environment, and actively work to better the quality of life in the local communities where it operates and society at large

    Resource- Based View of the Firm

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    It is important to note that resources by themselves typically do not yield a competitive advantage. The organizational capabilities refer to an organization’s capacity to deploy yangible and intangible resources over time and generally in combination, and to leverage those capabilities to bring about a desired end. As we have mentioned, resourcees alone are not a basis for competitive advantage, nor are advantages sustainable over time. In same cases, a resource or capability helps a firm to increase its revenues or to lower costs but the firm derives only a temorary advantage because competitors quickly imitate or substitute for it. To respect this section, recall that resources and capabilities must be rare and valuable as well as difficult to imitate or substitute in order for a firm to attain competitive advantage that are sustainable over time


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    This paper is treating the problematics of communication as a vital part of business, organisation and management. Communication is an important company factor that can represent the border between its success and failure. Business communication is like an enterprise bloodstream that reflects healthy balance in its work. It is that communication that is used in different purposes, often product promotion, services or companies. Affability, accuracy, influence, consistency and tidiness of communication are qualities that are supposed to contribute to enterprise positive experience expression. Every enterprise is trying to create a communication style of their own that is structured by the surroundings that it operates in. Enterprises can use different options of promotion to achieve inside out and inside in goals, in different situations. Providing modern equipment or technologies isn't enough. It is more important to master the market and its laws, create good relationships with clients and government institutions, and continuously improve knowledge. There are more and more lobbyists recently that use their abilities with public relations techniques in times of great value for lobbying or changing the attitude of the public or those that make decisions