10 research outputs found

    Analysis of Regional Development and The Needs of Clean Water Services in Medan City

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of biophysical, economic, location, socio-cultural, institutional and environmental aspects on the water supply and the need for clean water in Medan city. Clean water was originally consideredas social goods that were freely accessed. The need for clean water for the population in Medan city is heightened due to the population growth, the increase on economic activities such as industrial growth in small-scale, medium and large industries, the development of public facilities and the increasing welfare of the community. The primary and secondary data obtained from relevant agencies and public in Medan city are used in this study. The secondary data were obtained starting in 1990 - 2012, while primary data were obtained from 30 respondents. The analysis model used is the structural equation models. The results have shown that; (i) biophysical, economic, location, sociocultural, institutional, environmental aspects positively influence the water supply and the need for clean water; (ii) there is a greater influence of water needs on the water supply, as compared to the effect of water supply to the needs of clean water

    Success Factors in Managing Wastewater Infrastructure through Community Participation (Case Study: Wastewater Infrastructure in Residential Areas of Medan Deli Subdistrict, Medan)

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    Both central and local governments strive to implement sanitation programs, especially in the management of wastewater infrastructure, with a focus on community involvement from planning to maintenance. The Medan Deli Subdistrict, engaged in wastewater infrastructure management through community participation, faces challenges, including a decline in users and dysfunctional management groups. The limited community involvement also impacts the failure of management. The research was conducted in the Medan Deli Subdistrict using survey and exploration methods. The analysis of survey questionnaire data with the Relative Importance Index (RII) method identified five key success factors, used as research indicators to identify obstacles through structured interviews. The research results show that these factors involve the choice of technology, organization, and leadership, which have proven to have a significant impact. Additionally, service convenience, operator performance, and clean and healthy living habits also prove to be drivers of success in this management. In this context, it can be concluded that technical factors, especially the selection of technology and organization, dominate the success of wastewater management. The success of wastewater infrastructure development through community participation also heavily depends on institutional elements and social approaches. However, after identifying success elements, some analyzed obstacles include the process of selecting technology means that are not in line with the needs and preferences of the community, managers responsible for wastewater infrastructure management often relocating without replacement, hindering the administrative process of management, infrastructure maintenance requiring operators to routinely perform operational functions, and a community that is not fully committed to implementing clean water infrastructure management

    Model for Determining Follow-up Actions in Slum Areas in North Sumatra: Case Study in Tebing Tinggi City

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    Even in various cities, inadequately habitable residential areas tend to become slums and no longer meet the standards of a healthy residential environment. This study utilizes descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis with a total of 100 respondents. The Slum Environment Follow-up Determination Model shows the results of the settlement conditions in Tebing Tinggi City, where many people live in unsuitable places, with damaged or inadequate building structures, high housing density, and wooden buildings. As a result, they are vulnerable to fire hazards. Additionally, there is a lack of clean water services, drainage facilities, household waste disposal, waste management, and poor environmental road quality (many roads lack upper pavement or are dirt roads), as well as inadequate street lighting. The low levels of education and income indicate a low socioeconomic status in the slum areas of Tebing Tinggi City. Factors such as Building Density Level (BDL), Environmental Drainage, income, and education collectively significantly influence people's decisions to live in slum environments. However, factors such as Building Density Level (BDL), Environmental Drainage, income, and education partially influence people's decisions to live in slum environments. The pattern of community participation in tackling slum areas remains the same, with an average of 57% not participating in decision-making, implementation, achievement, and program result evaluation

    Characteristics and Management of Drainage Infrastructure in Medan Sunggal District, Medan City

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    Climate change, characterized by high-intensity rainfall, coupled with inadequate drainage systems, small and shallow river dimensions, and a lack of community awareness, has caused flooding and inundation in Medan Sunggal District. This study aims to understand the characteristics and management of drainage infrastructure in Medan Sunggal Subdistrict, Medan City, to identify its characteristics and implement suitable management efforts. The research adopts a positivism paradigm with a positivistic approach, relying on empirical facts (sensual empiricism). The research methodology used is purely qualitative descriptive, focusing on an in-depth understanding related to the characteristics, context, and research subjects. Data collection methods include Guest Tour and comparative techniques. The results of this study show that the characteristics of drainage infrastructure in the study area form a network pattern. The types of channels in the study area are primary channels, secondary channels, and tertiary channels. They consist of artificial channels with open concrete construction, located above the ground with a combined drainage system. While most of the physical conditions are good, some exhibit minor damage. A significant portion of the drainage water is stagnant. Flood-prone areas constitute 41%, areas with infrequent flooding are at 43%, and areas that have never experienced flooding are at 16%. Management recommendations for the study area include providing green open spaces, creating biopore infiltration holes, constructing detention and retention ponds, using paving blocks/grass blocks, conducting maintenance (normalization and rehabilitation) of drainage, and involving the community in each management aspect

    Analysis of Determining Service Center Systems towards the Development of The Eastern Part of Medan City

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    The issues in the research area include a high concentration of built-up residential areas with the potential for slums and warehousing activities dominating trade and service areas or residential areas, leading to congestion. This requires attention, considering that the Eastern Part of Medan City has a high built-up area, necessitating the provision of affordable infrastructure and basic services for both newcomers and existing residents in the city. Several development theories and concepts can assist in determining and conceptualizing development in the research area. The study focuses on examining the Sub-Central Service System of the City as a center serving sub-urban areas. Various methods are used in determining service centers, including the scalogram method, Marshall's centrality index, and rank-size rule, which will ultimately provide recommendations for the central service system. After issuing recommendations from these three analyses, the determination of the existing urban internal structure is conducted using a scoring method to identify the central service location. Calculations from multiple service center analysis methods are scored and summed to obtain a total score. The neighborhood with the smallest score has the highest hierarchy value, and vice versa. It is revealed that the Sub-Central Service System is present in all sub-districts in the Eastern Part of Medan City, meaning each sub-district in each neighborhood already has comprehensive facilities. Consequently, the four sub-districts in the Eastern Part of Medan City have the potential for development as they meet service needs and can be directed to become service centers serving their respective sub-districts


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    In the Juridical Analysis of the Role of Customs and Excise in Supervising and Preventing Crimes of Smuggling of Goods at the Customs Commission Type B Batam, it aims to discuss the legal arrangements for the role of customs in supervising and preventing criminal acts of smuggling of goods and the implementation of obstacle factors, obstacles and solutions for the role of customs in supervising and preventing the crime of smuggling of goods (research study at the Customs and Excise KPU type B Batam). This study aims to determine the Juridical Analysis of the Role of Customs and Excise in Supervising and Preventing the Crime of Smuggling of Goods at the Customs Commission Type B Batam.The research conducted is descriptive research with the method normative legal approach (normative juridical) is carried out by means of study literature. Data collection tools used in this research are data in the form of document studies and literature searches and by using additional data in the form of interviews.The results of the study indicate that the general legal arrangement of Customs and Excise authority according to Law No. 17 of 2006 is, Customs and Excise receives reports or information from someone about a criminal act, summons people to be heard and examined as suspects or witnesses, examines, seeks , and collect information on criminal acts, arrest and detain people suspected of committing criminal acts, request information and evidence from suspects who commit criminal acts.For this reason, it is hoped that with the existence of complete legal rules and firm witnesses related to the crime of smuggling of goods, all related elements are able to understand the legal rules made to protect the public from the threat of danger, and legal rules should be emphasized so that no more criminal acts of smuggling of goods occur


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    Juridical Analysis of a Specific Time Work Agreement (PKWT) to Realize the Protection of Workers' Rights and Welfare (Research Study at the PT. Bersama Gemilang Property Batam Office), has been carried out as it should, in accordance with Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. There are factors related to the protection of the rights and welfare of contract workers. The qualifications/types of writing in this journal use normative legal writing, and then integrate it with sociological/empirical legal writing, and to analyze some of the problems in this journal, Lawrence M. Friedmen's big theory, Jeremy Bentham's middle theory, and application theory are used. / applied theory Mochtar Kusumaatmadja. The results of the analysis are still experiencing several obstacles both internally and externally. The obstacles faced have not been the implementation of rights and welfare, which have been prioritized and carried out but not yet perfectly. It is very necessary and improved in terms of supervision in terms of quality and quantity in order to suppress and not give space to violators who do not comply with contract workers. There is also a need for wider socialization in a timely manner regarding the implementation of the new law on the rights and welfare of contract workers


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    the Aspect of Human Rights (Research Study at the Office of Social Affairs and Community Empowerment), has been carried out as it should, in accordance with Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to the Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection (Supplementary Gazette of the State Gazette of 2014 Number 5606). The qualification/type of writing in this journal uses normative legal writing, and subsequently integrates it with sociological/empirical legal writing, and to analyze some of the problems in this journal, Satjipto Rahardjo's big theory of legal protection, Jeremy Bentham's middle theory, while Soerjono Soekanto's application/applied theory. The results of the field analysis show that legal protection for children as victims of economic exploitation has not been effective. This means that there are obstacles/obstacles in its implementation, including the obstacles faced in dealing with the problem of violence and economic exploitation of children, namely law enforcement in controlling children, not solving the root problem, only taking curative action, not preventing it. For this reason, it is hoped that the government together with law enforcers will pay more attention and take firm action regarding the problem of economic exploitation of street children, both in terms of guidance and legal sanctions for perpetrators of economic exploitation


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    Land registration aims to guarantee legal certainty and certainty of land rights. By holding land registration, the parties concerned can easily find out the status of the legal status of the particular land they are dealing with, their location, area and boundaries. And also as a condition for the implementation of orderly land administration. The purpose of this study is to find out the legal arrangements regarding the process of registering land rights and ownership status in order to confirm legal certainty and how to implement, constraint factors and solutions to problems that occur in the community. This research uses normative legal research methods. The normative method is writing that uses primary materials or data. In normative legal research, library materials in the form of basic data which in the study are classified as secondary data. Secondary data can include primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The results of the study indicate that the legal arrangements regarding the responsibilities of the Batam City National Land Agency in the process of registering land rights have been carried out well by the Batam City National Land Agency in order to realize legal certainty for the people of Batam City. However, in carrying out their duties there are still obstacles in the process of registering land rights in Batam City because of the imbalance of authority with the Batam Concession Agency as the holder of land management rights in Batam City. So, the solution is expected to have special regulations regarding this so that the process of registering land rights in Batam City can run in accordance with the laws and regulations