501 research outputs found

    Aantekeningen bij het project van Dogma

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    In November 2013 the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University of Technology hosted the exhibi­tion Dogma: 11 projects + 1, which presented the first decade of research projects produced by the Rotterdam and now Brussels based architectural office led by Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tatt­ara. The exhibition was originally held in the begin­ning of 2013 at the Architectural Association in London and accompanied by the publication of a catalogue that included texts by the authors, an introduction by Brett Steel and a critical essay by the Italian scholar Gabriele Mastrigli.De faculteit Bouwkunde van de TU Delft bood in november 2013 onderdak aan de tentoonstelling Dogma: 11 projects + 1, een overzicht van tien jaar onderzoek door het destijds in Rotterdam en nu in Brussel gevestigde architectenbureau Dogma, geleid door Pier Vittorio Aureli en Martino Tattara. De tentoonstelling was oorspronkelijk begin 2013 te zien bij de Architectural Association in Londen, vergezeld van een catalogus met teksten van de exposanten, een inleiding door Brett Steel en een kritisch essay door de Italiaanse wetenschapper Gabriele Mastrigli

    Planning Technologies for the Web Environment: Perspectives and Research Issues

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    This work will explore and motivate perspectives and research issues related with the applications of automated planning technologies in order to support innovative web applications. The target for the technology transfer, i.e. the web, and, in a broader sense, the new Information Technologies (IT) is one of the most changing, evolving and hottest areas of current computer science. Nevertheless many sub-area in this field could have potential benefits from Planning and Scheduling (P&S) technologies, and, in some cases, technology transfer has already started. This paper will consider and explore a set of topics, guidelines and objectives in order to implement the technology transfer a new challenges, requirements and research issues for planning which emerge from the web and IT industry. Sample scenarios will be depicted to clarify the potential applications and limits of current planning technology. Finally we will point out some new P&S research challenge issues which are required to meet more advanced applicative goals

    On-barn pig weight estimation based on body measurements by structure-from-motion (SfM)

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    Information on the body shape of pigs is a key indicator to monitor their performance and health and to control or predict their market weight. Manual measurements are among the most common ways to obtain an indication of animal growth. However, this approach is laborious and difficult, and it may be stressful for both the pigs and the stockman. The present paper proposes the implementation of a Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry approach as a new tool for on-barn animal reconstruction applications. This is possible also to new software tools allowing automatic estimation of camera parameters during the reconstruction process even without a preliminary calibration phase. An analysis on pig body 3D SfM characterization is here proposed, carried out under different conditions in terms of number of camera poses and animal movements. The work takes advantage of the total reconstructed surface as reference index to quantify the quality of the achieved 3D reconstruction, showing how as much as 80% of the total animal area can be characterized

    Classification of linear codes exploiting an invariant

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    We consider the problem of computing the equivalence classes of a set of linear codes. This problem arises when new codes are obtained extending codes of lower dimension. We propose a technique that, exploiting an invariant simple to compute, allows to reduce the computational complexity of the classification process. Using this technique the [13,5,8]_7, the [14,5,9]_8 and the [15,4,11]_9 codes have been classified. These classifications enabled us to solve the packing problem for NMDS codes for q=7,8,9. The same technique can be applied to the problem of the classification of other structures

    Imaging Modalities for the Noninvasive Assessment of Fibrosis in Crohn's Disease

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    The development of strictures in Crohn's disease is a main cause of hospitalization and often represent an indication for surgery. The differentiation between inflammatory and fibrotic strictures is useful to determine the optimal treatment. Today, the availability of noninvasive methods to assess the presence and extension of strictures offers new tools for the diagnosis and follow-up of the disease. Bowel ultrasound, power doppler ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging offer the additional advantage that they do not expose patients to ionizing radiation. In this paper we provide an update on the accuracy of these noninvasive methods for the diagnosis of Crohn's disease

    Discriminating multiple JPEG compression using first digit features

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    The analysis of JPEG double-compressed images is a problem largely studied by the multimedia forensics community, as it might be exploited, e.g., for tampering localization or source device identification. In many practical scenarios, like photos uploaded on blogs, on-line albums, and photo sharing web sites, images might be JPEG compressed several times. However, the identification of the number of compression stages applied to an image remains an open issue. We proposes a forensic method based on the analysis of the distribution of the first significant digits of the discrete cosine transform coefficients, which follow Benford's law in images compressed just once. Then, the detector is optimized and extended in order to identify accurately the number of compression stages applied to an image. The experimental validation considers up to four consecutive compression stages and shows that the proposed approach extends and outperforms the previously-published algorithms for double JPEG compression detection

    Dynamic Analysis of the Lubrication in a Wet Clutch of a Hydromechanical Variable Transmission

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    The paper investigates the oil flow through a multi plate clutch for a hydro-mechanical variable transmission under actual operating conditions. The analysis focuses on the numerical approach for the accurate prediction of the transient behavior of the lubrication in the gear region: the trade-off between prediction capabilities of the numerical model and computational effort is addressed. The numerical simulation includes the full 3D geometry of the clutch and the VOF multi-phase approach is used to calculate the oil distribution in the clutch region under different relative rotating velocities. Furthermore, the lubrication of the friction disks is calculated for different clutch actuation conditions, i.e. not-engaged and engaged positions. The influence of different geometrical features of the clutch lubricating circuit on the oil distribution is also determined. The results show the areas where poor lubrication occurs and extend the experiments where measurements are difficult to carry out. The simulation highlights the regions where high thermal stresses are observed during tests

    On the use of Benford's law to detect GAN-generated images

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    The advent of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architectures has given anyone the ability of generating incredibly realistic synthetic imagery. The malicious diffusion of GAN-generated images may lead to serious social and political consequences (e.g., fake news spreading, opinion formation, etc.). It is therefore important to regulate the widespread distribution of synthetic imagery by developing solutions able to detect them. In this paper, we study the possibility of using Benford's law to discriminate GAN-generated images from natural photographs. Benford's law describes the distribution of the most significant digit for quantized Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients. Extending and generalizing this property, we show that it is possible to extract a compact feature vector from an image. This feature vector can be fed to an extremely simple classifier for GAN-generated image detection purpose
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