4 research outputs found

    Morpho-Syntactic Expansions in Translation from English into Slovenian as a Prototypical Response to the Complexity of the Original

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    This work deals with the morpho-syntactic expansions which occur in translation from English into Slovenian, proceeding from the assumption that such expansions are the most common, "prototypical" response of the translator when faced by an original containing grammatically complex structures.</P

    Oblikoslovno-skladenjske razširitve kot strukturne spremembe pri prevajanju

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    Due to differences in the source language (SL) and target language (TL) systems and differences in SL and TL usage norms, as well as some other factors related to the SL text, the translator and the receiver of the TL text, original structures often undergo structural changes in the process of translation.V prispevku obravnavamo oblikoslovno-skladenjske razširitve, ki nastajajo v okviru povedi pri prevajanju iz angleščine v slovenščino. - Oblikoslovno- skladenjsko razširitev definiramo kot vsak tisti prevod prevodne enote PE, ki je oblikoslovno-skladenjsko bolj ekspliciten kot dana prevodna enota PE. Na podlagi razčlembe zbranega gradiva ugotavljamo skladenjske in pomenske značilnosti izvornih zgradb, ki se v prevodu oblikoslovno-skladenjsko razširijo, ter relativno pogostnost oblikoslovno-skladenjskih razširitev različnih vrst izvornih zgradb. Razčlemba je pokazala, da se razširjajo tako besedne zveze kot stavki, v vlogi besednozveznih in stavčnih členov, da pa se nekatere vrste izvornih zgradb razširjajo razmeroma pogosteje kot druge. Zgradbe, ki so pogosteje podvržene tovrstnim strukturnim spremembam, so skladenjsko in pomensko (bolj) obrobne zgradbe ter skladenjsko reducirane zgradbe. Tako po pogostnosti razširitev izstopajo zgradbe v vlogi prislovnih določil in besednozveznih določil ter polstavčne zgradbe, ki nastanejo z redukcijo stavkov z osebno glagolsko obliko v povedku

    Morpho-syntactic expansions as structural changes in translation

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    Due to differences in the source language (SL) and target language (TL) systems and differences in SL and TL usage norms, as well as some other factors related to the SL text, the translator and the receiver of the TL text, original structures often undergo structural changes in the process of translation

    Morpho-Syntactic Expansions in Translation from English into Slovenian as a Prototypical Response to the Complexity of the Original

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    This work deals with the morpho-syntactic expansions which occur in translation from English into Slovenian, proceeding from the assumption that such expansions are the most common, "prototypical" response of the translator when faced by an original containing grammatically complex structures.</P