13 research outputs found

    Functional connectivity of the affective network (AN).

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    <p>Significant voxels of the dorsal nexus (DMPFC) showing reduced functional connectivity to the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) seed region (blue) 24 hours after ketamine administration (n = 17, whole brain paired t-test: baseline(ketamine)-follow-up(ketamine); p<sub>uncorr</sub><0.001, extent threshold of k>13, corresponds to a cluster-level p<sub>corr</sub><0.1 indicating trend-level significance). The color bar indicates z values. The bar diagram represents the change in functional connectivity (Fisher z-transformed correlation values) of the dorsal nexus to the sgACC from baseline to follow-up for the ketamine (red) and placebo condition (blue) (n = 17, paired t-test: p = 0.001; error bars = s.e.m.).</p

    Seed region selection.

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    <p>Each of the four solid circles corresponds to a seed region in the Cognitive Control Network (CCN; purple): dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC); in the Default Mode Network (DMN; green): posterior cingulate cortex (PCC); in the Affective Network (AN; orange): subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC); and in the amygdala (red).</p

    Functional connectivity across the whole experiment.

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    <p>The bar diagrams represent the functional connectivity (Fisher z-transformed correlation values after global mean regression) for the following experimental conditions: baseline and follow-up (ketamine; red); baseline and follow-up (placebo; blue). From left to right: Dorsal nexus (DN) connectivity to the left posterior cingulate cortex (PCC); medioprefrontal cortex (MPFC) and pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (PACC) connectivity to the left PCC; subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) connectivity to the DN (n = 17, paired t-tests; error bars = s.e.m.).</p