5 research outputs found

    Características físico-químicas e avaliação das propriedades tecnológicas do feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência dos Alimentos, Florianópolis, 2013.O feijão é consumido de forma tradicional em todo o mundo. Embora seja uma leguminosa rica em proteínas, minerais, vitaminas e carboidratos, a sua aplicação como matéria prima agroindustrial para novos produtos ainda é insignificante. O presente trabalho estudou seis cultivares procedentes de dois locais de cultivo, quanto à composição nutricional, características tecnológicas, microscópicas e propriedades de pasta da farinha e dos amidos dos feijões: BRS Embaixador e BRS Pitanga (grupo comercial Vermelho), BRS Estilo e Pérola (grupo comercial Carioca) e BRS Campeiro e BRS Esplendor (grupo comercial Preto), procedentes de Ponta Grossa e de Santo Antônio de Goiás. As farinhas dos feijões apresentaram de 37,60 a 50,66 % de carboidratos, de 17,72 a 25,13 % de proteínas, de Abstract : Common bean is consumed at traditional form worldwide. Although been a leguminous rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates, its application as agro-industrial raw material to new products is insignificant. Seeking to know the mean beans produced in Brazil, this work studied six cultivars from two growing regions about its nutritional composition, technical, microscopic and paste characteristics of beans and starches of the beans: BRS Embaixador and BRS Pitanga (commercial group red), BRS Estilo, and Pérola (commercial group "Carioca"), and BRS Campeiro and BRS Esplendor (commercial group black), from Ponta Grossa (PR) and from Santo Antônio de Goiás (GO). Beans flours presented 37.60 - 50.66 % of carbohydrates, 17.72 - 25.13 % of proteins, <0.50 - 4.84 % of soluble fibers, 11.41 - 20.75 % of insoluble fibers, 3.44 to 4.44 % of minerals, and 0.97 to 1.66 % of lipids, with high variations between cultivars and growing regions. The evaluation for nutritional compounds resulted in values of phytic acid of 7.17 to 10.41 mg/g, total tannins of 10.39 to 45.52 mg de catequina/g, ?-amylase inhibitors of 60.79 to 231.06 UIA/g, and trypsin inhibitors 327.04 to 1247.67 UIT/g. The weight of 100 grains varied between 19.99 and 53.20 g, the pH from 6.31 to 6.49, and the water retention capacity from 123.36 to 226.71 %, and oil retention capacity from 84.72 to 98.24 %. Different capacity of formation and stability of foam were verified between cultivars with effects of the pH 2.5, 5.6 and 8.0, as well as the formation and emulsion stability, establishing important differences between studied cultivars. Starch content was varied between 38.21 and 43.78 %. Starches were extracted and studied about the amylose content (40.94 - 51.11) and paste properties. Results of the starches and flours viscoamylograph profile' show the possibility of a selection of cultivars to specific applications according these characteristics. The shape of the granules was predominantly spherical and ellipsoid. Therefore, the complete characterization of these beans revealed important differences to consider in the selection of different cultivars of beans for industrial purposes in the development of new products and be considered in the selection of these raw materials

    Caracterização de brotos de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) obtidos após diferentes condições de germinação e secagem

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência dos Alimentos, Florianópolis, 2016.O Brasil é o terceiro maior produtor mundial de feijão, liderando o consumo desta leguminosa. No entanto, apesar de possuir características nutricionais atrativas ao consumo e ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos a partir deles, é na forma tradicional cozido que o feijão ainda é consumido, estando presente, juntamente com o arroz, nos pratos dos brasileiros. No entanto, a prática de consumir alimentos crus tem aumentado, sendo os grãos germinados de leguminosas uma opção para alimentação. A germinação dos grãos apresenta a vantagem de reduzir seus fatores antinutricionais, além de aumentar sólidos e proteínas solúveis. No entanto, o grão na forma germinada é mais susceptível à contaminação por micro-organismos, com redução da sua vida útil. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as condições de germinação e secagem dos grãos de feijão, caracterizando-os físico- quimicamente e com relação a sua atividade antioxidante. A germinação a 25 °C, embora não tendo diferenças significativas em alguns parâmetros quando comparada com a germinação a 30 °C, foi a melhor temperatura para a germinação dos feijões para o estudo da secagem. Já para a secagem dos brotos, o modelo de Midilli foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais para as três temperaturas testadas (45, 55 e 65 °C), e as três temperaturas de secagem influenciaram nas características físico- químicas e atividade antioxidante dos feijões germinados. A germinação e secagem dos brotos não contribuíram para aumentar a atividade antioxidante, porém houve aumento do teor de proteínas e sólidos solúveis quando os grãos foram germinados, sendo que os sólidos solúveis continuaram com valores altos mesmo após a secagem dos brotos. O pH dos feijões germinados e secos se assemelharam ao do grão não germinado e, com a umidade reduzida, pode contribuir pelo aumento da vida útil dos brotos.Abstract : Brazil is the world's third largest producer of beans, leading the consumption of this legume. However, despite having attractive nutritional characteristics consumption and development of new products from them, is the traditional cooked way that the bean is still consumed, being present, along with rice, the dishes of Brazilians. However, the practice of consuming raw food has increased, being the germinated grains of legumes an option for feeding. The germination of the grain has the advantage of reducing its anti-nutritional factors, as well as increasing solids and soluble proteins. However, the grain in germinated form is more susceptible to contamination by microorganisms, reducing their shelf life. Thus, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the conditions of germination and drying of beans, characterized physic- chemically and with respect to its antioxidant activity. Germination at 25 °C, while having no significant differences in some parameters when compared to the germination at 30 °C, was the best temperature for the germination of the beans to the drying study. As for the drying of the sprouts, the model of Midilli was the best fit to the experimental data for the three temperatures tested (45, 55 and 65 °C), and the three drying temperatures influenced the physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of the germinated beans. The germination and drying of the sprouts did not contribute to increase antioxidant activity, but there was an increase of soluble protein and solids content when the grains were germinated, and the soluble solids continued high values even after drying of the sprouts. The pH of the germinated and dried beans were similar to the grain not germinated and with reduced humidity, could contribute by increasing the shelf life of the shoots

    Chemical and functional properties of different common Brazilian bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars

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    Abstract Six different common bean cultivars (BRS Embaixador, BRS Pitanga, BRS Estilo, Pérola, BRS Campeiro and BRS Esplendor) were characterized aiming to determine possible uses for them in various food products. The samples were analysed to determine their chemical composition, weight per hundred beans, pH, water and oil absorption capacities (WAC and OAC, respectively), foaming at pH 2.5, 5.6 and 8.0 and emulsifying properties. The relationship between the physicochemical and functional properties was described using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results of the chemical composition, weight per hundred beans, WAC and OAC showed differences even between cultivars of the same commercial group. Foaming also varied between the cultivars and foaming capacity and stability were greatest at pH 5.6 and 8.0. The emulsifying capacity proved quite high for all cultivars, as well as the stability of the emulsion. According to these properties, with the contribution of the PCA, each different bean cultivar can be destined to specific applications according to its physicochemical properties