72 research outputs found

    Development of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L) on the foliage of Quercus cerris L., Q. Petraea (matt) Liebl. and Q. Robur L. in the controlled conditions

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    The development of Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L) was monitored in laboratory conditions, on the foliage of the species Quercus cerris L. Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl. and Quercus robur L. The experiment was established in the controlled environmental conditions, at the temperature of 25°C, photoperiod 14:10 (day: night) and relative humidity 70%. The objective of the research was to determine the suitability of the study host plant species for gypsy moth development. The study results show that Gypsy moth caterpillars cultivated on Q. petraea foliage had a lower survival, higher number of moultings, longer preadult development and lower fecundity, which makes this species less suitable compared to the other two. Gypsy moth caterpillars cultivated on Q. cerris foliage had the highest survival degree the lowest number of moultings, the shortest preadult development and the highest fecundity, which makes this species the most favourable for gypsy moth development. Q. robur was between the former two species in this respect

    Host plant effect on the susceptibility of gypsy moth caterpillars to insecticides

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    Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L) is the most significant pest of broadleaf forests. The dynamics of gypsy moth population depends on several biotic and abiotic factors, but it is also highly dependent on the quality of consumed food. The gypsy moth control increasingly relies on the biological preparations based on Bacillus thuringiensis subspec. kurstaki (Btk) and Lymantria dispar Nuclear Poliedrosis virus (NPV). Chemical preparations are still applied although more rarely, the pyrethroids which include also lambda-cyhalothrin This paper presents the study results of the effect of host plant on gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar L) susceptibility to lambda cihalotrine insecticide, by which the study oak leaves were contaminated. The study results show the lowest mortality of the caterpillars fed on contaminated leaves of Turkey oak (17.5%), then pedunculate oak (86.1%), and the highest mortality of caterpillars fed on sessile oak leaves (92%). The rate of the gypsy moth caterpillar development depends on the host plant Susceptibility of the gypsy moth caterpillars to the above preparation depends on the host plant The knowledge of the effect of host plant on insecticide efficiency in gypsy moth suppression would render insecticide utilisation optimal

    Uticaj biljke hraniteljke na broj presvlačenja i širinu glavenih kapsula gusenica gubara

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    The effect of four oak species: Turkey oak, Hungarian oak, sessile oak and English oak on the number of moultings and head capsule width of the gypsy moth caterpillars was researched. Host plants have a statistically significant effect on the number of both male and female larval instars. The highest number of larval instars was recorded for caterpillars fed on sessile oak leaves, and the lowest number was recorded for those fed on Turkey oak leaves. Females reared on Hungarian oak and English oak leaves had a normal number of larval instars. Except for 1st instar caterpillars, all other larval instars showed a statistically significant host plant effect on the head capsule width. The widest head capsules were found on caterpillars fed on Turkey oak leaves, and those fed on sessile oak leaves had the narrowest head capsules. The study data on head capsule widths can be practically applied in the determination of the optimal ratio of larval instars in the gypsy moth population, i.e. in the determination of terms for aerial spraying actions.U radu su prezentovani rezultati istraživanja uticaja četiri vrste hrasta (cer, sladun, kitnjak i lužnjak) na broj presvlačenja i širinu glavenih kapsula gusenica gubara Lymantria dispar L. Biljke hraniteljke utiču statistički značajno na broj larvenih stupnjeva ženki i mužjaka. Najviše vrednosti broja larvenih stupnjeva su zabeležene kod gusenica hranjenih lišćem kitnjaka a najniže na lišću cera. Kod ženki gajenih na lišću sladuna i lužnjaka utvrđen je normalan broj larvenih stupnjeva. Sa izuzetkom gusenica prvog stupnja, kod svih ostalih larvenih stupnjeva je utvrđen statistički značajan uticaj hraniteljke na širinu glavenih kapsula. Najšire glavene kapsule su izmerene kod gusenica hranjenih lišćem cera a najuže kod onih koje su gajene na lišću kitnjaka. Dobijeni podaci o širinama glavenih kapsula mogu imati praktičnu primenu pri određivanju optimalnog odnosa pojedinih larvenih stupnjeva u populaciji gubara, odnosno pri utvrđivanju teremina za izvođenje akcije aviosuzbijanja

    Forest Fire Probability Mapping in Eastern Serbia: Logistic Regression versus Random Forest Method

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    Forest fire risk has increased globally during the previous decades. The Mediterranean region is traditionally the most at risk in Europe, but continental countries like Serbia have experienced significant economic and ecological losses due to forest fires. To prevent damage to forests and infrastructure, alongside other societal losses, it is necessary to create an effective protection system against fire, which minimizes the harmful effects. Forest fire probability mapping, as one of the basic tools in risk management, allows the allocation of resources for fire suppression, within a fire season, from zones with a lower risk to those under higher threat. Logistic regression (LR) has been used as a standard procedure in forest fire probability mapping, but in the last decade, machine learning methods such as fandom forest (RF) have become more frequent. The main goals in this study were to (i) determine the main explanatory variables for forest fire occurrence for both models, LR and RF, and (ii) map the probability of forest fire occurrence in Eastern Serbia based on LR and RF. The most important variable was drought code, followed by different anthropogenic features depending on the type of the model. The RF models demonstrated better overall predictive ability than LR models. The map produced may increase firefighting efficiency due to the early detection of forest fire and enable resources to be allocated in the eastern part of Serbia, which covers more than one-third of the country's area

    Photosynthetic efficiency of Pedunculate oak seedlings under simulated water stress

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    Photosynthetic performance of seedlings of Quercus robur exposed to short-term water stress in the laboratory conditions was assessed through the method of induced fluorometry. The substrate for seedlings was clayey loam, with the dominant texture fraction made of silt, followed by clay and fine sand, with total porosity 68.2%. Seedlings were separated in two groups: control (C) (soil water regime in pots was maintained at the level of field water capacity) and treated (water-stressed, WS) (soil water regime was maintained in the range of wilting point and lentocapillary capacity). The photosynthetic efficiency was 0.642±0.25 and 0.522±0.024 (WS and C, respectively), which was mostly due to transplantation disturbances and sporadic leaf chlorosis. During the experiment Fv/Fm decreased in both groups (0.551±0.0100 and 0.427±0.018 in C and WS, respectively). Our results showed significant differences between stressed and control group, in regard to both observed parameters (Fv/Fm and T½). Photosynthetic efficiency of pedunculate oak seedlings was significantly affected by short-term water stress, but to a lesser extent than by sufficient watering

    Photosynthetic efficiency of Pedunculate oak seedlings under simulated water stress

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    Photosynthetic performance of seedlings of Quercus robur exposed to short-term water stress in the laboratory conditions was assessed through the method of induced fluorometry. The substrate for seedlings was clayey loam, with the dominant texture fraction made of silt, followed by clay and fine sand, with total porosity 68.2%. Seedlings were separated in two groups: control (C) (soil water regime in pots was maintained at the level of field water capacity) and treated (water-stressed, WS) (soil water regime was maintained in the range of wilting point and lentocapillary capacity). The photosynthetic efficiency was 0.642±0.25 and 0.522±0.024 (WS and C, respectively), which was mostly due to transplantation disturbances and sporadic leaf chlorosis. During the experiment Fv/Fm decreased in both groups (0.551±0.0100 and 0.427±0.018 in C and WS, respectively). Our results showed significant differences between stressed and control group, in regard to both observed parameters (Fv/Fm and T½). Photosynthetic efficiency of pedunculate oak seedlings was significantly affected by short-term water stress, but to a lesser extent than by sufficient watering.U radu je analizirana fotosintetička efikasnost sadnica Quercus robur, izloženih kratkotrajnom vodnom stresu u laboratorijskim uslovima, metodom indukovane fluorimetrije. Kao supstrat za gajenje sadnica korišćena je glinovita ilovača, čiju je dominantnu teksturnu frakciju činio prah, zatim glina pa sitan pesak; totalne poroznosti 68,2%. Sadnice su bile podeljene u dve grupe: S (kontrolna grupa, kod kojih je vodni režim supstrata u saksijama održavan na nivou poljskog vodnog kapaciteta) i WS (grupa izložena vodnom stresu, kod kojih je vodni režim supstrata održavan između tačke venjenja i lentokapilarnog kapaciteta). Fotosintetička efikasnost iznosila je 0,642±0,258 kod kontrolnih sadnica, odnosno 0,522±0,0243 kod izloženih vodnom stresu, što je uglavnom bilo uzrokovano poremećajima izazvanim presađivanjem kao i pojavi hloroze na listovima. Tokom eksperimenta, vrednost Fv/Fm se smanjila u obe grupe sadnica (0,551±0,0100 kod C, odnosno 0,427±0,018 kod WS). U oba merenja utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike između stresirane i kontrolne grupe sadnica u pogledu ispitivanih parametara. Izlaganje sadnica hrasta lužnjaka kratkotrajnom vodnom stresu imalo je značajan uticaj na smanjenje fotosintetičke efikasnosti sadnica, ali u manjoj meri nego izlaganje sadnica obilnom zalivanju.Projekat ministarstva br. TD2005

    Desperate times call for desperate measures: Short-term use of the common ash tree by gypsy moth larvae (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) under density and starvation stress

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    Gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) feeds on a large number of tree species, while ash, Fraxinus spp. (Lamiales: Oleaceae) species are considered resistant and are only sporadically eaten. To assess the conditions under which late instar gypsy moth larvae (GML) can temporarily use non-host common ash (CA) (F. excelsior L.), and to evaluate their ability to recover from ingestion of this toxic food, we determined the relative growth rate, the relative consumption rate and the amount of produced feces in different laboratory feeding trials. Our report is the first to show that under specific circumstances, the resources acquired after short-term consumption of CA leaves can be utilized for larval growth. We varied the intensity of density and starvation stress prior to feeding on CA leaves. We observed that after moderate stress a group of GML was temporarily capable of coping with CA leaves. Although observed growth and consumption were much lower on CA than on the optimal host oak, Quercus cerris L. (Fagales: Fagaceae), CA-oak-switched larvae showed the ability to recover from short-term use of a toxic non-host foliage. This suggests that feeding on CA might enable GML to survive under conditions of food shortage

    Analysis of soybean production and biogas yield to improve eco-marketing and circular economy

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    In the study attempts to analyze soybean production and possibility obtaining biogas from soybean biomass, in order to obtain energy inputs into the profit function and realized a circular economy. This paper presents the results of five-year studies of soybean production analysis in the world and in Serbia, and was also examined soybeans morphoproductive characteristics and on the biogas yield, of the Favorit variety, produced in Pančevo, Serbia. Serbia has excellent conditions for soybeans production. The maximum soybean biomass yield of soybean variety Favorit was 5 t ha-1. The average biogas yield, for tested five years, was 368 m3ha-1. The biogas yield was in positive statistically significant correlations on the plant height (r=0.65*) and in positive correlations with biomass yield. Soybean cultivar with their characteristics justify the sowing and can be used as a raw material in bio-fuels production

    Ecologically acceptable usage of derivatives of essential oil of sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum, as antifeedants against larvae of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar

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    Ethanol solutions of five fractions obtained from essential oil of sweet basil Ocimum basilicum L. (Lamiales: Lamiaceae) (F1-F5) were tested for their antifeedant properties against 2nd instar gypsy moth larvae, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), in laboratory non-choice and feeding-choice experiments. Prior to bioassays, the chemical composition of each fraction was determined by gas chromatography analyses. Significant larval deterrence from feeding was achieved by application of tested solutions to fresh leaves of the host plant. The most effective were F1 (0.5%), F4 (0.05, 0.1, and 0.5%), and F5 (0.1 and 0.5%), which provided an antifeedant index > 80% after five days. A low rate of larval mortality was observed in no-choice bioassay. In situ screening of chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator of plant stress level (assessed by the induced fluorometry) confirmed that the tested compounds did not cause alternations in the photosynthetic efficiency of treated leaves