19 research outputs found

    A programme for risk assessment and minimisation of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy developed for vedolizumab clinical trials

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    Introduction Over the past decade, the potential for drug-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has become an increasingly important consideration in certain drug development programmes, particularly those of immunomodulatory biologics. Whether the risk of PML with an investigational agent is proven (e.g. extrapolated from relevant experience, such as a class effect) or merely theoretical, the serious consequences of acquiring PML require careful risk minimisation and assessment. No single standard for such risk minimisation exists. Vedolizumab is a recently developed monoclonal antibody to α4β7 integrin. Its clinical development necessitated a dedicated PML risk minimisation assessment as part of a global preapproval regulatory requirement. Objective The aim of this study was to describe the multiple risk minimisation elements that were incorporated in vedolizumab clinical trials in inflammatory bowel disease patients as part of the risk assessment and minimisation of PML programme for vedolizumab. Methods A case evaluation algorithm was developed for sequential screening and diagnostic evaluation of subjects who met criteria that indicated a clinical suspicion of PML. An Independent Adjudication Committee provided an independent, unbiased opinion regarding the likelihood of PML. Results Although no cases were detected, all suspected PML events were thoroughly reviewed and successfully adjudicated, making it unlikely that cases were missed. Conclusion We suggest that this programme could serve as a model for pragmatic screening for PML during the clinical development of new drugs

    Mirikizumab-Induced Transcriptome Changes in Ulcerative Colitis Patient Biopsies at Week 12 Are Maintained Through Week 52

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    Introduction: Mirikizumab, an anti-interleukin-23p19 monoclonal antibody, demonstrated efficacy in phase 2 and 3 randomized clinical trials of patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis (UC). Previous results have shown that 12 weeks of mirikizumab treatment downregulated transcripts associated with UC disease activity and tumor necrosis factor inhibitor resistance. We assessed week-52 gene expression from week-12 responders receiving mirikizumab or placebo. Methods: In the phase 2 AMAC study (NCT02589665), mirikizumab-treated patients achieving week-12 clinical response were rerandomized to mirikizumab 200 mg subcutaneous every 4 or 12 weeks through week 52 (N = 31). Week-12 placebo responders continued placebo through week 52 (N = 7). The limma R package clustered transcript changes in colonic mucosa biopsies from baseline to week 12 into differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Among DEGs, similarly expressed genes (DEGSEGs) maintaining week-12 expression through week 52 were identified. Results: Of 89 DEGSEGs, 63 (70.8%) were present only in mirikizumab induction responders, 5 (5.6%) in placebo responders, and 21 (23.6%) in both. Week-12 magnitudes and week-52 consistency of transcript changes were greater in mirikizumab than in placebo responders (log2FC > 1). DEGSEG clusters (from 84 DEGSEGs identified in mirikizumab and mirikizumab/placebo responders) correlated to modified Mayo score (26/84 with Pearson correlation coefficient [PCC] >0.5) and Robarts Histopathology Index (55/84 with PCC >0.5), sustained through week 52. Discussion: Mirikizumab responders had broader, more sustained transcriptional changes of greater magnitudes at week 52 vs placebo. Mirikizumab responder DEGSEGs suggest a distinct molecular healing pathway associated with mirikizumab interleukin-23 inhibition. The cluster's correlation with disease activity illustrates relationships between clinical, endoscopic, and molecular healing in UC

    Voluntary Electronic Reporting of Medical Errors and Adverse Events: An Analysis of 92,547 Reports from 26 Acute Care Hospitals

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the rate and types of events reported in acute care hospitals using an electronic error reporting system (e-ERS). DESIGN: Descriptive study of reported events using the same e-ERS between January 1, 2001 and September 30, 2003. SETTING: Twenty-six acute care nonfederal hospitals throughout the U.S. that voluntarily implemented a web-based e-ERS for at least 3 months. PARTICIPANTS: Hospital employees and staff. INTERVENTION: A secure, standardized, commercially available web-based reporting system. RESULTS: Median duration of e-ERS use was 21 months (range 3 to 33 months). A total of 92,547 reports were obtained during 2,547,154 patient-days. Reporting rates varied widely across hospitals (9 to 95 reports per 1,000 inpatient-days; median=35). Registered nurses provided nearly half of the reports; physicians contributed less than 2%. Thirty-four percent of reports were classified as nonmedication-related clinical events, 33% as medication/infusion related, 13% were falls, 13% as administrative, and 6% other. Among 80% of reports that identified level of impact, 53% were events that reached a patient (“patient events”), 13% were near misses that did not reach the patient, and 14% were hospital environment problems. Among 49,341 patient events, 67% caused no harm, 32% temporary harm, 0.8% life threatening or permanent harm, and 0.4% contributed to patient deaths. CONCLUSIONS: An e-ERS provides an accessible venue for reporting medical errors, adverse events, and near misses. The wide variation in reporting rates among hospitals, and very low reporting rates by physicians, requires investigation

    The safety of vedolizumab for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

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    Vedolizumab is a gut-selective antibody to α4β7 integrin for the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). We report an integrated summary of the safety of vedolizumab. Safety data (May 2009-June 2013) from six trials of vedolizumab were integrated. Adverse events were evaluated in patients who received ≥1 dose of vedolizumab or placebo and were reported as exposure-adjusted incidence rates as the number of patients experiencing the event per 100 person-years (PYs) of exposure. Predictors of serious infection were assessed using a Cox proportional hazards model. In total, 2830 patients had 4811 PYs of vedolizumab exposure (median exposure range, 1-1977 days). No increased risk of any infection or serious infection was associated with vedolizumab exposure. Serious clostridial infections, sepsis and tuberculosis were reported infrequently (≤0.6% of patients). No cases of progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy were observed. Independent risk factors for serious infection in UC were prior failure of a tumour necrosis factor α antagonist (HR, 1.99; 95% CIs 1.16 to 3.42; p=0.0122) and narcotic analgesic use (HR, 2.68; 95% CI 1.57 to 4.58; p=0.0003), and in CD were younger age (HR, 0.97; 95% CI 0.95 to 0.98; p <0.0001), corticosteroid (HR, 1.88; 95% CI 1.35 to 2.63; p=0.0002) or narcotic analgesic use (HR, 2.72; 95% CI 1.90 to 3.89; p <0.0001). Investigator-defined infusion-related reactions were reported for ≤5% of patients in each study. Eighteen vedolizumab-exposed patients ( <1%) were diagnosed with a malignancy. Vedolizumab has a favourable safety profile with low incidence rates of serious infections, infusion-related reactions and malignancies over an extended treatment period. NCT01177228, NCT00619489, NCT00783718, NCT00783692, NCT01224171, NCT0079093