72 research outputs found


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    PORODNIČKE OPERACIJE. Dubravko Habek i suradnici

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    PORODNIČKE OPERACIJE. Dubravko Habek i suradnici

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    Sadržaj teŔkih metala i bioakumulacijski potencijal nekih samoniklih jestivih gljiva

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    The concentration of Fe, Zn and Cu in ten edible mushrooms in Medvednica Nature Park was determined. The similarity between the studied species was deterimend by cluster analysis based on concentrations of the aforementioned metals in the fruit bodies. The analyses of heavy metals were carried out by X ā€“ ray fluorescence spectormetry. The highest concentration of Fe (153.96 mg kgā€“1) was determined in Tricholoma portentosum, and the highest concentration of Zn (90.60 mg kgā€“1) was determined in Tricholoma terreum. The highest concentration of Cu was determined in Macrolepiota procera (78.18 mg kgā€“1). The concentrations of Zn and Cu significantly differed (p<0.05; p<0.001) between examined saprophytic and ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. A considerably higher concentration of the analysed elements was found in the cap than in the stipe for all mushroom species. All mushrooms species were bio-exclusors of Fe in relation to the underlying soils. Cluster analysis performed on the basis of the bioaccumulation of the studied metals revealed great similarity of mushroom species belonging to the same genus and partial similarity of species of the same ecological affiliation.Predmetnim istraživanjem utvrđivana je koncentracija Fe, Zn i Cu u deset samoniklih jestivih vrsta gljiva Parka prirode Medvednica. Sličnost između ispitivnih vrsta gljiva ustanovljena je klaster analizom na temelju koncentracije navedenih metala u plodnom tijelu gljiva. Analiza teÅ”kih metala provedena je metodom XRF ā€“ rentgenske fluoroscentne spektrometrije. Najveća koncentracija Fe od 153.96 mg kgā€“1 utvrđena je u Tricholoma portentosum, dok je najveća koncentracija Zn od 90.60 mg kgā€“1 ustanovljena u vrsti Tricholoma terreum. Najveća koncentracija Cu utvrđena je u vrsti Macrolepiota procera (78.8 mg kgā€“1). Analizom teÅ”kih metala u gljivama ustanovljene su značajne razlike (p<0.05; p<0.001) u koncentraciji Zn i Cu između saprofitskih i ektomikoriznih vrsta gljiva. Utvrđena je znatno veća koncentracija ispitivanih metala u klobuku u odnosu na stručak. Sve istraživane vrste gljiva isključene su kao mogući bioindikatori onečiŔćenja okoliÅ”a željezom. Klaster analiza provedena na temlju koncentracije teÅ”kih metala u gljivama otkrila je veliku sličnost vrsta gljiva koje pripadaju istom rodu i djelomične sličnosti vrsta iste ekoloÅ”ke pripadnosti


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    Objective. To estimate the degree of risk of the echogenic intracardiac foci (IEF) for fetal chromosomopathies and to determine its association with structural anomalies of the fetus. Material and methods. During the period of two years 190 pregnant patients had been send for fetal echocardiography. Examination had been performed by transvaginalĀ¬ (12ā€“17 weeks of gestation) or transabdominal approach (18 weeks or more of gestation). Results. IEF was observed in 17 fetuses, multifocal appearance was found in 2 out of 17 fetuses. In 3 cases IEF had resolved during the 8 weeks period of time. Additional structural anomalies were detected in 11 fetuses. In 2 fetuses trisomy 21 had been confirmed. Conclusion. A single soft marker as IEF is commonly encountered during the second trimester among the fetuses with chromosomal aberation. As do many sonographic markers IEF can be resolved during the pregnancy and often can be found in normal fetuses.Cilj rada je bio na vlastitom uzorku utvrditi u kojoj mjeri ultrazvučni nalaz hiperehogenih intrakardijalnih žariÅ”ta (IEF) pridonosi dijagnostici kromosomopatija i strukturalnih anomalija. Uzorak i metode. Tijekom dvije godine 190 trudnica između 12. i 39. tjedna trudnoće je primljeno radi fetalne ehokardiografije. Pregled je obavljen vaginalnom sondom od 5 MHz pri trudnoćama 12.ā€“17. tjedna ili zavinutom abdominalnom sondom od 3,5 MHz nakon 17. tjedna trudnoće. Rezultati. IEF su nađeni u 17 fetusa, multifokalni u 2 od njih. U 3 fetusa su IEF u roku od osam tjedana nestali. U 11 fetusa su nađene dodatne strukturalne anomalije. Trisomija 21 je potvrđena u 2 fetusa. Zaključak. IEF su Ā»mekiĀ« ultrazvučni biljezi fetalne aneuploidije, često su prolazni, a nalaze se i u eukariotičnih fetusa

    Dataset preparation for swimmer detection

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    Velika količina podataka koja se svaki dan kreira može se upotrijebiti za razvoj algoritama umjetne inteligencije u domeni računalnog vida koji rjeÅ”avaju zadatke poput klasifikacije slika, detekcije osoba i raspoznavanja akcija. Ti skupovi podataka su najčeŔće izrađeni od videozapisa i slika preuzetih s televizijskih kanala ili s druÅ”tvene mreže YouTube i prikupljeni su i pripremljeni za odgovarajući zadatak. Nas je zanimao zadatak detekcije plivača, kako bi se model mogao koristiti za raspoznavanje i unaprjeđenje plivačkih tehnika. Iako danas postoje ogromne otvorene baze slika poput COCO i ImageNet, pripremljene za nadzirano strojno učenje te baze sportskih scena poput Olympic Sports Dataset, UCF Action Sport dataset ili Sport-1M koje uključuju slike popularnijih (gledanijih) sportova, nijedna od njih ne uključuje slike koje bi se mogle koristiti za izradu naÅ”eg modela za detekciju plivača. Stoga je u ovom radu opisan postupak snimanja i prikupljanja video materijala te priprema skupa slika UNIRI-SWM za detekciju plivača. Skup uključuje snimke plivača u realnim, situacijskim uvjetima treninga i natjecanja snimljenih akcijskim kamerama iz različitih kutova snimanja. U radu su dani rezultati detekcije plivača koriÅ”tenjem dubokih konvolucijskih neuronskih mreža Mask R-CNN i Yolov3, naučenim na skupu općih slika prije i nakon učenja na skupu UNIRI-SWM. Rezultati pokazuju da se nakon prilagodbe modela na odgovarajućem skupu slika iz domene plivanja mogu postići jako dobri rezultati detekcije plivača.The large amount of data that is created every day can be used to develop artificial intelligence algorithms in the domain of computer vision that solve tasks such as image classification, face detection and action recognition. These datasets are most often created from videos and images downloaded from television channels or the YouTube social network and are collected and prepared for the appropriate task. We were interested in the task of detecting swimmers, so that the model could be used to recognize and improve swimming techniques. Although today there are huge open image databases like COCO and ImageNet, prepared for supervised machine learning and sports scene databases like Olympic Sports Dataset, UCF Action Sport dataset or Sport-1M that include images of more popular (watched) sports, none of them include images that could be used to make our swimmer detection model. Therefore, this paper describes the process of recording and collecting video material and preparing a set of UNIRI-SWM images for swimmer detection. The set includes shots of swimmers in real, situational training and competition conditions filmed by action cameras from different shooting angles. The paper presents the results of swimmer detection using deep convolutional neural networks Mask R-CNN and Yolo v3, learned in the set of general images before and after learning in the set UNIRI-SWM. The results show that after adjusting the model on the appropriate set of images from the swimming domain, very good results of swimmer detection can be achieved

    Strumalni karcinoid jajnika: prikaz dvaju slučajeva

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    Primary carcinoid tumors of the ovary account for 5% of ovarian teratomas. They are frequently components of mature cystic teratomas or, less commonly, mucinous cystadenomas. Most tumors are seen in peri- or postmenopausal women with symptoms of enlarging mass, or are incidental findings. Microscopically, there are four major variants of ovarian teratomas of carcinoid type: insular, trabecular, strumal and mucinous. One-third of patients with the insular type of carcinoids have symptoms of the carcinoid syndrome. Strumal carcinoid is an unusual form of ovarian teratoma composed of an intimate admixture of thyroid and carcinoid tissues that vary in their relative proportions. Two patients with ovarian tumors showing typical morphology of primary ovarian strumal carcinoid are described.Primarni karcinoidi jajnika čine 5% svih teratoma jajnika. NajčeŔće se nalaze kao komponenta zrelog cističnog teratoma jajnika, a rjeđe kao komponenta mucinoznog cistadenoma. NajčeŔće se pojavljuju u peri- ili postmenopauzalnih žena sa simptomima tumora male zdjelice ili su slučajan klinički nalaz. HistoloÅ”ki se razlikuje četiri glavna tipa karcinoidnih tumora jajnika: inzularni, trabekularni, strumalni i mucinozni tip. Jedna trećina bolesnica s inzularnim tipom karcinoida ima simptome karcinoidnog sindroma. Strumalni karcinoid je rijetka varijanta teratoma jajnika koji se sastoji od različitog udjela tkiva Å”titnjače i tkiva karcinoidnog tumora. Ovdje se prikazuju dvije bolesnice s tumorima jajnika koji pokazuju karakterističnu građu primarnih strumalnih karcinoida

    Evaluation of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures for production of white pickled and fresh soft cheeses

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    In order to preserve the traditional manufacturing of white pickled (WPC) and fresh soft cheeses (FSC), well-characterized autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with advantageous characteristics were applied for the production of the cheeses at small industrial scale under the controlled conditions. Selected LAB for design of defined mixed starter cultures belonged to Lactococcus lactis ZGBP5-9, Enterococcus faecium ZGPR1-54 and Lactobacillus plantarum ZGPR2-25 for FSC production and to Lc. lactis BGAL1-4, Lactobacillus brevis BGGO7-28 and Lb. plantarum BGGO7-29 for WPC production. A sensory evaluation indicated that the cheeses obtained by inoculation with selected autochthonous LAB are similar to the traditional cheese and received the best scores. Viable cell counts of LAB used for the production of both type chesses was high, over 10(6) cfu g(-1). High viability of the surveyed strains was supported with PCR-DGGE, which confirm the retention of selected LAB strains as starter cultures in cheese production. Next, PFGE analysis showed that each single strains, selected in particular cheese mixed culture, revealed unique SmaI PFGE pattern that could enable efficient discrimination and monitoring of the strains in industrial process. As some of the selected LAB strains are attributed as potential probiotics, produced cheeses could be considered as functional food


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    Cilj istraživanja. Utvrditi prednosti tehnike carskog reza Ā»Misgav LadachĀ« u usporedbi s konvencionalnom metodom po Dƶrffler-u. Ispitanice i metode. U Općoj bolnici u Puli obuhvaćeno je randomiziranim prospektivnim pokusom 104 pacijentica. U 49 pacijentica je izvrÅ”en carski rez konvencionalnom metodom, a u 55 izvrÅ”ena je Ā»Misgav LadachĀ« operacijska tehnika. Rezultati. U Ā»Misgav LadachĀ« operacijskoj tehnici u usporedbi s konvencionalnom metodom doka-zali smo da je trajanje ekstrakcije novorođenčeta kraće (p=0,0009), kraće je ukupno trajanje operacijskog zahvata (p=0,0009), smanjena je postoperacijska bol nakon prvog postoperacijskog dana (p=0,021), ranije je ustajanje iz kreveta i hodanje (p=0,013), smanjena je postoperacijska potroÅ”nja analgetika (p=0,0009), vremenski je kraća primjena analgetika (p=0,0009) i raniji je oporavak peristaltike crijeva (p=0,001). Zaključak. Ā»Misgav LadachĀ« operacijska tehnika u usporedbi s konven-cionalnom metodom značajno skraćuje trajanje operacije, bolji su rezultati s obzirom na postoperacijsku bol, manja je potroÅ”nja analgetika te brža je uspostava osnovnih fizioloÅ”kih funkcija. Intraoperacijsko krvarenje, morbiditet majke, nalaz na rani, involucija maternice te procjena upalnog odgovora na operacijski pristup nisu se razlikovali u istraženim skupinama pacijentica.Objective. To evaluate the advantages of the Ā»Misgav LadachĀ« surgical technique compared to the tradi-tional technique of caesarean section. Population and methods. A prospective randomized trial of 111 women undergoing caesarean section was carried out in the Pula General Hospital. 49 operations were performed by the traditional technique of caesarean section, 55 by the Ā»Misgav LadachĀ« method. Results. It was proved that the cases where the Ā»Misgav LadachĀ« method was implemented, compared to the traditional method, showed a significantly shorter delivery/extraction and operative time (p=0.0009), the incision pain in the second postoperative day was significantly lower (0.021), we recorded a quicker stand up and walking (p=0.013), significantly less analgesic injections and a shorter duration of analgesia were required (p=0.0009) and the bowel function was sooner recovered (p=0.001). Conclusion. The Ā»Misgav LadachĀ« method of caesarean section has advantages over the traditional method by being significantly quicker to perform, with diminished postoperative pain and less use of postoperative analgesics. The recovery of physiologic functions is faster. No differences were found in intraoperative bleeding, mother morbidity, scar appearance, uterus postoperative involution and the assessment of the inflammation response to the operative technique
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