20 research outputs found

    Impact of Tourism on Roundabout of Economic Process

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    The relation between of production and consumption units, market mechanisms, and the behaviour of economic subjects in the market are aspects that enable an understanding of tourism in the economic process. Two basic factors of tourism “free time and free money” as the goal of creation of each individual, striving to meet the needs for luxury, rest, rehabilitation and recreation, are directly linked to the basic economic relationship, the relationship between limited resources and unlimited needs. Not respecting the principles and rules of the socio-economic sphere, by the dynamics of the development of techno-economic sphere, the increasing difference between the poor majority and rich minority in the world, causing many economic and social problems. Given the economic problems on a global level, further directions of development of tourism should be sought through the analysis of the relationship, or better to say, interdependence of development of techno-economic and socio-economic spheres. This paper seeks to determine and clarify the importance of tourism as a factor stimulating circular flow of economic processes

    The Analysis of the Stakeholder Model Implementation in Serbian Enterprises

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    The goal of this research is to discover whether and to what extent Serbian enterprises implement stakeholder oriented models, and on what grounds these concepts are implemented. Contemporary business models consider stakeholders to be business partners, so the profit gain becomes the process that needs to be realized and not taken for granted. The basis of contemporary business models and enterprise management techniques involves all of the interest groups in the process of business enterprise. This enables everyone involved to contribute to the business and feel satisfied as well. Both of these factors in contemporary business climate are most often the condition for the survival of the enterprise, and especially of its growth and development. The basic topic of this research is the analysis of elementary implementation aspects of stakeholder models with the goal of improving the overall business of contemporary Serbian enterprises, with special attention paid to process orientation. Taking theoretical stakeholder model implementation frequency in Serbia into consideration, the starting premise of my practical research has been that the data taken from economical practice will reflect similar condition. The empirical research focuses on showing whether or not a business climate suitable for sustaining contemporary stakeholder oriented business models exists in Serbia. Quantitative and qualitative analyses serve to show the managers readiness (in this case limited) to accept contemporary management models and techniques, especially ones based on process orientation. Successful stakeholder model implementation presupposes the use of contemporary techniques and performance measuring tools, so as to test its usefulness in practice


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    The subject of this paper is the quality improvement analysis for Serbian companies in global conditions of livelihood and key factors for accomplishing competitive market leadership. Serbian economy by analysis cannot be competitive without the fulfillment of the most important condition which is competitive products that meet modern world market requirements. To meet the requirements, it is necessary for Serbian companies to change their way of thinking and implement world achievements in organisation and management areas. Serbian companies that continuously apply current methods and management techniques have significantly higher chances to strengthen their competitive capability on the international market. They are securing a stable market position with a perspective for market rise.This paper is trying to find the significance of the mentioned relations in the conditions of relatively insufficient application of new technology and management of knowledge in transitional economies like Serbia by using theory performance and analysis. The ultimate business goal for Serbian companies is to reach business excellence and world class products.Key words: management, competitiveness, business, quality, analysi


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    A business operation of an enterprise in a socially responsible manner becomes a crucial topic and imperative of contemporary business operations and management of the enterprises, given that the business is conducted in the environment that must be taken into account. Corporate social responsibility imposes as the necessity-inevitability of modern business operation and therefore managers are expected to harmonize social responsibility strategy with all key values, business mission and global strategy of an enterprise. The goal of this paper is, therefore, to present that the enterprises will have a greater positive impact on their working, business and natural environment if social responsibility is more involved in the strategy of the enterprise. The paper presents the result of conducted research in the following enterprises: Lola “FOT” - Lešak, ŠG “Ibar”- Leposavić and RIF “Kopaonik” - Leposavić that we came to applying the Pearson linear correlation coefficient and procedure of a single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey post hoc test.Key words: social responsibility, management, managers, working environment, business environment, natural environment

    Neki problemi razvoja malih i srednjih preduzeća u poljoprivredi Srbije

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    Autori u radu daju kratak prikaz stanja u kome se nalaze mala i srednja preduzeća u poljoprivredi Srbije. Mala i srednja preduzeća u poljoprivredi treba da imaju značajnu ulogu u ekonomiji Srbije. Ta uloga bi se ogledala u rešavanju problema visoke nezaposlenosti i nejednake distribucije zarada, ali bi doprinosila povećanju dohotka i kreiranju novih radnih mesta. Generalno posmatrano, autori smatraju da su MSP u Srbiji su veoma važna, jer podstiču razvojnu inovativnost novih tehnologija i ostvaruju direktan uticaj na nivo agregatne tražnje i investicija. U postojećim uslovima opstanak MSP je bio ugrožen tranzicijom i svetskom ekonomskom krizom. U procesu tranzicije mnoga stara preduzeća su prestala da postoje. U ovom periodu dolazi do formiranja novih preduzeća. Njihov broj se povećava, ali i dalje se čini da ih nema dovoljno. Srbija u poslednjih petnaestak godina sve više posvećuje pažnju pospešivanju razvoja ovog tipa preduzeća. To se čini pre svega donošenjem čitavog niza strateških dokumenata. Na kraju rada autori su dali rezultate istraživanja. Cilj istraživanja je da se sagledaju problemi sa kojima se sreću MSP u proizvodnji, finansiranju i plasmanu proizvoda na tržištu

    Corporate Culture – Business Performance Factor of National Organizations

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    The subject of this paper is to investigate the attitudes of owners and top managers of national organizations from different business sectors on how to increase the chances of the organization becoming competitive by raising the level at which the idea of corporate culture is realized. The paper starts from the assumption that the corporate culture depends on the context in which the organization operates and as such significantly affects performance. Each organization forms its own image in its organizational environment based on the strategy of quality of products and services it provides, the principles of behavior, and the moral principles of employees. Since it affects business performance and attitudes towards work, the corporate culture must be designed to be adapted to each work group. The results of the research show that depending on the decision makers in the organization and the management style, there are significant differences in the organizations in terms of the level at which the idea of corporate culture in the organization is realized. Hypothetical - deductive methods, analytical deductive and comparative methods, explanatory methods, historical, and statistical descriptive methods were used in the research

    Competitiveness indicators assessment of the textile organizations from Serbia

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    An assessment of the indicators contributing to the success of the textile organizations doing business in Serbia from the point of view of their specificities in relation to the other industrial sectors is the subject matter of the research study presented in this paper. The original premise says that there are numerous factors that determine the competitiveness of textile organizations, all those factors have a different influence on the results of those organizations’ business activities. The study is aimed at singling out and assessing the factors significant for the adaptation of the existing concept of the business operations undertaken by Serbian textile organizations through continuous changes in the textile and clothes global market. Namely, once the Textile Agreement made between the member states of the World Trade Organization ceased to be in force, trading textile products between the member states became completely liberalized, which led to the competition within the world frameworks becoming much more severe. In order to respond to said changes, there is a need for textile organizations to engage qualified personnel with competencies, knowledge and skills (know-how), who is simultaneously able to respond to all the challenges they are faced within the conditions of accelerated changes in the numerous indicators that determine their competitiveness. The obtained results are indicative of the fact that the following are the key factors for their business success: design functions through the continuous improvement of employees’ knowledge, investment in relationship marketing and the development of domestic brands, together with the procurement of modern technological solutions and equipment. In the subject-matter research study, the following methods were used, namely: hypothetical-deductive, analytical-deductive and comparative, historical and statistical-descriptive, as well as comparative statistics methods (chi 2-test, ANOVA)

    The role of agriculture in the economic structure of Serbia and budget support for rural development of Kladovo municipality

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    The purpose of writing the paper is the situation in agriculture in Serbia and the municipality of Kladovo, as well as the importance it achieves in the economic structure. At the level of Serbia, the importance of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (AFF) is analyzed through their contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) creation from 2016 to 2020, while for the municipality level the importance is determined by the amount of funds allocated in the local self-government unit (LSU) for the needs of agriculture from 2018 to 2020. The obtained results indicate a high share of AFF in GDP creation (6.3% during 2020) and a low share of budget funds in the total budget of the municipality for support of rural development (2.34% in 2020). The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibilities for further development of agriculture in the Republic and the Municipality. The paper uses methods of critical analysis of relevant literature, as well as descriptions for interpreting the results obtained by empirical research


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    In the conditions of growing competition on the market, organizations must ensure their sustainability, first of all, by implementing a systemic concept of business conduct in which the management is recognized as a powerful process of achieving high organizational performances. It is a concept that enables the meeting of the needs of consumers on a level different to their target value. In this sense, organizations must be structured in such a way as to fulfill certain conditions and criteria thanks to which sustainably high performance is created, which is, in fact, the goal of this research. Such performance is created as a result of the development of management within key areas of operation – the quality of products and services, production cost, speed to market, and innovating and developing such products and services. Success of such organizations greatly depends on the managers’ ability to develop and keep a talented workforce, which is a key factor in high performance development. By mastering change, outstandingly managing and controlling the future, assumptions for achieving business excellence and achieving high performance results are created. To confirm the starting hypothesis, the method of analysis, the method of synthesis and the method of multiple comparison and statistical test are used.U uslovima sve snažnije konkurencije na tržištu, organizacije svoju održivost mogu osigurati pre svega implementacijom sistemskog koncepta poslovanja u kome je menadžment prepoznat kao moćni proces za postizanje visokih organizacionih performansi. U pitanju je koncept koji omogućava zadovoljavanje potreba kupaca na nivou drugačijem nego što je njihova ciljna vrednost. U tom smislu organizacije moraju biti struktuirane na način da ispunjavaju određene uslove i kriterijume zahvaljujući kojima se kreiraju održivo visoke performanse, što je ujedno i cilj ovog istraživanja. Takve performanse nastaju kao rezultat unapređenja upravljanja u okviru ključnih oblasti poslovanja - kvaliteta proizvoda i usluga, troškova proizvodnje, brzine dostavljanja tržištu i inovacija i razvoja takvih proizvoda i usluga. Uspeh u takvim organizacijama u velikoj meri zavisi od sposobnosti menadžera da razviju i zadrže talentovanu radnu snagu, što je bitan faktor u razvoju visokih performansi. Ovladavanjem promenama, kvalitetnim upravljanjem i kontrolisanjem budućnosti, stvaraju se pretpostavke za postizanje poslovne izvrsnosti i ostvarivanje rezultata visokih performansi. U cilju potvrđivanja polazne hipoteze korišćeni su metod analize, metod sinteze i metod višestrukog upoređivanja i statističkog testa

    Ocene ključnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i marketinškog koncepta u domaćim organizacijama

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